The Importance of Debating Religion Issues Online


Antediluvian as Feck
Okay, so for once I'm glad that we have so many fucking discussions and debates and even mudslinging around here when it comes to religious issues.

Why? Funny story that just happened a few hours hours ago.

Okay, so at 6 pm I go to this Engineering Physics presentation expecting some pizza, pop, and some boring lecturers. One out of three ain't bad, but it would've been nice to have that fucking pizza and pop that they advertised in order to get us students to go there. All was not lost though, since I saw toresica there as well, so I at least had a friend to talk to while we were waiting for for the information session to get started.

I had to leave at 6:50 because I had my night class, Religion and Anthropology, to go to in the basement since it was going to start at 7. On the way, I start thinking about how I'm going to have to finally start hitting the books for that class since the midterm is coming up next week.

So I go in the lecture hall, and I'm greeted with the unpleasant sight of a biiiig pile of blank mini-notebooks to write essays in and a few grad students getting ready to inviligate. Oh, and the nice big ANTHRO 2R03 MIDTERM written on the blackboard.

And it's in essay form.

And it's two hours long.

"Ooooooh shiiiiiiiiiit..."

So here I am, not having read a SINGLE page of the required readings and missing two and a half lectures on top of that to boot.

But I'm in luck! I've actually soaked in some knowledge when browsing through the General Discussion Forum and TO in the religion debates looking for all the awesome flame wars, insultings, whinings and point/counterpointings! And I actually DO pay attention to the lectures that I have been to! I actually understand religion and how to interpret specific aspects of it despite never doing any studying on it!

The essay questions called for specific examples out of the book, lectures, and films watched during the lectures. I could think of quite a few examples from the lectures and films, but as for specific religion philosophers and examples cited from the book I was pretty well fucked.

But meh, I understand all the basic concepts, so why not write about them and use examples I *do* know from outside of class? Like from here?

After the two hours was up, I had six pages of relevant examples and descriptions of the requested topics on religions. When I handed it in, I told the prof that (honestly) I must have heard him wrong when he moved the midterm from the original date to the alternative one, because I thought it was next week when he actually moved it to tonight. Along with that, I told him that I was consequently not prepared at all with examples from the course sources, but I did have a somewhat solid understanding of the topics off-hand and had used several examples from things I DID know straight from the top of my head. He said that he understood my plight and that he would take that into consideration when grading my midterm.

This midterm is worth 45% of the final grade for the term, so hopefully you fuckers educated me enough to get a good passing grade.


CCR is still a bigoted bastard, but at least he's somewhat worth my time reading! :razz:
Wow great story, seriously. You got to remmember to tell us what grade you got.
Kick-ass! Who ever said sitting behing a screen wasn't good for your education.
I think this thread deserves this-
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
What was it on?
Had to pick three out of five essay topics.

I picked "Applying Anthropology to Religions and their Symbols", "Trances and Ecstatic States", and "Priests and Prophets".

I wrote down the usual spiel for the first essay, since almost every anthro test asks that. Also, I talked about the crucifix and the swatsika. Particularly the swatsika since I could compare how the Nazi political party used it in Germany and how Buddists use the mirror image of it for good luck. Prolly a couple of other things as well.

For Trances, I talked about the Snake Handlers that you find in the south-east states of the US and the Shaolin monks of SE asia. I also went into detail about how it's a Rite of Passage for a few Native American tribes, at least in the past, to have an adolescent go off into the woods for a few days without nourishment in order to have their defining spiritual visions in order to be recognized as a full-fledge member of the responsible adults in their society.

"Priests and Prophets" was good because I was pretty intrigued by what the prof said about them in lectures, so I knew my shit there. Basically describing how priests are there to control the beliefs and population while prophets are there to show the flaws in a belief system and help others who are being oppressed.

I'll be sure to report my grades.

Damn, I can't believe that the worst nightmare that any student can have actually happened to me in reality...
Sounds fairly interesting. I have a few classes like that at the UofC (anthropology, European history)...most of my classmates are fuckwits, but I wrote an essay like yours on the origins of the muslim Crescent, interesting stuff.

Class average: 73%

My grade on a two hour essay midterm that I didn't know I had which I wrote on an empty stomach and having read barely 2 pages of the required readings: 73%!

Ahh... hmmmm.... Maybe you need to spend more time with your books and less time spamming on the internet?
Ozrat said:

Class average: 73%

i saw a story on 60 minutes about this, grade inflation right?

Yeah but i have to say this is the first time ive heard about anything other than news discussions come in handy in real life.

Flake said:
i saw a story on 60 minutes about this, grade inflation right?

Yeah but i have to say this is the first time ive heard about anything other than news discussions come in handy in real life.
Flake said:
Thanks! :D
Yeah but i have to say this is the first time ive heard about anything other than news discussions come in handy in real life.

that basicly means:

Ive never heard of forumites actually being able to use knowledge gained in any forum in real life, except for current event stories.

the first part was just some form of humor, poke it with a stick and see if it magicly becomes funny.
Ozrat said:
Class average: 73%
That seems suprisingly high for a class average. Especially when you compare to things like Physics where averages usually range in the low 50's

Flake said:
i saw a story on 60 minutes about this, grade inflation right?
Uhh... our average marks aren't usually that high.
Ozrat said:
Okay, so for once I'm glad that we have so many fucking discussions and debates and even mudslinging around here when it comes to religious issues.

I haven't been here long... But I know enough to tell you, that's not mud. ;)