The invasion of Texas pt.3

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RE: the general

*As Smaug and Reptile charge down the hill Smaug snaps off rapid fire with the M60, decimating CND soldiers and Reptile takes out close range targets with bursts from the SMGs*

Smaug: Come on, We're nearly there!

*Suddenly they notice a grenade flying towards them*

Reptile: Shit! grenade!

*The two leap into separate holes to escape the superheated plasma blast wave. Meanwhile, the mutants and soldiers are getting dangerously close...*

Smaug: *Loads a new belt into the M60 and grabs a grenade*
(shouting) Reptile, on the count of three, get up and charge!
1...*pulls the pin of the grenade*
2...*hurls it over his head*


RE: the general

As Smaug and Retile jump up and start mowing down some more CND soldiers, they see several CND-guys drop down. They look in the direction where the bulletspray came from, and they see Ceasar lying on his belly, firing a licht support weapon.

Ceasar- Look what I found !

Enemy fire directs they back to the battle. With the help of Ceasar, the killing gets even easier. Smaug blasts with his M60 more CND soldiers, Reptile is on a killing spree, and Ceasar erects a large pile of empty shells next to him. When there are only CND soldiers left, they decide that if they don't run fast, they're gonna end as fertilizer, so they run. Another small victory for the NTA.
RE: Kill em all

*the group (smaug reptile cesar) are running against the bike......

A coupple of enemy solidiers are standing around it One of them screams
Guard: Captain they are coming against us
Captain: Blast them away u idiots!!!!!!!!!
Guard: eat this *he fires a sniper rifle against Cesar*
*all the solidiers start shooting one of them with a Bozar the others are mosty using small arms......*

Smaug dives for cover and sticks his M60 up from his hole and start fireing in all directions
Cesar jumps behind a rock and start shoting from there.......

Reptile tryes a stunt he jumps down a hillside and gets in cover behind a tree but a big ugly mutant armed with a Flamethrower is allso there Reptile sticks his Gausspistol in the chest on the Mutant Blam and as the mutant falls down he picks upp his Shawed of and Blam there is mutant blood flying around.........

Cesar: shit out of ammo..... *takes a
"Nail granade" eat this he throws it at the enemy solidier a it explodes the air is filled with small nails the casulties are heavy

Smaug stands upp fireing his M60 on anything that moves.....

Cesar draws a .223 pistol and a UZI he start fireing at all the enemys......

Captain: Fall back u assholes......
Solidier: Ye...Arrrghhhhh as Cesars .223 bullet cuts through his chest....

As the enemy soliders tries to retreat upp a hillside and out of range from Cesar and Smaug
Cesar shit they will snipe us easily from there.......*throws his empty UZI to the ground and picks upp FN Fal
Smaug: DIE!!!!!! *sprays a stream of lead over hte enemys*
But just as the first enemy is getting in cover the whole air is filled with fire all the enemys solidiers are getting burned alive and as the Fire and smoke dissapears Smaug and Cesar sees reptile Smilig coming downwards to them.....
Making bacon !

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-00 AT 03:57PM (GMT)[p]Ceasar- My MAN !!! Thanx ! Where did you get that ?
Reptile- I blasted a mutant for this. Neat huh ?
Ceasar- Heavy, I like the light support weapon more.
*a CND soldier fires at Ceasar*
Ceasar (hit in the arm)- FUCK ! *puts a bullet in the soldier's head* CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE I'M TALKING HERE !?! Moron..
Anyway, what now ? Do we know how far the CND penetrated the city ? Do we know anything at all ?

OOC: It's funny how you guys mostly get my nick wrong.
The secret plan

In the CND base's secret chamber

The master and his trusted mutant advisor confer.

"It is time we liquidate these insolent humans. Have your men found the old drive in yet?"

"Yes. 3 miles outside the city, like the files said."

"And were the nukes still inside?"

"Yes sir. All 8 thermonucluear warheads."

"Excellent. Start moving them out. I want to pay NEw Arroyo a little visit."


Will and the rest of the group are pinned down inside an old Wal-Mart by heavy enemy fire.

Will fires with his gauss rifle when suddenly it is sot right out of his hands, ruining it.

"Damn. That was a nice rifle too."

He picks a M-16 of a dead NTA troops body and resumes firing. He hears Ceasar's minigun going off, but can't see him. He suddenly notices the CND seem to be falling back rapidly.

"Where the hell are they going?"
So, ya bastards just make me the N.T.A. idjit while im gone,

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-00 AT 05:59AM (GMT)[p](OOC) Hey sorry i havent been postin school ya know. and i been travelin. hey so where am i? i guess what ill do is get outta the battle to go to a secret NTA base, to pick up some "recent advances")
* Greven, realizing the mutants had been held off, hops back in his APC and shoots off to an undisclosed location near New Dallas. When he arrives, he goes to the C.O.'s office and has a chat wit im.*
Greven: Sir, the battle has been won, for now, but I think we should deploy the Cobras we've been workin on.
C.O.: Hmmm... Greven, to any other man I would refuse, but to you, I'd be glad to give you access to them, and all the pilots and armaments you think you'll need. Also, you can take up to 6 Transport Choppers to carry supplies and re-inforcements.
Greven: Sir, thank you.
CO:No problem Greven. Dismissed.
*Greven runs to the huge hangers where he finds 31 pilots, 2 for each Cobra, plus Greven. Realizing they'd need weapons, he arms HellfireMk6 rockets for ground work, Wraith Mk2 A-A missles, and dual 40mm guns for general work.*
Greven: Boys, ol' Grevens gonna come save the day!
RE: So, ya bastards just make me the N.T.A. idjit while im g

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-00 AT 02:28PM (GMT)[p]ooc-So you ARE still alive! By the way, we aren't picking on the NTA. You guys kick ass.

ic-Will and the rest are confering in an old hotel. The enemy army has apparently crumbled under a fierce NTA attack. However, mutant activity has been spotted near an old drive in.

Will- "I wonder what they want with that old drive-in."

An NTA sergeant walks up-"I've been thinking that it might be a secret arms cache. The U. S. government set them up everywhere to ensure U. S. supremacy after a nuclear war. It didn't work as it was supposed to, as you can tell. Most have been raided."

Smaug-"That makes a lot of sense."

Ceasar-"Yeah. We'd better check this out."

Smaug-"Hope Greven gets back in time to help us."

Will-"We can't wait. I want to check this out."

RE: So, ya bastards just make me the N.T.A. idjit while im g

*after several hours of climbing Max finds some super stimpacks and usees them, they contiune down a small sewer tunnel*
Bob- does this tunnal ever stop!!
*they come to a clearing, there are two mutants and three floaters*
Cassidy- Dam, what do we do now?
*Max notices something*
Max- Holy shit!!!
Bob- What?
*behind the mutants is a vault, coverd in some kind of boilogical goo*
Max- oh no!!!
Bob- what!!!
Max- its like the storys siad!!
Cassidy- What stories!!
Max- the stories about the vault dweller, my ancestor!! its the master.......he behind all of this, he should have been dead, will have to finish the job!!
Bob- are you crazy!!! god knows how many mutants are down there!!! what do we do fight them all off!!!
Max- no we sneak in, i got a plan
*Max steps out and walks toward the mutants*
Mutant- Who you!!!
Max- Im the generals advisor, me and my companions have important news on the war, we have deafeted those insolent men!!
Mutant- waaaaa.....ok, you may pass
Cassidy- oh shit it worked!!
Max- you guys stay here, if im not back in 10 minutes, get outta here and tell will
Bob- well, ok, good luck!!


*the group is hiding out in an old hotel, suddenly sounds out side grab there attention*
Will- whats that?
*he looks outside and seas swarms of floaters and other creatures massing on the streets, one soldier standing watch outside gets attacked, luckly he gets in*
Smaug- Soldier, what happened?
Will- are you all right?
Soldier- I....I........
Ceaser- oh shit....hes dead
*Will checks him*
Will- he has massive radioation poisoning, one peck from a floater did this????
Smaug- looks like we got a bigger problem
Ceaser- If its not one thing its another!!!!
The Cavalry Arrives

*As the 16 Cobras head off towards the battle site, Greven can hardly keep from wondering if his companions are okay...*
Greven: Lt. pick up the pace we've gotta go save the day.
*When they arrive near the battle site, Greven notices a ton of large blips on the radar around a small nubmer of NTA trackers..*
"Whats goin on, more muties? Lt. tell me when we're in visual range.
Lt.: Yes sir.... SIR, You had better lookit this!
*Greven looks at a small monitor connected to a video camera and sees..*
*As the transports move to land, Greven thinks.
:Hmmm.. We could problably take out a good number of them until they could get G-A weapons out... That could give the transports enough time to load and pull out:
*Greven informs the Lt. of his plan, and with out further adeiu they streak off, all weapons arming, and Greven hoping the Titanium 5inch think shell was enough to protect the transports and Cobras...
Back in the Hotel....

Ceasar- Ok, I have some experience with floaters. The best thing to fight 'em with is a bozar, but we don't have one. If I recall right they have almost no armour, but are though none the less. So we need something that can burst and really packs a punch...
I'll use this light support weapon, and someone else can use my avenger. If you only have something like a grease gun, stay here, or you'll get greased yourself.
Ok, let's roll !
RE: Back in the Hotel....

Reptile: Havent u forget something? one of the "Toasted" solidiers that we were fighting a time back didnt u remember that one of them had a bozar(check for your self)..... i did pick it upp *takes it down from the back* but i am not that good with Big Guns so can we change weapon Ceasar......
Ceasar: hmm i like this thing a lot but Hell I'll get a bozar ok thats a good trade
Reptile: fine *checks the magasine...*
Will: i am almoost out of Gauss ammo does u have any reptile?
Reptile: nope they goes fast as hell against all these enemys.....
Will: then i can use the Avenger...... *Gets it*
Smaug: and I'll use this old M60 it rocks....
*a few solidiers join up with them all of them are having High DMG weapons the rest of the solidiers are getting redy and takes sniper position at the windows....*

The Killing Fields

Ceasar- I can't believe I forgot to go after that ! I've been searching for that weapon a long time ! Thanx man ! By the way, can I borrow your knife for a sec ?
Reptile- Sure. *hands him the knife*

Ceasar uses the knife to scratch off the CND logo on the bozar.

Ceasar- Here you go, thanx. Now let's rock this party !

Ceasar, Will, Reptile and some NTA soldiers, who are mostly packing "ordinary" miniguns, run down the stairs. Ceasar goes first, and after he turned the last corner of the stairs Will, Reptile and the others, who were slightly behind, hear two blasts from Ceasar's bozar, about 5 floaters drop and then a loud "FUCK !". Seconds later Ceasar comes running back.

Ceasar- Fall back ! FALL BACK ! They are comeing up the stairs ! We'll take them from the top of the stairs.

Everybody runs back up the stairs.

Ceasar- There *huff* aren't only *huff* floaters. I saw some *huff* other creatures ! They looked like *huff* horribly mutated brahmin ! Gimme a sec to reload this. Watch out, they're coming !

As the group of floaters and centaurs turn the last corner, the whole group opens fire together, and a rain of bullets hails down on the unlucky first couple of floaters. This not only has the effect that a pile of about 10 floaters are knocked into a corner, it also creates the unlucky situation of 7 people that must reload at the same time. And a stream of Centaurs is just coming their way.

Reptile- SHIT ! *empties a .223 pistol in the head of a centaur*
Ceasar (just finished reloading his bozar)- EAT THIS ! *mows down about 5 floaters/centaurs*
bozar- *CRNCK*
Ceasar- AW, FUCK !!!! IT'S JAMMED !!! *starts shooting randomly at the creatures with a .223 pistol*
RE: The Killing Trapp

*a centaur kills the first NTA solidier
and another solider is pulled down the stairs*
Reptile: God DAMN U Motherfuckers *Draws both his Gausspistols and start shoting the centaurs are pinned back for a second that gives the NTA time to retreat and as reptiles both Gausspistols klick he can safely retreat him self covered by a few miniguns....*
Reptile: FUCK i'v only got 7 Gausshots for each pistol left AND that cant be enough to kill all these motherfuckers.....
Ceasar: thank u for pinning them back a little but we wont be able to hold them back for long.....
A solider: AARGH they are coming the consentrated fire from 2 miniguns a coupple of sidearms Ceasars .223 and reptiles Microuzi is tearing the charging creatures appart.....
Reptile: Se u in hell Slimeball *as he shoots his shawed of int the "Face" of a creature......*
RE: The Killing Trapp

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-00 AT 05:53PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-00 AT 05:52 PM (GMT)

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-00 AT 05:51 PM (GMT)

Will fires desperately with his M-16 rifle at the advancing horde.

"Damn! There are too many of these things! Are they cloning them are something?"

Ceasar, who is trying to fix the jammed bozar, replies. "I wouldn't be suprised."

*meanwhile at the drive in*

8 rusty trucks drive up to the theater and start to load the nucluear warheads up. Suddenly the CND chief walks up.

"What the hell is this."

The lead mutant smirks.

"None of your buisness, old man. Your time is up. We will rule the CND now."

A mutant sneaks up behind the gaping CND leader and hacks his throat wide open with a knife. The CND leader falls to the ground, squirting blood.

"That will take care of him. Finish loading the nukes and start towards your targets. The master hungers for revenge."

The drivers nod and head towards their trucks. The lead mutant himself gets in with the payload heading for New Arroyo.
Killing The Trap

Ceasar finally pulles the jammed bullet from the gun.
Ceasar- WHAHAA ! *loads a clip of .223 into the bozar*
EAT THAT ! *shoots two centaurs, and loads a new clip*
AND THAT ! *kills another centaurs and makes the float sacs of 2 floaters look like and umbrella caught in a shower of hail. A penetrating stench rises from the now disabled floaters. Ceasar loads another clip*

WHOHOO !! *shoots through 3 floaters and a centaur who were stupid enough to stand behind eachother*

All this give the rest of the group plenty of time to kill, reload, kill, reload etc. A short time and a lot of bullets later, no floater or centaur seems to dare to go around the corner.

Reptile- I think we got em all, let's check it out...

The group carefully goes down the stairs, and walks over the most rancid mess they ever have seen. Down the stairs, it seems that they killed all the monstrocities.

Everybody- YEAH, WOHOO, ALL RIGHT, etc.

Ceasar- Now, let's check out that drive in, and hope we're not too late.
RE: The Battle for Human kind

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-00 AT 07:55PM (GMT)[p]*luckly for Max the two mutants were really stupid, he continues throught the hall ways of the vault, flesh covers the walls and calls out to him, hes close....*
Max- this is so fermilier,like i have been here before, whats that?
*he notices some docters working on a giant mutated creature, max sneaks over and looks at a computer, it shows instruction and a plan, a closer look shows that there is a base not far from new arroyo*
Max- so thats were the mutants are coming from, how did they hide the base, we should have found it!!!
Doctor- Hey!! who are you what are you doing here?
Max- of the masters servents, he wantes to know how far are you in your work
Doctor- well, the new creatures are ready, three were made and sent to the base, they are nearly indistructable!!! no one will be able to defeat it, hial the master!!!!
Max- uhhh yea hial the master!!!
*Max finds a long hallway, his head starts to hurt, he heirs there voices reaching out to him from the walls, max knows, hes here, the masters liar*
Master- you insolent humans, you will parish and we will rule the world, no one will stop us!!!
Max- you have a thing with vaults dont you, and i here that one person did defeat you!!!
*there is a glimps of fear in the masters eyes, atleast, max thinks its his eyes...*
Master- you will die like all the other citys i have taken, along with new arroyo, those primitive scum, you all will die!!!!!
*Max is shocked, there heading for new arroyo, the master must be stopped!!!
Max- my ancestor the vault dweller defeated you once!!! I will finish the job!!!
*the master shows fear now, the one man that defeated him, the vault dweller, he knows he lives inside of max*
Master- Die!!!!! Die!!!!! Die!!!!!!!
*they both open fire*

.......and so begins the battle for humanity......
RE: Killing The Trap

*The group wade through piles of slaughtered creatures and emerge from the building*

Ceasar- Quick, we've gotta get to the drive-in!

*As they round the corner, they spot a few more floaters/centuars heading towards them up the road*

Smaug- Looks like there's a few more!

*Smaug opens fire with the M60, the rest follow his lead and the beasts are torn down in seconds by the barrage of firepower that ripped from the barrels of many weapons*

Will- Keep going!

*As they approach the drive-in, they hear the sound of trucks moving*

Smaug- Oh shit!

*The group start running towards the drive-in*