The French language is a hoax!

Does anybody like the french?

I don't want to offend any frogs here because there are many wonderful French people (I'm friends with enough), and my own nation doesn't exactly have a 'clean' history if you know what I mean. Despite this I really can't help feeling that France is pretentious, vitriolic, turd of a nation and has been for over a thousand years. They have a long and messy history of aggressive imperialism, racial and especially religious oppression, all the while going on and on ad nauseum about the virtues of French civilization and culture, which naturally they have always felt everyone should adopt.

At least we never held any pretensions of being the cultural golden balls of Europe, we just conquered the world because we could, and because if we hadn't have then Bonaparte would have instead, and gone on to invade us and gift us with the virtuous French culture. Which still managed to be the most self absorbed, class-based load of bollocks in Europe, even after they had guillotined their entire aristocracy.

It took the best part of a thousand years for the frogs to finally comprehend the fact that we didn't want them as overlords, we didn't want any part of the shit and blood stained hypocrisy that was their culture and most of all we didn't want their parasite of an Emperor anywhere near us (apart from to see his precious columns be torn to shreds by musket volleys :lol: ).

Thank you Nelson, thank you Wellesley.

In summary, no, I don't like the French.

Hope this helps.
I like their cooking. The french achivments in the line of cooking and food preperation and generally in the industry of cooking is amasing.

Now then..what about the rest of the french..well...I don't like parisians.

in general there has allways been a feeling of "I am from the city of light and ah dun' like your croisants or cooking it is barbaric and disgusting....everything is much better in paris..yeess" over any french person I have met that have lived and tries to live a parisian lifestyle.
Yoshi525 said:
most of all we didn't want their parasite of an Emperor anywhere near us (apart from to see his precious columns be torn to shreds by musket volleys...

Generalize much?

"there are many wonderful French people". For example:


