The Glow, Glitches, and me.


First time out of the vault
So, my problem is this.

I am running fallout 1.1, 600 MHZ computer( Dont laugh, not mine!), 256 meg ram, WINXP. I am using the Fallout Character editor (Falche.exe). Now, until this point....noooooooo problems.


I just got the crap from the glow, and cannot get to the third floor without it going black and erroring out on me. Also, the doors do not shock me anymore, irregardless of using the keycards(however, usign them still deactivates the field). I can go anywhere else in the glow, no problem. just not to the third floor and beyond.

Now, I have a hex editor...unused!...and I was wondering if there is anyway to hexedit myself to the third floor, and see if I can go from there. Any help would be vastly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
I have my doubts about the hexediting (you'd probably have to edit the map you want to be on as well as save.dat). But did you by any chance mean the fourth floor? Floors 1-3 are on the same map, technically speaking, so I wouldn't expect this error (which has been reported before) to occur when going between them.

If there is already a glow2.sav file in your save directory, try removing it after loading the game but before taking the elevator.
Don't you have any saves close to where you got the crap from the glow? Save, quicksave. save , save ,save, save... I take saves from the folder and stick them in other folders. I'm a save maniac.

I always get to spots in a game where something goes wrong. Or I find I didn't complete a quest properly. Reload. I can with absolute assurance say that I have never played a game straight through to the end. I'm always starting over. Going back to previous saves. Creating every type of player possible.

In bloodlines I played through with ever single damn character. Male and Female. (I was really hoping something different would happen for each character but nothing ever did) I am completly sick of that game now.
Could be a curruted file perhaps? Try coping the Master.Dat and Criiter.dat onto you HDD and replace the ones that are there.
I do have a glow2.sav file. And no, I dont have any nearby saves. But I will try the deleting thing, and get back to you. Thanks, gang. dice on that. I am going to try saving it to a different slot, though I fail to see how that will help. Wheee...
Scybermonk said:
hexedit myself to the third floor

It's probably possible but I doubt anyone will go to the trouble of figuring out how. Every map has a starting location which includes tile number and elevation (level). Somewhere in the save game this should be stored, but I have no idea where.
Well whaddya know ... if you rename that glow1.sav to, it opens in the mapper. And if mapper is set to save as text, it spits out stuff like this:

>>>>>>>>>>: MAP_DATA <<<<<<<<<<

map_ver: 20
map_name: GLOW1.MAP
map_ent_tile: 20100
map_ent_elev: 0

map_ent_rot: 0
map_num_loc_vars: 32
map_script_idx: 478
map_flags: 1
map_darkness: 1
map_num_glob_vars: 0
map_number: -1
map_loc_var: 0 1
map_loc_var: 1 0

So ... convert that starting tile number to hex and you have 4E84 ... open the in hex editor and search for that hex value ... bingo it's at hex offset 16h


When I first opened the map in the mapper it was on elevation 0 (floor 1). Guessing the elevation setting is next to the start hex, yes, it's here at offset 1Bh.


I don't know if this will work, but it now opens to 3rd floor in the mapper. I set the starting tile to 22924 (hex 598C) and changed the elevation to 2 (3rd floor). That places you right in front of the elevator. Try It.

Thank you for shopping at NMA :wiggle:
Damn your good.. How do you figure stuff like that out. Years of experience or just plain smarts? I guess I should play around with this stuff a little bit.
Writing something for things that don't exist can be quite a challenge. Have you tried writing a program to create nanotech A.I. yet? I think i've figured out how to create the nanobots.......I just don't know how to program them, or where to get the parts.
Brahmin said:
You are amazing.
It's much better when women say this.

Brahmin said:
Mutants Rising is in dire need of scripters
I have a lot of things on the slate here, finishing FO2XP mod, writing a new proto editor, helping New Arroyo mod, porting FO1 to FO2 engine, and plans for an FO1 mod. I could possibly help MR with some scripting in the future, but I have a lot of other things in the works.
Yeah, I've been reading about some of your projects and they sound great, good luck with them.

I'm saying this to anyone who has any skill or experiance in scripting, we could use your help.
Good work dude! This has the potential to go a lot further, it would be possible to use this information to make a save game editor that lets you edit game properties.

But since the *.sav is in theory teh same format as the *.map, would it not then be possible to just extract the *.map file from the master.dat file and rename it to glow1.sav? So if the player has a bug on a given map he could just restore the map and start over again. This would be great for people who have made a previos save game.

In fact it would then be come possible to make a 'Town Restoration Tool' that when run gives the user to option to chose what town to restore to the original state. I could probably throw together a simple batch file that does this. It would be usefull for testing and for people who want to keep playing the same town over again without restarting.
The mapper crashed while saving, so I'm not sure yet. It made a .txt version but it may be incomplete. The crash may be just because the protos are not compatiable with FO2 or something. I will look into this more later, atm I am deeply immersed in understanding derived critter stats.