The Game

Dule said:
Why dont they relize that you cannot just slap a lable onto somehting and think it will sell just because of the name.

Its like slapping a 'Little Debbie Fudge Brownie' sticker on a turd. No matter which way you look at it or how hard you try to imagine it, the thing just ain't no damn brownie.
The Interplay exec's just arnt in touch with reality any-more.

there conserned with profit, and so they canceled the 1 game that would ABSOLUTELY bring them profit.

I guarentee, that if released, fallout 3 would absolutely bring them a shitload of money... however.. since there too fucking stupid to realise it, FUCK THEM..

and to think, interplay used to be such a damn good company. they used to be the best..
Fallout may have not given them profit, or at least not much profit. They seem to belive that they can earn more by specilizing in the consol market. And myabe they are right, in the long run perhaps they will make more profit. Like someone said they are a large company, and probably knew what they were doing.

However it sickens me that they would have not even given the game a chance. Im positive that the game would have made money, if they had originaly belived that they could have not even made back there cost, they would have not given the go ahead to make it.

I think they are underestimating the Computer RPG market. Yes maybe releasing any old RPG onto the market would not give them much profit, but this is no ordinary rpg. The Fallout name would have been enough (plus the good game it would have been) to sell this game, and earn a profit. Puting Fallout onto a consol game will probablt have little effect in my mind.

Its sad that the game market is heading towards certain types of Genres mostly Shooters and MMORG's or any MM for that matter. Strategy games are falling too I think. What you need is a name to attract attention, in order to get as much of whats left of the market and recive hight revenue. Civilization Sells because of the name. Any old game that may even be better then Civilization would not sell as well. Anywas back to what I was talking about. Puting the Fallout name would have sold it. Just like making a Star Wars RPG probably sold it. Same reason why the movie industry made so many sequals, however that kind of backfired.

Overall they should have followed through with this game, before they decided to quit the PC rpg market.
Well, I pin all my hopes on the talks with Silver Style. If they can hire the BIS people, the franchise and Van Buren, I think I would order the resulting game in every language it was published, just to show them my support :D
i would order two copies in english.. then demand my best friend (he's in AIT right now) do the same.
Elissar said:
to J. E. Sawyer, Fergus, and everyone who made up BIS, we love you guys, we may have given you flack over various things (Fallout Tactics: brotherhood of steel, comes to mind) But in the end, you guys are our gods. And to see you lose all the blood, sweat, time and tears you've put into Fallout 3, what shows at least to me, to have been one of the, or even THE best CRPG of all time... I truly am sorry.

Woah, those pics look exactly what I was hoping Fallout 3 to look like, and it wasn't even done yet. I just hope we get some other great non-fantasy (I don't care for endless caves, orcs, elves, fireballs and what have you) CRPG's in the future.. That Metalheart thing, Wasteland, The Fall (although I'm still thinking it will be too combat oriented, and somehow I don't even like the way it looks.. will still probably buy it though).

I was daydreaming I was a multi millionaire, bought Interplay, restored Black Isle with all the former employees and put Van Buren back in production :roll:

Sigh, they might take our Fallout 3 but at least they can't stop one from dreaming :evil:
Fallout is really the only computer RPG I ever played. I dont care for caves and magic much myself. I did play Arcanum Though. And I like Final Fantasy games. I hate Baulders Gate!!!! even though I have not played it. :)

looks like I Will not be playing any PC RPGs in the future either! !

Unless that new one by Troika is good.
Man all the time everyone was doubting they would do it right in 3D and..look at it, they got it just right. Man why did you have to post these pics, now that I see how good it would have been I get tears in my eyes. :cry:
Great...just great! :evil: Day by day, my hate is growning! THE GAME I've been waiting for since F2, and now they try to sabotage it. At least I can hope that someone gets The Team together again and finish this baby.
BIS: heads up, they (those ass-bursters at interplay) are just a bunch of @&*°#-s, against YOU, hardened-by-the-radioactive-wastes veterans. They have no chance. You have full support. So take no prisoners! Charge!!! :twisted:
Congratulations, BIS. You have made it look almost perfect. So it is possible to make good looking "3D isometric" RPGs. It was probably very hard to put your heart in the development of this game knowing it's very possible that it will get shelved. Cause you probably became suspicios about this much sooner than the fans found out that there are problems. I hope that you guys stay as together as possible when working for the next companies. It's too bad for such a great group to be destroyed for ever. I hope you people will regroup at Troika or Obsidian.

The more i think about it, the stranger the decision to destroy BIS seems. Interplay must have had SERIOUS funding problems in order to do it. Being stupid is not a reason enough. Even a stupid man would realise it's not good to do it... ending a legend and the game most awaited by any "quality gamer" out there, especially after being worked upon for so much time. Maybe the BIG BOSS simply asked "Which one will bring more money? FO3 or PieceOfShit?". And he made his choice. Then is it right to blame all the Interplay? I probably am wrong as i didn't follow all of this as much as you guys, and I don't know exactly who controls IPLY and if that man (those men) know anything about gaming, about it's history and about MORAL OBLIGATION and DOING THE RIGHT THING AND NOT THE MOST PROFITABLE. FO3 would have been profitable for sure. It would have brought the company more fame. Why do they simply prefer MANY MANY money instead of MANY money when there are other things involved? Not destroying BIS would have been profitable too and still they did it. So again, i think they HAD to do it somehow.

I think that petition should be more advertised, just so we'll have a proof of the many people interested in this, for future projects too. I think it can easily reach 100.000 signatures if advertised on big gaming sites. I think by now it's got over 1000 signatures from Poland only :). But i think more should be done too. I don't know how useful emailing IPLY is. Those emails are probably seen only by a couple of "operators". I wish someone could find out exactly who was involved in this decision, and their personal email addresses and phone numbers. I don't want to simply curse them, I want them to regret it after seeing the number of people contacting them.

Shedding tears for a game and waiting for the nuclear war just so you experience some Fallout means it's not just a game. That game changed my life, my preferences (liking post-apoc. movies, collecting that retro music and as much of ink spots as possible :), and designing my website in the 50's style with retro fonts). Well, I admit that Star Control and X-Com made me wish we were attacked by aliens, too :). Games are probably the most complex creation of humans. They can express a lot about the human race, it's history and it's imagination. I'm imagining a situation in 100 years from now, where some people would look at the history of gaming (and game development).
"Well, the RPGs were the closest to our Virtual Reality."
"And who made the best ones?"
"BIS and other people working for Interplay, to a point..."
"Why, what happened to them?"
"Some lamer bent on making BIG BUCKS ignored the part of doing something actually useful and unique and decided to shut it off for an extra 10% profit."

Not much left for us to do but pray for FO3 (and complex, FO2 like games) to be made. I, like others probably, cannot do something if i've already done something like it, but more rewarding. I can't play Diablo knowing there's FO2. I can't play C-S when there's Tribes(2). I can't watch 2 Fast 2 Furious when there's The Green Mile. I can't listen to britney spears after listening to Catatonia for example. How am I to play another RPG again when i've played all the gems like Torment, Fallout and Arcanum? I like the RPG genre the most, but it seems that's only because a few games like those I just mentioned. Everything else pales in comparison with them (what an expression :)). And I don't think i'll live to experience Star Trek-like holospace so I can design my own post-apoc. scenario by voice. Gaming sucks after when there are no more good games to play.

This forum is about to become the one with the most upset members :). Mr. Feargus (if you ever look here again), does CAVELON from the spectrum have anything to do with Chris AVELONe? Probably not but i've always wanted to ask you that :).
I am sorry, just did not read all the previous posts, but..hey..if the game's so half-(quarter-)made, it would be just idiotic, to leave those countless hours of work just out in a garbage. I guess even Titus/IPLPY are not such idiots, so maybe
a)they will not cancel FO3, but fuck it up with another team not BIS (But then why they had to fuck off all the staff that allready worked on it?)
b)they are turning back to PC's and looking forward to console, why they need this engine? Maybe they would sell it along with a license like some junk?
It just cannot be that so much money is wasted, even those idiots are not so big idiots ... at least ... I guess...
I hope those bastards had some economical reasoning and would not let this game concept and engine just die. And, yes, I hope they die in slow agony after FOPOS and FOPOS2 suffers incredible losses.
NCR_Ranger said:
Fallout is to the RPG community what Star Trek is to space opera fanatics.

Long live the legend

The difference being that Fallout kicked ass.

Damn, I really wanted this game.
I'm new here, I've been posting at DAC for some time.

I just want to say that this looks totally AWESOME! Moreover, this dust and shadows sound great, too. Like Mr Teatime said, it looks like F & F2, but in 3D, plus some refinement.
And just think about all the work they put in making the game rules/mechanics, skill system, etc.
That I should think I will never play this game makes me wanna cry, cry, cry. And MAD.
By the looks of it, it seems that more of the objects around the world are more interactive. (Vault Screenshot) The guy next to the punch bag looks as if he’s hitting it. Pretty Cool.

It would be nice to see some more :) *hint* *hint*
Righto. It seems to me that god has a special interest in pissing offthe fallout community, developers and players alike. I guess he's got some kind of divine scheme to balance things out. Here is my suggestion to balance out the cancellations, the false hope, the redundancies 2 weeks before christmas, the screenshots that looked perfect, the waste of talent:

Josh Sawyer, Feargus Urquhart, Tim Cain, Puuk, Briareius, the BIS team who worked on the screenshots and who were so unfairly fired, and Chris Avellone, form a one off company just to make Fallout 3. How about it guys? One for the road, so to speak?

Funding comes from a publisher who sees that Fallout 3 is the popular game on gamespot's chart, who sees the amount of press coverage online and in retail magazines on the un-announced game, and realises there might be profit there. SilverStyle have a load of money, apparantly, they're willing to invest.

This would come someway to addressing the amount of disappointment the community (and developers) has had to face in recent years.
Mr. Teatime said:
Josh Sawyer, Feargus Urquhart, Tim Cain, Puuk, Briareius, the BIS team who worked on the screenshots and who were so unfairly fired, and Chris Avellone, form a one off company just to make Fallout 3. How about it guys? One for the road, so to speak?

Amen to that. And if that's impossible and Fo3 will never be made, I hope the Fo3 developers would team up with Troika and/or Obsidian and make sure that we will get other quality CRPG titles in the future.

Just so long as not all of them are fantasy RPG's.. I've never understood why no one is making more "normal" RPG's? You know, why does it always have to be magic this and magic that. I want a real looking and feeling world, real humans, real guns. I always had the most fun in Fallouts (who the hell am I kidding, I still play Fo1 and Fo2 regularly) fighting against humans, my favorite weapons being the different shotguns..

The only fantasy RPG I've ever really, REALLY, enjoyed was Gothic 2. Arcanum was OK'ish and since I haven't even finished that, I'm looking forward to the holidays to give it a good go. Also I just picked up Torment from the sales bin and I'm gonna have to take a look at that too since everyone is saying how much it rocks.

Ah well I'm just talking nonsense. I'm like everyone else in here, very upset about this whole deal. I was really looking forward to Fallout 3 as a savior of PC gaming. No matter how stupid that sounds, it's how I feel. I can honestly say I haven't enjoyed any game to the fullest since Fallout 2 came out.

The only game that could have made me upgrade my computer just to play the one game in question, was Fallout 3. The only game that could have kept me playing till I have to get up, was Fallout 3. The only game... well, you get the point and now I'll just shut up and drown my sorrows somehow.
Maybe that "BIS DreamTeam" just have not thought of such a solution? Maybe we should give them this advice (approx 10'000 demonstrants go out in the streets claiming Fallout3 [and meanwhile blocking traffic, beating up helpless cana..soorrr]). Maybe we should tell IPLY that they did wrong (with flaming Molotov coctails in slow motion and some experimental Plasma weaps)....

This reminds me of the movie "Lord of The Rings: Two Towers", when Frodo's feels sucky and Sam tells him about stories, where always good guys win and good things triumph. He says that those folks also had to face terrible sorrows and they would give up...but they just would keep up doing what they have to do and so - because of that - there are good endings. Maybe this is one of those stories with negative culmination at this point?

Anyway - thats is rather clear, that Titus/IPLY is an Empire of Darkness and we need some kind of a post-nuclear paladin to help the case. Lets think that white forces have smth prepeared... There is allways VI Episode..

BTW, speaking of RPG's - its hard to me to find RPG, I wouldlove to play. Fallout was the only one. Why? I hate fantasy, I hate goblins, magic stuff (and staff), hate orks, hate wizards and medieval atmosphere. That is why,no fantasyRPGs atract me. What is left are some cyberpunk bastardRPG's that I hate even more. I dont like the idea of electronically upgraded human/animal. Fallout is unique setting and I have not heard any post-nuke alternatives. In working condition, of course. All the Statics, Yurops FMF's and so on would (of course) be rather cool and nice, but they aint just playable. That is why I need Fallout - that is onlyone RG I really enjoyed.Ever. (Not counting DeusEx, which is not quite an RPG.)