The Legality of Using S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


The Rival of Roquefort Hall
I avoided making this thread because it might go under "stupid questions thread" or "I'm not your lawyer." territory. However, I had a different idea floating in my head and I think this might help me get my thoughts in order.

Can Bethesda sue someone for using SPECIAL? It did sue Mojang for using the word Scrolls and some indie dev having the word Fallout in the title of its game. I doubt Bethesda can sue someone over the use of one or all the SPECIAL stats. I don't really care much about them spelling it as SPECIAL which I suspect is the only reason Bethesda like this stat system.

I could use CLASSIC but I don't really like using less conventional names of stats. However, I guess that it might actually be necessary. What to rename them as?
ITT: People that recommend GURPS

On a side note: I'm sure whatever you're dreaming up, as long as you're not planning to sell, market or widely publicise your 'thing' then it's unlikely that Bethesda will ever even be aware of you or your use of 'SPECIAL'

Just crack on I say.
It is just a thought on how much changes is necessary. Is scrambling the letters enough? I heard certain game mechanics are patented so it must be nightmare to develop a game without accidentally stepping on a patent.
Scramble the letters, don't use a less clever pipboy substitute, and stray from suing the word vault. I won't correct that typo for obvious reasons.
While I would not test this out myself :mrgreen:, I am still under the impression that US law does not afford protection for a general way of doing something; (which makes the legality of software patents seem absurd). I've read that [though they may still try to sue], one could copy the D&D rule manual almost verbatim ~as far as the game rules go; just so long as they don't use D&D specific names, art, and fiction in the work.

*Does [or did?] it still work like that, or have they screwed it up even worse in the recent years? [IE. allowing for silliness like copyrighting the word 'Mutant', or the color Brown.]
one could copy the D&D rule manual almost verbatim ~as far as the game rules go
If you think about it, SPECIAL(Minus Luck) is just a reworded version of the traditional D&D abilities.
Strength = Strength
Perception = Wisdom
Endurance = Constitution
Charisma = Charisma
Intelligence = Intelligence
Agility = Dexterity.