The Matrix Online


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Man, I can't wait till this comes out. You can go in every building in every room, you can jump building to building, reallyl cool combat gameplay, you can creat your own character, you can interact with characters of the game, Im gonna stop, theres too much...Heres the official website...
u can jmup fprm buildinf to buildign adn cool conbat gaemplay adn INETRACT wtih charatcers in teh gaem!!! t3h l33t!!!
Ratty said:
u can jmup fprm buildinf to buildign adn cool conbat gaemplay adn INETRACT wtih charatcers in teh gaem!!! t3h l33t!!!

lewl omg how do u think theyl do bullettt t1me? =]
Bah! The Matrix is the equilevent Cyberpunk for Dummies. Add this to the fact it's yet another MMORPG, and you have the perfect formula for a worthless game.

Anyone want to bet that you will be killing rats early on in the game?
Kotario said:
Anyone want to bet that you will be killing rats early on in the game?
Don't be absurd!

You'll be killing those little robot bugs from Matrix 1. And when you are strong enough, you might even be ready to take on black cats (deja vu effect, first movie, anyone?).

Of course, my theory assumes the game will take cues from the first movie. On the other hand, if it's as shitty as it looks, it will most likely be heavily inspired by Reloaded and Revolutions, the only two movies in the history that managed to make combat scenes utterly boring.
I know Matrix is cyberpunk for dummies but since there are no plans for Shadowrun 2, this will have to do.
Kotario said:
Anyone want to bet that you will be killing rats early on in the game?

There is no dishonor in killing rats. In fact our holy father, The Vault Dweller did that on the begin of his holy quest for the water chip.
okay guys, joke's over. enough with the leetspeak crap.

oh! and Enter the Matrix was "entertaining"...for a while, worth the 20$ i paid for it.