The key to a galactic wide empire....

Important News for those who don't already know:

I am the supreme ruler of everything. This universe, the other ones, you, your mom, your house, the pr0n on your computer, I rule it all.

That said, this is my 1000th post on NMA.... I love you all :ok: :ok: :ok:

King of Creation said:
Important News for those who don't already know:

I am the supreme ruler of everything. This universe, the other ones, you, your mom, your house, the pr0n on your computer, I rule it all.

That said, this is my 1000th post on NMA.... I love you all :ok: :ok: :ok:

Fine then you rule, I'm the creator. Which means I CREATED YOU! Now I'm off to make another universe.... :D
King of Creation, you tell us that you love us all, followed by a smilie bending over and revealing it's buttocks? A not very subtle sign you want hot anal sex from the combined membership of No Mutants Allowed?