The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Senator oTO
So eum... Is anyone here into this? And did anyone see the new trailer that was shown at E3 yet?
I did, and I have to say, it really looked different than what I'd expect a Zelda game to be. Much darker.
I'm not saying I think it's gonna shite, but I do think I'll need some time to adjust to this new style.
Can't wait to play it though.
Zelda = gay.

Seriously, play a real man's game, with blood, tits, ninjas and shit.
I think it looks HAWT and plan on having it make my babies as soon as I get my gamecube back... ARGH. Why is it taken when all the nice games come out :(.
I think it'll be a while till it comes out though.

Fall this year or something is the last thing I read (which might not be very accurate, granted).
I always loved the Zelda series with its puzzles and combat, but mostly the creators never-ending ability to constantly make new things that always feel "fresh". I did however dislike the childish undertone that arose in "The Ocarina of Time" and was evident everywhere in "Windwaker". Needless to say the idea of Link being a man and not a child seem really good for telling a better story. Though they were never particularly interesting at least it wont be annoying in a cute way.

The Vault Dweller
Why would OoT be more childish than say A Link to the Past? I agree that TWW was very VERY childish; aimed at a young audience.

Did anyone else freak out when they saw Link change into a wolf...?
clercqer said:
Why would OoT be more childish than say A Link to the Past? I agree that TWW was very VERY childish; aimed at a young audience.

Are you saying that because of the graphics? I wouldn't call TWW any more or less childish than any other Zelda game. On some occations I'd say it even was more mature than any other Zelda to date (notably the final battle with Ganon, and the prevailing dark theme when you got furher into the story).
Wouldn't say that. OoT was much "scarier" in some places that TWW ever was. Yes, I guess the graphics added a lot to the effect of playing more of a youngster's game. Something the creators intended I might add.
Don't get me wrong: I think the graphics of TWW are very slick and I liked the game very much; I was merely describing the "feel" of the game when I said childish. I didn't mean it with a negative connotation.