The NEW AND IMPROVED 7 Deadly sins for the next-gen.

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ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Fifteen hundred years after the Roman Catholic Church introduced the original list of seven deadly sins, a Vatican official last week suggested an updated roster for a new age.

The Vatican has updated the list of mortal sins to relate to the age of globalization.
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Although it doesn't reflect a change in official doctrine, the expansion of sins brought on by technology and science aligns with Pope Benedict XVI's emphasis on communal rather than individual piety, observers say.

In an interview with L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti said priests must take into account "new sins which have appeared on the horizon of humanity as corollary to the unstoppable process of globalization."

In the 21st century, he said, "You offend God not only by stealing, blaspheming or coveting your neighbor's wife, but also by ruining the environment, carrying out morally debatable scientific experiments, or allowing genetic manipulations which alter DNA or compromise embryos." Video Watch what sin looks like in the 21st century »

The original deadly sins -- mortal sins that require absolution for the sinner to avoid hell -- are pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. They have been vividly portrayed in literature such as Dante's "The Inferno" since the Middle Ages.

Girotti is second in command at the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican body responsible for confessions and absolutions.

In his L'Osservatore interview, Girotti said pollution and genetic engineering, as well as drug dealing, abortion, pedophilia, social injustice and extreme wealth were now on record as mortal sins, those the Church deems most offensive to God and those that could land you a spot in hell without repentance.
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* Vatican official suggests new list of 'deadly sins'

"In different times, in moments of history, cultural moments, technological moments, sins dress themselves up, so to speak, in a different way," the Rev. John Wauck from Rome's Pontifical University of the Holy Cross told CNN.

"The underlying sin tends to be the same -- a variation of a theme of selfishness, a lack of respect for others, of lying, cheating , stealing or killing," Wauck said.

In the modern age, people find new ways to commit the seven deadly sins.

"Our wrath has new outlets and we have new technology with which to deceive people or even kill people," Wauck said.

Technology is a blessing, he said, but it can also be a danger. Take pollution, for example. Wauck said it's a variation of the original mortal sin of gluttony or selfishness.

Protecting the environment comes from the Bible's book of Genesis, he said: God created the world and placed man in it to thrive and not destroy. But the population explosion and the production of extremely toxic materials make the stakes much higher.

"We're seeing now that the kinds of sin that have an impact not on particular individuals -- I stole my neighbor's property or I damaged his property -- but [rather] I polluted in a way that damaged the entire environment, which doesn't belong to me and doesn't belong to my neighbor either. It belongs to mankind and so it's a sin in a certain sense against all of us," Wauck said.

Pope Benedict XVI "wants every person to stop and think about their actions and how it affects not only their own soul but the community and the world at large," said CNN's Vatican correspondent, Delia Gallagher.

"I think he thinks that by doing so this, by making people reflect on what they are doing, in the long term that is what is going to create a better world."

Girotti last week delivered his decidedly modern revision of deadly sins at the end of a weeklong seminar for priests and deacons on the sacrament of confession.

In Catholic teachings, professing one's sins before a priest in confession is the only method of absolution. But Girotti told the audience of several hundred clergy that some worshippers believe priests have fallen out of touch.

He pointed to a 10-year-old study taken by the Catholic University of Milan, which found that 30 percent of worshippers in Italy didn't believe a priest was necessary to atone for one's sins. It also found that 10 percent thought priests were actually an impediment to forgiveness because they were so out of touch with the ills of modern-day Catholics.

The communal aspect of Catholic behavior is one of the hallmarks of Pope Benedict XVI's tenure. The pontiff has long warned against "dangerous individualism," a state that can cause "enormous difficulties for social cohesion."

Addressing Girotti's confession refresher course, the pontiff lamented what he called "a certain disaffection" with the sacrament within his flock.

"Those who trust themselves in their own merits are, as it were, blinded by their own 'I' and their hearts harden in sin," he was quoted.

Quote from Wikipedia

On March 9, 2008 the Vatican newspaper published an interview with Bishop Gianfranco Girotti (head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican body which oversees confessions and plenary indulgences), in which he listed seven modern social sins.[3] [4] These "social" sins were given as follows:

* Environmental pollution
* Genetic manipulation
* Accumulating excessive wealth
* Inflicting poverty
* Drug trafficking and consumption
* Morally debatable experiments
* Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

It is unclear to what extent these are intended to be new categories of deadly sin, and to what extent they are merely examples of sins. The American Catholic weekly America in its March 10 2008 editorial blog has criticised the mass media's interpretation of the interview:

The Vatican's intent seemed to be less about adding to the traditional "deadly" sins (lust, anger, sloth, pride, avarice, gluttony, envy) than reminding the world that sin has a social dimension, and that participation in institutions that themselves sin is an important point upon which believers needed to reflect. [5]

All I have to say about this is......


*Edit* For an institution that prides itself on its traditionalist viewpoints, and for not having a major change since the days of freaking Rome, this is unexpected.

*Edit* And , you should think, in their frame of mind that sinning today should be related to todays equivilants. No, Lust and Sloth are out, but BIRTH CONTROL IS IN! .... Doesn't those 2 sins cause the use of birth control.... i mean... come on.

That's one of the reason why I'm proud to live in a secular republic. Deadly sins... :rofl:
I'm just thinking about one of my favorite movies, Se7en, with Kevin Spacey, and laughing.

Se7en 2, Where Kevin Spacey drives around and kills People at Abortion Clinics, and Oil Executives.


* Accumulating excessive wealth
* Inflicting poverty

Anyone else on the floor laughing and drooling from the hypoCRAZY of that statement, coming from the Vatican?
dopemine said:
for not having a major change since the days of freaking Rome, this is unexpected.

Ah yes. Another victim of the American school system. Do some research on the subject, please.

That said, it's interesting how CNN presents these news.

And , you should think, in their frame of mind that sinning today should be related to todays equivilants. No, Lust and Sloth are out, but BIRTH CONTROL IS IN!

Out? No. Nothing's out.

There is just no new definition of the sin. Lust has been around forever and hasn't changed much, it's a basic animal instinct.

Drug consumption = sloth
Polluting = greed+sloth

That said, regardless of my own view on the subject, and I'd be the first to say that three* of these new definitions of sin are ambiguous and questionable, I don't think you're even trying to understand the matter. Here:

Wauck said:
The underlying sin tends to be the same -- a variation of a theme of selfishness, a lack of respect for others, of lying, cheating , stealing or killing

- Genetic manipulation
- Morally debatable experiments
- Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

This last sentence bothers me the most, I think it's a think-fart from someone in CNN. "Human Nature" is an oxymoron. Unless he's talking about physiological issues, i.e. forcefully grafting arms on people's heads and the like.
Wooz said:
dopemine said:
for not having a major change since the days of freaking Rome, this is unexpected.

Ah yes. Another victim of the American school system. Do some research on the subject, please.

That said, it's interesting how CNN presents these news.

You so pwned my argument. Even though you are correct in your statement, it's kinda harsh to say that since that I wasn't making a logical point, more than a personal expression.

In retrospect, the bending of the doctrine to kiss up to the times isn't that unexpected, but It's the changing of a part of the Catholic framework that is something intended to be set in stone
dopemine said:
It's the changing of a part of the Catholic framework that is something intended to be set in stone

The idea, yes. The details, no.

Even though you are correct in your statement, it's kinda harsh to say that since that I wasn't making a logical point, more than a personal expression.

Reading through the rest of your 'logical points' in this particular thread, one can think that you were being Totally Cereal.

Anyone else on the floor laughing and drooling from the hypoCRAZY of that statement, coming from the Vatican?

Eheh. Good point, although the Vatican hardly holds anything even resembling the wealth and power it did before the council of Taranto. It's not as today's Vatican is the same as Borgia's.

It's as looney as saying Germans would never willingly invest in Polish businesses nowadays, because "THEY ATTACKED US IN '39".

I don't know, man. I don't see this as a bad idea, as a lot of the ultra-radical pig-headed Catholics refuse to see beyond the strict dogma, unable to grasp that i.e. antisemitism and 'killing in the name of' are both entirely against what the Church stands for.
Reading through the rest of your 'logical points' in this particular thread, one can think that you were being Totally Cereal.

I don't deny it.

I don't know, man. I don't see this as a bad idea, as a lot of the ultra-radical pig-headed Catholics refuse to see beyond the strict dogma, unable to grasp that i.e. antisemitism and 'killing in the name of' are both entirely against what the Church stands for.

I'm not against it, but the Church it's self doesn't seem to understand that this is a step in to wrong direction. Making a NEW dogma is still feeding to the fire the problems of having a dogma in the first place. The list itself is pretty broad and general, and because of that, fails to root out the core of the "Sin" or whatever equivalent they are getting at. It makes the whole moral argument even more diluted and murky, makes people take the church less seriously "Which could be a good thing or not.", and creates a new and upgraded race of automatons.
dopemine said:
the Church it's self doesn't seem to understand that this is a step in to wrong direction.

I don't know on what grounds you base this assumption.

Making a NEW dogma is still feeding to the fire the problems of having a dogma in the first place.

Uh. Everything's fine and dandy with your statement, but nobody's making a new dogma. These things are direct applications of the previous seven 'deadly sins'. Think of it as "Deadly Sins Today For Dumb People" instead of a new definition or new dogmas.

As for Sin itself, the definition is pretty simple: treating people like objects in one way or another. What? Do you seriously think the things listed as 'sins' are good in any way?

I don't know if this discussion has any sense anymore, your high-school level unconditional anticlericalism simply... bores me.
I'm impressed that someone is addressing this issue and of course glad.

If destruction of anothers persons property is wrong due to it being done in hate then its only appropriate to say that destroying the environment is an act of hate as well. However simply reading the Bible or any church doctrine you'd never see a thing saying that it's wrong to destroy the environment. Nice to see them acknowledge the times and also understand the meaning behind the words.

The Vault Dweller
I think its rather a mistake for people to think that the Catholic Church remains a feudal institution with feudal beliefs.

IN fact the Catholic Church has embraced evolution and has long been a supporter of scientific research and inquiry. For many Catholics its not that science is anti-God, but rather that science is a vehicle for understanding God. Most Catholics are not literalists when it comes to the Bible, but use the stories of the Bible, especially the old testatment, as a guide rather than as a history.

One thing I have always liked about Catholicism is that it embraces the idea that "we are exploring the mystery of God."- Which is basically an admission that, "Hey, God is a big concept and we don't really understand it all." I appreciate that honesty.

Sure there are very dogmatic Catholics, but these guys are generally idiots looking for a ideology.

As for the deadly sins. - I had a rather interesting conversation about the seven deadly sins and the virtues and how they manifest in regular daily life.

In that sense I think we could apply the seven deadly sins -

pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.

To this list.

On March 9, 2008 the Vatican newspaper published an interview with Bishop Gianfranco Girotti (head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican body which oversees confessions and plenary indulgences), in which he listed seven modern social sins.[3] [4] These "social" sins were given as follows:

* Environmental pollution

Sloth with regard to stewardship of God's gift. Greed in our efforts to exploit it. Gluttony in our willingness to consume.

* Genetic manipulation

= Greed, pride envy and lust

* Accumulating excessive wealth

Greed, gluttony, and sloth. Maybe envy- the keep up with the Jones's mentality.
* Inflicting poverty
Greed and Gluttony. Failure to respond to poverty is sloth.

* Drug trafficking and consumption

Greed and sloth I suspect

* Morally debatable experiments

I think this is the sin of pride. To think one knows better than others, and is beyond moral reflection.

* Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

Anger- ethnic cleansing, genocide,

I can see where other deadly sins fit this.

So I don't see anything here but rather that this is an expansion of the seven deadly sins to modern life- a reinterpretation?
In the future, it will be a sin to 'lay with a xeno as one would lay with a female human,' mark my words. And then ten years later, an ammendment will be made to that sin adding 'unless you're a female human of course, and thus, shouldn't lay with anyone who's penis is smaller than two inches.'

Then again, who am I kidding, we're all going to die in 2012 when the Lord commeth for thy laseth timeth forevereth.