First time out of the vault

Hi everyone!
I'd like to write a story (or some stories) in the world of Fallout set in Europe and to be more precisely in Italy.
Everybody of us know that in the 2052, Europe was heavily dependent on oil imports from the oil-rich states of the Middle East and responded with military action to the rapidly rising oil prices that were damaging its economy, starting a series of terrible global conflicts known as the resource wars. Limited nuclear exchanges in the Middle East led to levels of global panic and fears of a global nuclear war.
From what I've read it seems that only the Middle East has suffered from nuclear attacks.
However I imagine that there were also attacks aimed at Europe and Italy too.
In 2060 the war for resources in the Middle East ends, the European Commonwealth dissolves and a war begins between the states that were part of it.
Here I imagine nuclear weapons were used again and it seems there was no winner.
In 2077 we have the great war between China and America. The nuclear attacks take place across the Pacific Ocean I imagine because of a shorter distance, so I don't think there could be bombs that fell by mistake on our soil (European/Italian territory).
Somewhere, maybe in the Fallout bible, I read that other states also begin to launch attacks from one side or the other.
However I read that by now in Europe and especially in Italy absolute anarchy reigned so I see it as unlikely that a government or military force would worry about launching missiles against nations so far away but it could also be.
In short, what is the situation about the bombs, radiation and survivors in the rest of the world and especially in Europe/Italy?
Especially, have the various companies that developed in America had the opportunity to open offices in these areas? I am referring to companies such as Vault Tec, RobCo, H&H Tools, Poseidon Energy, Mass fusion, Nuka Cola, Corvega, etc… because I think a story in the Fallout world is not the same without mentioning those companies.
Surely the good things to do is contacting people like Chris Avellone, Tim Cain or even Todd Howard.
Thank you for your attention and for clarifying my ideas.
I'd like to write a story (or some stories) in the world of Fallout set in Europe and to be more precisely in Italy.
Everybody of us know that in the 2052, Europe was heavily dependent on oil imports from the oil-rich states of the Middle East and responded with military action to the rapidly rising oil prices that were damaging its economy, starting a series of terrible global conflicts known as the resource wars. Limited nuclear exchanges in the Middle East led to levels of global panic and fears of a global nuclear war.
From what I've read it seems that only the Middle East has suffered from nuclear attacks.
However I imagine that there were also attacks aimed at Europe and Italy too.
In 2060 the war for resources in the Middle East ends, the European Commonwealth dissolves and a war begins between the states that were part of it.
Here I imagine nuclear weapons were used again and it seems there was no winner.
In 2077 we have the great war between China and America. The nuclear attacks take place across the Pacific Ocean I imagine because of a shorter distance, so I don't think there could be bombs that fell by mistake on our soil (European/Italian territory).
Somewhere, maybe in the Fallout bible, I read that other states also begin to launch attacks from one side or the other.
However I read that by now in Europe and especially in Italy absolute anarchy reigned so I see it as unlikely that a government or military force would worry about launching missiles against nations so far away but it could also be.
In short, what is the situation about the bombs, radiation and survivors in the rest of the world and especially in Europe/Italy?
Especially, have the various companies that developed in America had the opportunity to open offices in these areas? I am referring to companies such as Vault Tec, RobCo, H&H Tools, Poseidon Energy, Mass fusion, Nuka Cola, Corvega, etc… because I think a story in the Fallout world is not the same without mentioning those companies.
Surely the good things to do is contacting people like Chris Avellone, Tim Cain or even Todd Howard.
Thank you for your attention and for clarifying my ideas.