So, I bought the 2004 released game Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay a few days ago and played it a little since then. A short bit after the beginning of the game, I then saw something which kind of surprised me in a ... uh... surprising kind of way. Thing is, I never saw anyone talking about it yet, so I'll guess that's why this thread exists.
The part of the game I am talking about, kind of reminds me a lot of the Fallout 3 DLC "The Pitt" ... first, the name is pretty similar, though this means nothing at all, as it's a pretty generic name anyway. What is more interesting is this:
These monsters are all down there in Riddick's The Pit levels and they resemble Fallout 3's The Pitt Trogs really a lot. They move in a similar crawling-style, they sound similar, the hell, they even look pretty similar...
Also some very minor parts of the map have been taken over to Fallout 3's The Pitt. The one that looks very obvious is this fenced walkway:
I don't have a screenshot of the Fallout 3 part right now, but I think it was when you leave the steel mill to the outside area, where you can pick up all the hidden steel (?) bars. Also I'm sorry for these poor quality video screens, but I didn't thought about making screenshots of them when I played the part of the game.
So... What do you guys think? A homage? A cheap rip-off? Who cares? Everybody knew already, except me?
I personally was surprised a lot by it (like written above) and it even made me like The Pitt a lot less now than before. It just feels so cheap to me... Also because they are named "Trogs" which kind of makes me feel as if the Van Buren-invented Trogs are now more degraded to kill-'em-all Riddick monsters.
The part of the game I am talking about, kind of reminds me a lot of the Fallout 3 DLC "The Pitt" ... first, the name is pretty similar, though this means nothing at all, as it's a pretty generic name anyway. What is more interesting is this:

These monsters are all down there in Riddick's The Pit levels and they resemble Fallout 3's The Pitt Trogs really a lot. They move in a similar crawling-style, they sound similar, the hell, they even look pretty similar...
Also some very minor parts of the map have been taken over to Fallout 3's The Pitt. The one that looks very obvious is this fenced walkway:

I don't have a screenshot of the Fallout 3 part right now, but I think it was when you leave the steel mill to the outside area, where you can pick up all the hidden steel (?) bars. Also I'm sorry for these poor quality video screens, but I didn't thought about making screenshots of them when I played the part of the game.
So... What do you guys think? A homage? A cheap rip-off? Who cares? Everybody knew already, except me?
I personally was surprised a lot by it (like written above) and it even made me like The Pitt a lot less now than before. It just feels so cheap to me... Also because they are named "Trogs" which kind of makes me feel as if the Van Buren-invented Trogs are now more degraded to kill-'em-all Riddick monsters.