The Next Step in Shaving?

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I started my internship Monday which requires me to wear a suit and be clean cut. Generally I try to keep shaving to a minimum because I’ve been told I look better with facial hair. Anyway, I forgot how much of a bitch it is to shave everyday and I just come across this ad on Facebook: It’s called the Rolling Razor, a dual headed blade that supposedly somehow superior to my Gillette mach 3 turbo. Anyone here used this yet?

Check out this link:

Also if we are all that bored this could be the treated as the what do you shave with thread.
Honestly, if you have a Gillette Mach 3 turbo you shouldn't whine. Shaving is hardly "a pain" with those sissy-ass razors.

(and yes, I have Mach 3 myself, but I'm sure not going to whine about the few minutes of skin-tickling it inflicts on me daily)
Its not that, its more like when i seen this ad i had two thoughts one being are two heads really necessary and other was that it would be really cool if it actually improved shaving.

The only thing i might be whining about is getting a small bloodstain on the inside of my collar where i cut myself shaving.
Von Drunky said:
The only thing i might be whining about is getting a small bloodstain on the inside of my collar where i cut myself shaving.

Another great reason why I shower after I shave.
Paladin Solo said:
Von Drunky said:
The only thing i might be whining about is getting a small bloodstain on the inside of my collar where i cut myself shaving.

Another great reason why I shower after I shave.
I do shower after i shave.
You never had a cut reopen on you before? I cut my throat it was bleeding, I stepped into the shower the blood washed off. I put on my shirt and tie. During the day i guess the frication between my neck and the collar of the shirt caused the cut to reopen. Why must i justify myself every time, did you even look at the Rolling Razor at all?

Check out Nikki shaving her legs, you might learn something.
Von Drunky said:
Check out Nikki shaving her legs, you might learn something.

What is the rolling razor going to do? Avoid giving me cuts and bumps? Well I shave half-competently enough to avoid getting large cuts in the first place. I don't remember cutting myself or staining any shirts since puberty, unless you count the pimples being shaved over or those really tiny cuts on the chin and upper lip (where the collar doesn't cover). Also, what's with all these bumps people talk about? Pimples?

The only thing I learned is that Nikki waxes and the other guy doesn't groom as often as the videos claim. One only has to see his ugly face and long fingernails to not trust anything he peddles.
I asked a question "Anyone here used this yet?"

replys i should be getting should start with something like this:

"Yes and.."

"No and/but.."

You two got off on some weird tangent calling me a whinny hemophiliac. A real man shaves with a barber's blade which he sometimes uses to cut a pig's ear off. Not some pussy pink plastic one time disposable. I mean really guys i would have just posted a pic and a link and ask like or don't like but that would be considered Spamish therefore i decided to give a background story. seriously its not like no one here has never bought something that they thought could make their lives a bit easer that they didnt necessarily need. This is suppose to be about products.
It looks like a bit of a farce to me.

I haven't used it but doubt I ever shsll. Just as those fancy schmancy razors with the "sonic pluses" or whatever bolsch they're pushing now probably don't do much except for marketing I can't see this one being all that wonderful.

My plan is to learn how to use a cut throat at some point in the future. It may not be safe but I've been assured its the best shave a man can get if you pardon my shameful corporate thievery!
A real man apparently slits his own throat. :wink:

Hotel California is right. A good bag of disposables can do a great job. Avoid cutting yourself through practice. You don't need fancy razors to get an incredible shave.
Shaving is for sissies.

I just stand in front of the mirror and glare at the facial hair I find undesirable. Under my leaden stare, the hair escapes, terrorized.
I only ever get any cuts or rashes if the blade is too worn out. Sadly that happens a lot if you don't shave regularly (apparently shaving stubble is not as damaging to the blade as shaving hair, by far).

That razor seems rather ridiculous. Do you shave cavities a lot? Then that may work. But they could simply make the blade bigger and more angled, which would probably be even more efficient.

If you want THAT kind of complexity, buy an electronic one.
Am I the only one who thinks moustaches should become a trend once again?


Von Drunky said:
You two got off on some weird tangent calling me a whinny hemophiliac.

And you took it to heart? You're on the goddamn internets, man! Next time I'll shake your dick for you and call you Father, if that'll make you feel better.

Von Drunky said:
A real man shaves with a barber's blade which he sometimes uses to cut a pig's ear off. Not some pussy pink plastic one time disposable.

A real man doesn't have time to fuck around. He needs to get to that job and eventually pay those hookers. So a real man just grabs a bar of soap and a cheap yellow blade he found in some lady's purse and does in five minutes what some do in thirty.

Von Drunky said:
This is suppose to be about products.

Well, no shit. I asked 'what's it going to do for me?' and from the looks of it, nothing. I don't get cuts or bumps as often as that guy who shaves with his fingernails or the girl who waxes. So no thanks. It's just a stupid product I'd rather spend the money buying ten bags of disposal razors and a bar of soap or one really nice Gillette razor that has those three blades and the lotion that oozes out like pus. The rolling razor just looks like a Christmas ornament.
i was in a testgroup for the Gillette Fusion. i didn't like it much. in itself the concept is ok, but just doesn't work for me. i've got hairimplantation in several directions and i need to be able to trim sides easily (as i've got a ringshaped goatee thingy).

i shave now with the Mach 3 Turbo, but i liked the old Mach 3 normal better for some reason. blades lasted less long, but i got a better shave. but now we can only buy the turbo kind here, which is too bad.

for OP's doohickey, well, looks interesting, though i'm pretty damn skeptical. if it ever gets overhere i'll give it a shot, i suppose.

normal shaving is getting to be such a pain that i'm starting to consider to either let a beard grow or learn to shave using a real blade (which is cool beyond words, but kinda dangerous).
I watched the bikini line shaving demo, and I must say I didn't feel that it worked noticeably better than a standard razor.

I enjoyed the coochie closeups tho.

For the record, I have a smattering of native american in my ancestry and my facial hair doesn't fill in entirely as a result.

It's rather like Joe Dirt.. apparently I can only grow a pitiful stache, a small beard (only on my chin) and sideburns.

to cut it, I use an original Mach 3 body with the newer model's replacement blades.

It's the shizzle.
When you cut yourself shaving, try putting a cut sized piece of napkin on the cut. You will not have to hold it and it stops blood under a minute. That's it. Been using this for like 6 years, never disappointed me.