"The Nursery" to be built by Norway

ps: we norwegians have a plan, cause we also got huge vaults to house all of us.
so we nuke the rest of the world. then go out as rulers.

we just use the seeds as an excuse.
Euro-centric, Euro-excentric

Euro-centric, Euro-excentric


This gallows humor is entertaining.


you know, OLD Europe and NEW Europe have a part in the agenda of the CULTURE WARS in the U.S of .A.

It does not matter what I value, political correctness will be soon be dictated by The Permanent Republican Majority. My union will be busted,and my wages cut.
Your 'values, your 'lifestyle', your wages and work place rules too, if not already, will be dictated from Washington D.C. and Rev. Pat Robertson. Amen.
You will have no more 'choice' then I will. To stay alive, you will conform to the political whims of the Last Standing Super Power Of The Solar System.

I know, I have a piss poor attitude about this imminent train wreak of the love of money on track A, and a free society on track B. I know after this 'hell on earth', I am PREdestined to the everlasting one (fo' I Bee Po'). i just don't want to see my reserved place in Hell all cluttered up with Europeans,
too busy posturing to get with the program ....

BE ....

Be sure to watch Fox News, early and often,
to maintain the proper moral tone, and that winning lottery ticket to THE RAPTURE!

Be fashionably in marching step with ...



If Europe considers itself an independent political body, then it will have to plan to win the next peace. The looming, over the event horizon, ... , the impending nuclear exchange between the Islamic Theocracies and the Last Standing Christian Theocracy. Cold War 2.

If Europe has it's own ego, it's own Id, (it's own private parts;) it might consider NOT BEING Bush's (A.K.A. The Permanent Republican Majority's) bitch.

Either dig your vaults, bunker down,






Save it to protect what ever you 'may' - hold - near and dear.

Save it to protect your own limp, pissing cocks, and or, your own precious squatting / peeing cunties ... (trans gender solidarity, both halves in the tango must A, B, --- P!)

The privates YOU save will be your own...

Rearm, ...

Rearm Europe.
Defend those implied cultural values before what is currently in fashion in the U.S. of A. (white) washes them away ....

Nothing to fear but, ...
An 'armed' Europe in the past might have been a colonizing bastard and a fratricidal murderer of MILLIONS. If Europe has evolved and developed true diplomatic statesmanship, then ''it'' might know how to negotiate from strength, and not passively pontificate from the side lines of weakness or astride the fence picket penetration of masochistic anal subservience.

Rearm for a third time. Might get lucky.

The Third Time May Be the trick, cum on, ya'll won't shoot your own balls off a THIRD TIME, will Ya-A?

Rearm and tell Uncle Sam to move his bases to the former Soviet Republics. They seem to be so po' 'n' willing to serve any master. I kin relate to bein' po' and shufflin' ma shoes fo' da MAN. Europe: right or wrong, left or right, Baby Jesus or Prince Of Night, Europe marches to it's own drum.

Uncle Sam will ALWAYS seek to control 'his' turf, 'his' sphere of influence, that includes where there are U.S. Bases. Let the totalitarian former Soviet States suckle at the teats of THE WASHINGTON BELTWAY!

Quit the habit! Just say NO to smoking, snorting, or 'free basing', Dollars. Roll your own Euro's and take a deep inhale OF FREEDOM!

Why waste the European public funds on touchy feely work-fare ?

Waste that tax Euro' on digging bunkers and rearming!


Stop being pawns to the Dollar worshiping, win at any cost, Bow Tie, Machiavellians that spell ""colour"" with NO ""U""! Why toady to the 'go(ing) to hell' Republicans that seek the capitalist corporate goal of ONE WORLD INCORPORATED. Why trust your soul to those praying and manipulating to invoke THE ANTICHRIST so they might get a FREE RIDE to Jesus, and you'll be left holding the bag of sins ....

Wear your own ashes ....

Blow your own horn.

Live your own life.

Dig your own grave.

Be proud of who you are, even if the American POPES damn thee.

If you're headed for Hell,

be it for your OWN SINS,

and not for being the coconspirator, the follower, the serf, THE SLAVE, of the great Western Theocracy Inc. It is seeking total domination of the American and World Cultural Media. All values, all - intellectual - 'property' will be patented and rationed by This Last Standing Super Power In the Solar System.

Either serve on your knees in the stench of your fear,


Stand tall and be true!

Be Awl yu kin bee!

Bee yar own ... menschen!

"Jus' tryin' ta he'p ou', ya 'no' ."


(Smoke 'em if ya got 'em, ..., while ya got 'em.)

A little too carried away there

*Cough* *Cough*

Anyway, you're totally wrong about it being guarded by robots - the paper i read about it in had it as a comedy kinda thing and boasted it was guarded by Polar Bears. And now i'm actually being totally serious - anyone see the Metro on Friday?
Silencer said:
If you cared enough to follow the link, you'd have learned.

Yes, it is Spitsbergen, n00b.

EDIT: Also, Svalbard is the name of the province, not the island.

I knew that. I was talking about the provinse. :liar:
Re: A little too carried away there

The polar bears were probably mentioned in every article on this interesting story, as it was in the link we were given and New Scientist site. I find it a bit hard to believe that anti-globalisation terrorists would go to the trouble of trying to disrupt the project anyway, as it seems to be more about charity.
This article actually sounds much like my refrigerator.. except that mine is from the 70's. It keeps the food fresh for some reason(even though most of it is out dated) and it's guarded by my roomies that looks a lot like disabled robots due to the constant hang overs. All that is missing is the rocket launchers and mini guns.. aaaah, what a sight.

oohh and it's actually placed on top of the fridge where I keep my burgers (which content is currently up for discussion.. could be polar bears).