The MIRV - spoiler


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So whilst on my first playthrough, I found a crazy crazy weapon in the National Guard base. It is called the MIRV. You basicly only use it once. All it is, is a Fatman that launches 8 nukes at once. That's right, 8 nukes. How pointless of a weapon is this? It seems to me that Bethesda only cares about the OOooOo- AhHhHH factor of nuclear energy in this game. I have yet to find one scernario where this weapon could be useful. The only time I used it, it dropped one of the nukes about 10 feet in front of me, (no thanks to my low big guns skill) and killed me. Is this just an psuedo easter egg item? Thoughts anyone?
What exactly is wrong with a shoulder mounted tactical nuclear launcher? I have you know they are not that far from something that once existed

Have not been to the Nat Guard armory yet to find this weapon tho, where is the place on the map or where do you uncover its location at?
The national guard armory is the easternmost thing in the game. The MIRV is in the bunker, which you need a password for. I just used the unlock command on it.

tmm 1 unlocks all map markers, and since theres a perk that does that anyway I just went ahead and used it since I just want to check out all the cool stuff.
The problem is, it fires more than one nuke, so its kinda a fire and cant use anymore weapon. To get the National Guard building you need to travel far east at the top of the city ruins. You'll know your close as you can't enter the city from the north. Once you get that far, follow the ruins that block you going east. It's guarded by two protectorons. You will see it.

BTW, I know all about the Davey Crocket, and it never was, and never will be a viable weapon.
ShatteredJon said:
The problem is, it fires more than one nuke, so its kinda a fire and cant use anymore weapon. To get the National Guard building you need to travel far east at the top of the city ruins. You'll know your close as you can't enter the city from the north. Once you get that far, follow the ruins that block you going east. It's guarded by two protectorons. You will see it.

BTW, I know all about the Davey Crocket, and it never was, and never will be a viable weapon.

And fallout is in a game world many many years into the future with mutants and ghouls, your point exactly?

Just because the real world one failed does not mean it could not have been perfected in the fallout universe. I still chuckle when people whine and moan about it in game when something so similiar was actually researched in real life.
as i understood it, the problem with the crocket was that it killed the operator. And this fat man bullshit happens very close to you
You brought up the Davey Crocket remark, not me Mr.Blonde. It's good that your opinion differs from mine, actually makes you worth argueing with. I was argueing the fact that Bethesda ruins the whole nuclear appeal from the original games, not the fact that that weapon isn't viable in the fallout universe.
ShatteredJon said:
You brought up the Davey Crocket remark, not me Mr.Blonde. It's good that your opinion differs from mine, actually makes you worth argueing with. I was argueing the fact that Bethesda ruins the whole nuclear appeal from the original games, not the fact that that weapon isn't viable in the fallout universe.

I know you were not, I was just getting a quick jab in at the people who went raving mad when they heard there was a "nuclear bazooka" in the game when something actually exist in the real world so similar to the fat man.
mrblonde2000 said:
What exactly is wrong with a shoulder mounted tactical nuclear launcher? I have you know they are not that far from something that once existed

Have not been to the Nat Guard armory yet to find this weapon tho, where is the place on the map or where do you uncover its location at?

500 meter safety range, hello? It's been discussed to death, and the Fatman is still an infinitely retarded weapon.
mirv looks awesome!!!

fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!
ive already played the game through twice and i couldnt agree more with that statement....i mean what the hell, i love the game and all and ive been waiting for about ummm...5 years for it? but could there possibly be a more pointless weapon in the game? (referring to the 8shot and the single shot) there isnt even a point when you need it, the plasma rifles repaired fully are just as damn good and theres never enough of a group to warrant such an explosion.

mabye its got some AI to make the targets all turn around and look at the least i know i get distracted when someone shoots a mini nuke at me, lol
Tyler said:
fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!

I don't think you realize that you just self-owned yourself.

Randomness isn't a part of game design. The Fatman is retarded in it's conception, design, execution and gameplay design.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Tyler said:
fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!

I don't think you realize that you just self-owned yourself.

Randomness isn't a part of game design. The Fatman is retarded in it's conception, design, execution and gameplay design.

don't forget about those supermutant behemoths!! what are they even doing there? there was no such thing in F1!! that doesn't fit in the universe at all.

enough with the sarcasm. I have tons of fun while I play F3. so you keep your opinion and spread it further. cause it matters. I'm gonna go play some more before work. :wink:
My problem with the Fatman and the Behemoths stems from the fact that the game provides absolutely no explanation on why they exist. They are just there. That, in my mind, is supreme laziness. Critique wouldn't be so harsh if Bethesda would actually define their world and the things in it beyond the statement of just existing.
Tyler said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
Tyler said:
fat man is only retarded because it wasn't in the original games :clap:

how dare they put such a new and random stuff into this game??!! heretics!

I don't think you realize that you just self-owned yourself.

Randomness isn't a part of game design. The Fatman is retarded in it's conception, design, execution and gameplay design.

don't forget about those supermutant behemoths!! what are they even doing there? there was no such thing in F1!! that doesn't fit in the universe at all.

enough with the sarcasm. I have tons of fun while I play F3. so you keep your opinion and spread it further. cause it matters. I'm gonna go play some more before work. :wink:
good thing you didnt say FO2...because there was a supermutant behemoth...and dont even say frank horrigan wasnt a behemoth or a mutant!!
Sorry to bust your bubble my friend, but Horrigan was nothing but a super mutant in power armor. I guess you could call him a behemoth, but remember, it states in FO:3 that the mutants made in DC are much different than the west coast ones. There is even some evidence in computer terminals that leads to this idea.
thats the spirit!! say your gonna bust my bubble then softly agree with what i said! lol and i dunno about different, they look kinda how i expected them to...
When I said behemoth, I didn't mean it in a literal sense, but more in the "WOW! This guy is a behemoth!" And as for them looking the same, you are correct, but they arent the same. Read the info in vault 67 to see that they are made from a different FEV strain.
Frank Horrigan is widely lambasted as a terrible idea.

Also, strike for Tyler for trolling.

Also also, the fact that they were custom-made with FEV shows that Bethesda doesn't get it. Super Mutants were an accidental side-effect, not the goal of the FEV project.

Lastly, the Fatman is a stupid idea due to the treatment of nuclear power in the Fallout universe, the fact that you can stand 10 meters away without anything happening to you, and the principle of a 'boss weapon'.