the funniest movie!!


First time out of the vault
what do you all think is the funniest movie thats out in theaters? i thought thtat anchorman was the best movie ever and i highly reccomend seeing it! hahaha! tis great fun! :P
porgey_basfeind said:
i thought thtat anchorman was the best movie ever and i highly reccomend seeing it! hahaha! tis great fun! :P

Anchorman isn't out yet... at least not here
I really liked Dodgeball as well, but cant wait for Anchorman. I just wonder.... Did they give too much away with Anchorman's trailer? It shows sooo many scenes that give away so much storyline, haha. And, Will Ferrel seems to go overboard every once in a while.

Im sure it will be better than Elf.....
Dodgeball definitely ruled harder than Shrek 2. I'm sorry.

Also, I'm seeing Anchorman tomorrow. Should be good.
Anchoman was hilarious. On par with Dodgeball and even goofier.

"By Odin's raven..."
How can a comedy be TOO over the top...unless of course its a drama but that would make it not a comedy which anchorman is and i have just forgot the reason im typing this...
perfectdark28 said:
Anchorman was ok, but I didn't love it--parts were hilarious, but others were just too over-the-top.

I'll agree. There were a lot of jokes that went a bit too far, especially in the first 20 minutes or so. After that it got into a steady groove and worked well.
Heh sorry malk, i have popup and ad disabler so all it has is a blank white box and the word AD written in it on all the ad bars. I didnt know there was porn on it, my friend just sent me the link in ms messanger about 2 mins before i posted and since you were on the subject of "jokes gone too far" i put the link in.