The Master and the female Super-Mutants


First time out of the vault
Hi everyone.

If I'm here today, registered and all, it's because something troubles me about the end of Fallout 1. I haven't done Fallout 2 nor 3 yet (not even Tactics or New Vegas) so please do not spoil those games in your answers).

I chose the dialogue way to "beat" the master in the cathedral at the end of the game. In that way, the plan is to prove him super mutants are sterile. I had an authopsy report from the brotherhood of steel about super-mutants sterility so i thought about showing him that proof with the line : {Of course, I do! Here it is . . .}. It didn't work.
I think I just misunderstood the meaning of this answer so it's not important.

What's bothering me is the dialogue line wich worked. I asked him to ask his mutants about this matter, he told me they told him they weren't sterile and then I used the probably famous line : {Did you think to ask a female mutant?} and it worked, he destroyed himself and his headquarters! Here, I do not understand. He answers {Reasonable. One moment. Are you sure? What about the other females? It cannot be. Be!}.

What does that mean ? Does that mean he realizes there is no female in his ranks (I haven't seen one but I've seen females waiting for a transformation so I guess all mutants have the same gender)? In this case, I find this plot end quite silly ! How come he hasn't understood yet there was no "females", being the master and having all this scientists around him ? Maybe it means that only females are steriles but my character isn't supposed to know that : he only have a authopsy report of a sexually unidentified sterile individual ! :o

So I decided to ask this question to Fallout experts : what has the master suddenly understood when my character told him to ask female mutants ?

Thanks a lot and sorry for the maybe bad english writing, I'm French
Well the issue of female Super Mutants is ambiguously answered with "They're there, we just didn't make separate models for them." It isn't spoiler, but FO3 did similar in their depiction of Super Mutants in that BOTH "male" and "female" looked identical. So you didn't "uncover" that the Master's army has no female Super Mutants. You just saw something that wasn't there.

As for why the Master "had" to ask a female, this is because the "signs" of sexual reproduction are different between men and women. The popular phrase "shooting blanks" arose due to the phenomenon that men could still ejaculate, despite being infertile. Women, however, when being "barren" cease all monthly cycles. They aren't moving any eggs around from tubes to uterus, so the process stops all together. The Master was probably being explained that none of the female Super Mutants were ever undergoing normal monthly cycles. Additionally, it's also possible that he simply asked if ANY of them were pregnant. Since this isn't a question that the men could answer, it would once more have to be directed towards the women.
Thanks for the answer. Pieces of the puzzles fits more easily in my mind, now. But now I'm sure that the master, like all his followers are quite dumb, having not realized it. Maybe there are so enthraled in their faith they had been blind on some obvious matters as this one.

Just another question, now. I suppose when you tell "we just didn't make separate models for them" you speak about the game developpers. So, in that case, why is the super mutant Vree authopsied described as "sexually unidentified" ? Looks like the fact there is no female super-mutants modelized is also true in the story.