"The Glow" New game on Fallout2 engine!

Who known how made script procedure which will see what skills you chose/select in character creation?

I want made subclass system (remade professions idea) It mean every skill will have 5-6 new subclass which use the same skill. Before game start dialogue window will open and here you can select specify skills.

If you select small guns then you may select specify weapons you want use. You will get that gun in game begining in inventory, and during game only buy ammo. Or some GVAR will change traders, so you can buy only that type of weapon.


-UZI : short machine
-ASSAULT : long machine
-PRIMITIVE : Red Ryder or self made guns

-KNIVE : short blades, small domage but quick
-SWORD/AXE : big blades with good domage but slow
-HEAVY SPEAR : like helaberd
-THROWING SPEAR : less domage but better range

-PHYSIC : normal doors and lockers required lockpicks or keys : THIEF
-ELECTRIC : terminals required electric locpicks or password : HACKER
-EXPOSIVE : you can use dynamite to break trough rock barriers : DEMOLITION MAN
-CROWBAR : rusty doors can be open only by use that item and strenght : CROWBAR
-EARPHONE : to open safe you need hear some "click" inside : BANKER
-SHOVEL : treasures can be hidden underground and need dig them up : EXPLORER

Mostly they will be upgrade kits, also you can find broken weapons and repair it
REPAIR: armors, guns, melee
UPGRADE: armors, guns, melee
BUILD: use G.E.C.K item
OTHER: take skin from animals may need to use this skill (or outdoorsman)

SKNING : take skins from animals
MINING : find gold or geology hammer
SHAMAN : use wild herbals to made drugs
TRAVELL : chances for new areas or compass to quick enter worldmap
SHELTER : make fire and house in desert (or repair:build skill)
FOOD : take HP from animals or plants

SUN : to use solar gun
ALIEN : to use alien blaster

PS. Stop trash this thread by some lazy drunkyard offtops
Who known how made script procedure which will see what skills you chose/select in character creation?
You can use this command, it returns the pointer to a tagged skill (if I understood the question correctly):
is_skill_tagged (int)
Where int is integer number of a skill (0-17), see "define.h" for more info.
Thats it! Thanx

I almost send you PM with that question because you are only person i known who used such procedure in mod.

Anyway what you think about extend Survivor mod by subclass idea? Select weapon subclass may increase chances for ammo they use, so you may even find every guns, but some limit made you to use only specialised gun.

Pistol : 44
Uzi : 10mm
Assault : 5mm
Sniper : 223
Shotgun : 12
Lich said:
Anyway what you think about extend Survivor mod by subclass idea? Select weapon subclass may increase chances for ammo they use, so you may even find every guns, but some limit made you to use only specialised gun.

Lich, sorry, but this is a stupid idea if I ever heard one. The great thing about SPECIAL and Fallout was that one could've learned to use ANY weapon, given enough time to level up and train. This is not some kind of Baldur's Gate or Sacred "only Paladin can use this weapon" bullshit.
Silencer said:
Lich, sorry, but this is a stupid idea if I ever heard one. The great thing about SPECIAL and Fallout was that one could've learned to use ANY weapon, given enough time to level up and train. This is not some kind of Baldur's Gate or Sacred "only Paladin can use this weapon" bullshit.

I second that.
HAH You are wrong! :o
Because Uzi and Shotgun are different weapons that need specialise training to use it properly!

Engine limitations made that only way for solve idea is to made:
-more or less ammo you can buy or found
-take only one gun from some kind in game begining
(so you will use only or mostly specialised gun)

The same will be for other skills for example fev ways to open something. You need specialise, because its hard use lockpics to break into terminal and simple metal lockpics its not the same like electronic lockpics- need specialise.

Compare to Paladin sword from BG would be good if i made specialisation in pistols which have different caliber (paladin sword was just some blessing long sword) But as i said Uzi and Shotgun are totally different so made here specialisation was not bad invention!

Anyway you make me to invent new subclass from small guns:
-Silverbullet Colt that made double domage to ilusionist and his pupil
Lich said:
HAH You are wrong! :o
Because Uzi and Shotgun are different weapons that need specialise training to use it properly!

Yes, I know, and only Marines with a Crux Terminatus decoration can wield Terminator Armor. :roll:

Lich, sorry, but I just lost all interest in your project. There is a fucking world of difference between "I can learn to use one type of weapon better" and "I'm forced to use only one type of weapon because my class/training/character-creation-choices forbid me from using others."

In other words, by your logic, there can't be a warrior skilled with both a Shotgun and an Uzi?

Good Luck, Lich, but I think your project will suck if you apply your ideas to it.

You are a talented modder, good at making new graphics or whatever, but you have no utter fucking idea about what the Fallout setting or the Fallout gamesystem is about. Either educate yourself in that field, or join a larger modding team and put your talents to good use under someone elses designs.

Although I've read previous 4 posts several times, I'm affraid I didn't understand the whole thing right :dizzy:
Select weapon subclass may increase chances for ammo they use, so you may even find every guns, but some limit made you to use only specialised gun.
This part is quite confusing. Some more clarification would be appreciated...
1. You select a weapon subclass (I suppose by Tag!ging the Skill in Character creation.)
2. In game you get more ammo for this particular type of weapon (looting containers with scripts etc.)
3. However, the character can't use other weapons than the type he selected (A script watches what's equipped in hands?)

At least that's what I understand, you've got to excuse Lich's English.
In the fallout world ammo should be rare. If you specialize in a gun (example giving uzi a 10% bonus) its kind of realistic so I don't have much problem with that. but I hate the idea that you can find more ammo for your favorite gun. For easy battles you would uses other guns to save the ammo for your favorite gun.

off topic I have a little request. Could you make a weapon pictures for horrigan's plasma weapon and knife? I believe MIB88 could use this for his mod and since you made some great new ones I thought you where the man suitable for this job.
Yes, yes, indeed it is more clear now. But how those "specialisations" should work then? Shotgun and UZI are the same weapon class (Small Guns)...
Please dont make another diablo with guns mod, we already got Haris Mod.(although haris mod has a few good ideas like fishing or creating stuff from junk)
Ok i made that script and its work just fine

-near every skill you see how many they got subclass
-before game start dialogue window open with extend of character creation (probably one from best inventions in F2 modding)
-here you may specify your training
-when you select every subskills then appear "Start Game" option in menu


Ofcourse most peoples will fear new system limitations, but it also put new possibilities. Weapons subclass seem already made only limitations, but its just begining. Probably i will start from Repair and Outdoorsman extension, where you get new possibilities.

Things known from BSM project like:
-rock hammer
-heavy drill
-spear upgrade kit
-tarot cards
Will turn into tools available for specify skill subclass.

For example:
Gasmask may be tool for Outdoorsman = Severs Explorer subclass
Item that need some extra training to use properly

All system begin when i think about alternate skills, then professions and finally turn into "subclass" idea (it may be also known as "skills upgrade v3")
Language mistake, but maybe good idea? I could change flame thrower into gas sprayer- new cubclass in heavy guns heh.

I found how solve guns problem:
Every gun will have two clones, which one is little "broken". It mean he got +X AP -Y Range -Z Domage =suffer from untrain, problems with accuracy and wielding.

Procedure will be placed in obj_dude script
if dude has normal weapon and GVAR_untrain then remove it from inventory and place broken clone
else do nothing

So you may find or buy any weapon, but when you take it- will be changed into one which is more dificulty in use. The same may happen to any item (tool)


I made that script and its work, you even cant see how quickly engine turn one weapons into another- similar, when you take them to inventory. Demo available on BSM site.

Lich, i won't deny this isn't really clever scripting but i think you've take it a bit too far - surely it'd be better if it applied only to small guns: pistol, smg and rifle ... big guns: rocket, flamerthrower, and minigun ... energy: should check science and use check for other weapon animations ... Melee: blunt clubbing instruments, hammers, knives, spears.

I'd like to see this idea implimented in something like survivor but not so much in a whole new uber complex mod of its own. Unless you plan on creating at least 10 different weapons for each subclass so there can be a decent progression it doesn't seem like much fun.
New ideas are very risky, thats why i sterted new project: Glow. Mostly its just ground for new experiments, inventions. I dont think anybody will want play it, but surely it can be interesting for moders searching "new ways".

Subclass system may work only when you get team and every member have few good talents. Single player will only get into trouble that way because put him into many limitations. So there is two ways to get that system work:

A- Turn "extend character creation" into "team creation" it mean you may create attributes for team members and get team from game start. This would be great breaktrough to create all team in game begining. Possible but dificulty. Basicly its set some global vars that NPC will import to his local vars. NPC will be placed in starting area depend on what you chose: man or woman wearing some armor. You can select skills for that person and use that person as "walking tool" using in dialogue options. So you can set repair for your team member and ask him for upgrade your weapons.

B- System will work only as "starting equipment". If have some skill it is possible that character collect during his life items connected to it. Chose small guns may give you simple way- pistol. But using subclass you may specify what gun is best you like to wield. For example Mad Max: armor-leather armor, small guns- shotguns, repair- some tools, and lockpicks. So you can start game as any character you imagine instead of build that image during game. So already when you want play character similar to max: you must hard collect items to look like. Ofcourse you can get other inventory during game, but its better when start game and have some specific items, instead of "born" when you start game- naked without any armour or equipment.

Option A is hard but revolution, B easy and interesting.

Am only not sure about start game with minigun or bazooka on hands, and start game as tribal in small village. First: it must be develop low-tech items in every skill. Second: start in neutral ground where you can be everyone. Probably best option is when you are NOT born in Arroyo but are healthy visitor hired by Elder to solve thier disease problems. And you may start with big gun on hands but very rusty pre-war junk from world war2 with small ammo. That way it should work.

Probably i will include system B into Black Steel mod because it seem to be already ok. Anyway its good idea develop new ideas in Glow playground and then take it to Fallout2 mod.