So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

A game which you view as shallow gets a 6 or 7?I gave Fallout 4 an 8 which is a massive step down.
It may be a 6 or 7 now.
Remind me why you don't work for IGN again.
A game which you view as shallow gets a 6 or 7?I gave Fallout 4 an 8 which is a massive step down.
It may be a 6 or 7 now.
A game which you view as shallow gets a 6 or 7?
Remind me why you don't work for IGN again.
Just wait for a while longer until the shiny veneer of "LULZ AWESOME SILLY STUFF" completely wears off and he'll reduce it to the 4 it deserves at best.
One poorly written faction with no clear goals or reason to side with them, and two poorly written companions who come off as ultimately generic.I mostly mean Piper, Cait, and the Institute.
One poorly written faction with no clear goals or reason to side with them, and two poorly written companions who come off as ultimately generic.
A lot going for it indeed.
Given it's been a year, I doubt that. The game has a lot going for it and I mostly mean Piper, Cait, and the Institute.
A boring reporter, a typical troubled drug addict with a horrible past and an organisation that doesn't know what exactly it's aiming for beyond vague "improving humanity".
I wouldn't give 3 anything higher than a 7 and that's just as a game. As a game fallout 4 gets a 5 outta 10 because it at least works most of the time. But as sequels holy shit dude they don't even feel like they're in the same universe. 1/2/NV all fit in the same coherent interesting universe but in 3/4 the contradictions, huge and small, and bad world building have kept piling and piling and now it's broken. 3/4 destroy the universe that the original established whereas 2 and New Vegas build on it. That's why we ignore 3&4. That's why we love 2 and New Vegas.I gave Fallout 3 a 10 out of 10 and it's on my "all time favorite games" lists.
I wouldn't give 3 anything higher than a 7 and that's just as a game. As a game fallout 4 gets a 5 outta 10 because it at least works most of the time. But as sequels holy shit dude they don't even feel like they're in the same universe. 1/2/NV all fit in the same coherent interesting universe but in 3/4 the contradictions, huge and small, and bad world building have kept piling and piling and now it's broken. 3/4 destroy the universe that the original established whereas 2 and New Vegas build on it. That's why we ignore 3&4. That's why we love 2 and New Vegas.
XD XD XD stop just stop. Fallout 3 is one of the most poorly written things I've ever played. 4 is too. Both are more shooters than RPGS.I could mention how it didn't have nearly the power, poiganncy, or storytelling.
And yet 3 butchers the lore of the ACTUAL classics. So once again we find more similarities.. I could talk all day and all night about how Fallout 4 butchered the lore and ruined the themes of Fallout 3.
I agree that they aren't the same.But yes, to me when I hear people say that Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are the same it's just a sign not to pay attention anymore. The differences between the two more or less highlight how out of step and out of touch the forums feel to me and why it's frustrating to talk about games here at times. I could talk all day and all night about how Fallout 4 butchered the lore and ruined the themes of Fallout 3.
You aim to deny that 3/4 are full inconsistencies bad world building and bare bones to bad writing? Put it this way the main villain in fallout 3 has NO MOTIVATION. if you deny these ridiculously obvious things then your just a liar tbh.
I agree that they aren't the same.
4 is far worse than a square mile.
But to me that doesn't change how 3 permanently scarred the franchise and created bad expectations of what Fallout should be like.
...It also is grossly hypocritical of a bunch of Fallout fans who love New Vegas because you know there's ANOTHER game about controlling a massive source of water.
We're on the step of "well it's EXACTLY like in the other games" of discussion huh. For one, Vault City is an actual society result of specific causes that are relatable to the player and character as it's a vault akin to theirs. While it's a pretty big part of the first journey as it's a big clue towards the GECK, you don't NEED to set a foot in. It's not key to the fate of the world. It's not got a hand in every little thing around and about yout journey. It's just another settlement that happens to have a high technological level. If anything, it's more like Rivet City if we want to make dumb tangential connections. And you do get railroaded there, but whatever. It even has more points in common plot-wise, with it being the first hint to synths, the Institute and reappearing Madison Li and mentions of others.
hey, you shouldn't complain about being forced to eat dirt. Dirt is composed of the same matter as normal food like sandwitches, for instance!
Except several things.The villain in Fallout 3, Colonel Autumn, wants to have the Purifier. He wants control over an objective military and social resource that will give him control over the region.
Except several things.
1. This Is never stated in any shape or form.
2. The purifier is on the fare south east side. So far away from raven rock he can't possibly hope to hold it.
3. Nobody need the pure water. Nobody except 3 bums everybody else is content and some are even more worried about gathering soda.
4. They plan to kill everybody anyway so what's the point?
Graves, you're forgetting to mix in your headcanon. If you see Fallout 3 for what your phantasy makes of it, it's a total 15/10 game.