The Pets of NMA!

Some animals are too quick to judge though. Like my grandparents' cat, who hated me for some reason. She would imply that I should stroke her belly by getting on her back, and as soon as i did she would get pissed off. When I didn't though, and she would just lay there, she got pissed off too. It was a very conflicting cat.

Also, there's a dog in my apartment building who has always hated me, ever since he was a puppy.
Even the male dog? Wow. Things you don't know...

And Lauren, if you consider smart running around barking for no reason, and running into walls, then I guess they are.
Bah! More pictures.

When a cat gets mad at you, it screams at you and scratches, but when a dog gets mad at you, it bites your face and nuts off. :shock:
Well yes, the cat pretty much did that. Or hissed rather than screamed. Not the dog though. I feel it's some kind of Stephen King-ish build up rage. He's just waiting for the right moment. I hate Golden Retrievers.
When my cat attacks me, I fight back.. It leads to an agreement after a while.
Gus said:
When my cat attacks me, I fight back.. It leads to an agreement after a while.

Ruby puts up with most anything, even being held upsode down, and has never scratched me execpt on acident.

Greycat on the other hand.................... she used to be a terror with the claws and biting (though never hard enough with the bites to break thru the skin). I woudn up curing her of that by not letting my hand out of her mouth when she bit it, which resulted in her mildly freaking and trying to get her mouth off of my hand. Eventualy, she stoped all together execpt for playful bites that I dont do anything about. With clawing, I would pop her lightly on the nose, and she eventualy stoped minus playful clawing, mainly when you stoped petting her when she didnt want you to stop she'll grab you with claws and pull your hand back. Painful if you were moving your hand fast.
Usually I can learn the behavior of new cats rather quickly. I find cats easier to adopt to than dogs, but maybe that's because I've learned what signals cats use to show that you better not get close to them.

Cats give you angry looks and scratch you, dogs just bite you. I prefer a dozen scratches over a single bite.
Miles said:
Just got this guy yesterday from a rescue shelter.


what race is that miles? i used to play with one pretty simular, but never knew what race is was (although yours seems to be in worse shape, noi)