The Incredibles

Damn expensive cinemas, you have.

$5 An expensive movie in Poland be.
Cinemas suck arse anyway.

I'd rather watch it at home when it's out on Video/DVD/rental/TV.
There are less morons, you don't have to watch half an hours worth of pointless trailers, there are less unexplained sticky patches on the floor, you don't miss half the film to fight your way out to the toilets, you don't have to pay £10 to get in, £4 for a drink and £6 for a pitiful amount of popcorn, you don't have to watch on a pointlessly huge screen and you don't get deafened by the sound.

The only problem is that you have to wait 6-18 months to see it, by which time all the idiots that went to the cinema to see it will have already told you the plot. They will also yammer on incessantly that all the things you hate about cinema-going are actually great.

Oh - and there's no fresh popcorn at home (well, unless I can be bothered to make it).
$16 is ridiculous!
$5.50 is not bad for a student discount

There's this "nice" place i know of (Golfglen cinema on Golf rd and 294) where you pay $4.50 and that's regular price. The catch: I don't think the floors have ever been cleaned because it's like walking on glue, and your ticket is printed on a piece of toilet paper.