RE: Into The Darkness
*Max is sitting down staring at the floor*
Max- Theres got to be something I can do, I cant let them die!!
Voice- Oh they will Die and there is nothing you can do about it
*Max looks up*
Max- Who are you?!!!!
Voice- Im am The supreme commander of the CND, and as of now my vertibirds are desimating your friends, it shouldnt be long now, oh in just a little wile I will controle texas, then NCR, then San Fransico and then...oh I could go on for days, to make matters short I WILL controle the world
Max- Your a mad man!!!!
General- Hardly......why am I wasting time with you,
Max- When I get my hands on you.....
General- Oh please, I dont have the time now to hier your pitful threats, I have come here for one reason only, were is the NTA Command Base?
Max- Do you think im stupid, Like Ill ever tell you!!!!
General- We have ways of making you talk, Tell me...are you afriad of darkness, pure darkness, no sounds, no one to talk to, complete and utter darkness, the human mind can not stand long periods of time without someone to speak to or listen to, youll go mad,
Max- Thats it? thats suposed to make me talk?
*Suddenly the room turns black, so black that nothing can be seen, like in a deep sleep*
General- Goodbye, will touch, hahahah
*the voice fades, and total silence drifts over Max, a cold, cold silence*
OOC: I know its long but thats some pritty good wrighting you must admit