The Glow forgetfullness...

SuAside said:
"According to the script you should be able to gain700 xp by playing chess (each game takes two hours) and getting a critical success on an IN check."

so: gain xp IF playing AND crit success.

where exactly in that equation do you see winning? critical success means critical success. no normal success mentioned. a normal success would imply winning, as that is kinda the meaning of the word success. with the current wording, it could be conceivable that you could have a normal success as well, but that that scenario does not award any bonus XP.

you call it comprehensive reading, i call it interpretation (the most likely meaning which Per probably meant, as said), however it's not there in writing.
For fuck's sake, you don't need to lecture me on literal meaning of sentences. As I said *in my previous post* Per *implies* it. What part of the word 'imply' don't you understand?
I believe it was stated in one of the Bibles, when a designer was questioned, you need two critical success rolls... intelligence and luck as far as I can remember.
I think the article you are thinking of was in the Bible from 7-10-02, and the answer came from Jess Heinig:

To beat ZAX in chess, you must score a critical success on an Intelligence check, and ZAX must fail it's check. Very, very rare circumstances.

That's the only thing I could find in the Complete Bible, I hope it's what you were looking for.
Ah yes, my mistake, that was that. Also, is ZAX's control over security robots and stations, and him disabling/opening them governed purely by chance or is SCience or other skill playing a factor there?