Congratulations, BIS. You have made it look almost perfect. So it is possible to make good looking "3D isometric" RPGs. It was probably very hard to put your heart in the development of this game knowing it's very possible that it will get shelved. Cause you probably became suspicios about this much sooner than the fans found out that there are problems. I hope that you guys stay as together as possible when working for the next companies. It's too bad for such a great group to be destroyed for ever. I hope you people will regroup at Troika or Obsidian.
The more i think about it, the stranger the decision to destroy BIS seems. Interplay must have had SERIOUS funding problems in order to do it. Being stupid is not a reason enough. Even a stupid man would realise it's not good to do it... ending a legend and the game most awaited by any "quality gamer" out there, especially after being worked upon for so much time. Maybe the BIG BOSS simply asked "Which one will bring more money? FO3 or PieceOfShit?". And he made his choice. Then is it right to blame all the Interplay? I probably am wrong as i didn't follow all of this as much as you guys, and I don't know exactly who controls IPLY and if that man (those men) know anything about gaming, about it's history and about MORAL OBLIGATION and DOING THE RIGHT THING AND NOT THE MOST PROFITABLE. FO3 would have been profitable for sure. It would have brought the company more fame. Why do they simply prefer MANY MANY money instead of MANY money when there are other things involved? Not destroying BIS would have been profitable too and still they did it. So again, i think they HAD to do it somehow.
I think that petition should be more advertised, just so we'll have a proof of the many people interested in this, for future projects too. I think it can easily reach 100.000 signatures if advertised on big gaming sites. I think by now it's got over 1000 signatures from Poland only

. But i think more should be done too. I don't know how useful emailing IPLY is. Those emails are probably seen only by a couple of "operators". I wish someone could find out exactly who was involved in this decision, and their personal email addresses and phone numbers. I don't want to simply curse them, I want them to regret it after seeing the number of people contacting them.
Shedding tears for a game and waiting for the nuclear war just so you experience some Fallout means it's not just a game. That game changed my life, my preferences (liking post-apoc. movies, collecting that retro music and as much of ink spots as possible

, and designing my website in the 50's style with retro fonts). Well, I admit that Star Control and X-Com made me wish we were attacked by aliens, too

. Games are probably the most complex creation of humans. They can express a lot about the human race, it's history and it's imagination. I'm imagining a situation in 100 years from now, where some people would look at the history of gaming (and game development).
"Well, the RPGs were the closest to our Virtual Reality."
"And who made the best ones?"
"BIS and other people working for Interplay, to a point..."
"Why, what happened to them?"
"Some lamer bent on making BIG BUCKS ignored the part of doing something actually useful and unique and decided to shut it off for an extra 10% profit."
Not much left for us to do but pray for FO3 (and complex, FO2 like games) to be made. I, like others probably, cannot do something if i've already done something like it, but more rewarding. I can't play Diablo knowing there's FO2. I can't play C-S when there's Tribes(2). I can't watch
2 Fast 2 Furious when there's
The Green Mile. I can't listen to britney spears after listening to Catatonia for example. How am I to play another RPG again when i've played all the gems like Torment, Fallout and Arcanum? I like the RPG genre the most, but it seems that's only because a few games like those I just mentioned. Everything else pales in comparison with them (what an expression

). And I don't think i'll live to experience Star Trek-like holospace so I can design my own post-apoc. scenario by voice. Gaming sucks after when there are no more good games to play.
This forum is about to become the one with the most upset members

. Mr. Feargus (if you ever look here again), does CAVELON from the spectrum have anything to do with Chris AVELONe? Probably not but i've always wanted to ask you that
