The Omega Project RPG Game!

Re: I want to be a gaem designar too!

NVM, I've come to the conclusion you were being facetious.
Re: I want to be a gaem designar too!

mortiz said:
I'm unable to tell if you're being serious or facetious. Hopefully the latter.
*mortiz fails his sarcasm detection roll

Here is a proper thread: Link
Hey, now that SeanyD has found some "human motion capture reality gear used in movies such as lord of the rings etc", they (sorry, HE, as there's apparently only one designer, the rest are all just concept art and one code monkey) are now trying to find a new name for this turd.

Sorry to repost news over a month old (March 19), which is pretty much the only recent public post on said project's forums at the time of this writing, but I was just curious if it was still around or if SeanyD was still trying to "poll design" his game.

Huh...apparently there is a God, and SeanyD took a pigrimage to Mexico...