The Gamespy title fight is rigged!


Vault Senior Citizen
If anybody checked the thread in the News board, it seems that a few people like me have figure out something interesting.

Every time someone votes for FO2, 3 votes would be counted for D2. Every time someone votes for D2, 2 votes would be counted for D2.

It's a conspiracy!

Did someone pay Gamespy for D2 to win?

Did someone write a virus/worm/change the code so this happens?

Damn! :evil: :x
You know, this competition is pretty popular

Didn't it occur to anyone that the D2 fans simply have a lot of macros running to vote?

'k then
Starseeker said:
Every time someone votes for FO2, 3 votes would be counted for D2. Every time someone votes for D2, 2 votes would be counted for D2.

If it were like that, the D2/F2 vote ratio would be much higher than it is.

I think there are people cheating on both sides.
Even with monumental cheating, fallout would still lose to the masses of D2 fans. (optimist side of personality takes control).

NO, no it was a conspiracy for sure. No one plays D2 so who would vote for it when fallout is infinitely better.
The whole thing is rigged. All the games have the legitamate voters and the people who are running cheating/hacking software. The polls are for which game is the best anymore. It is Which games has the best cheaters. :twisted: