the "Real ID Act" (U.S. political)

Supposedly they are going to put a chip in the back of your hand or behind your ear to keep track of you. It's called the Sixhundred Sixty-six or the Sixhundred Sixteen- depending on what thread you read.
One thing I find funny about American government is that congressmen can attach anything onto any bill. In Canada, it actually has to be related to the original bill.
before i say this, i just have to say that i realize what happened on 9/11/2001 was a horrable act, and the famlies of all those who were injured and killed have my condolences. but for fucks sake people, its been nearly 4 years! quit your damn whining and stand up for yourself. the government has been preying on those unresolved fears since 9/11 to further their own agendas. land of the free, and home of the brave? i see neither freedom or bravery in the people of this country.

if this bill becomes law tomorrow, prepare. stockpile everything needed to survive a warzone, because thats what america will become when the people of this country realize their grand government sold their freedoms.
welsh said:
Supposedly they are going to put a chip in the back of your hand or behind your ear to keep track of you. It's called the Sixhundred Sixty-six or the Sixhundred Sixteen- depending on what thread you read.
Ah, yes, our greatest invention. We are the Eurocorp. We invented the chip, developed it utilizing the most sophisticated technology and outfitted every citizen with it, turning impulsive and strong-headed folk into obedient and productive executives, who respect our unquestioned authority and live peaceful lives filled with joy of diligent labor. The egg-heads named it Universally Transferred Organic Processing Interface Architecture, but we prefer to call it... UTOPIA.

Have a profitable day, executive.
Rep. Ron Paul Denounces National ID:

"National ID cards are not proper in a free society," Paul stated. "This is America, not Soviet Russia. The federal government should never be allowed to demand papers from American citizens, and it certainly has no constitutional authority to do so."
"A national identification card, in whatever form it may take, will allow the federal government to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every American," Paul continued. "History shows that governments inevitably use such power in harmful ways. The 9/11 commission, whose recommendations underlie this bill, has called for internal screening points where identification will be demanded. Domestic travel restrictions are the hallmark of authoritarian states, not free nations. It is just a matter of time until those who refuse to carry the new licenses will be denied the ability to drive or board an airplane."
"A nationalizing standard for drivers’ licenses and birth certificates, and linking them together via a national database, creates a national ID system pure and simple. Proponents of the national ID understand that the public remains wary of the scheme, so they attempt to claim they're merely creating new standards for existing state IDs. Nonsense! This legislation imposes federal standards in a federal bill, and it creates a federalized ID regardless of whether the ID itself is still stamped with the name of your state."
"Those who are willing to allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system because they think it will make us safer are terribly mistaken," Paul concluded. "Subjecting every citizen to surveillance and screening points actually will make us less safe, not in the least because it will divert resources away from tracking and apprehending terrorists and deploy them against innocent Americans! Every conservative who believes in constitutional restraints on government should reject the authoritarian national ID card and the nonsensical intelligence bill itself."

Bit by bit, our liberty is traded off for bogus attempts at security. It is funny how our government continues to punish us, the American citizens, while missing the real issues of terroism prevention. Securing the borders for instance would be a good start; but wait, we can't do that, that would be racist. We don't want to make those hordes of mexicans and liberals angry, do we? :(
The only real way to solve it would be that the chip implanted would constantly keep you from affecting the free will of others... Only then shall we all be free. You can do what ever you want as long as it doesn't screw with anyone else.

Problems we would have to get used to when using this device:
1. If your talking to someone and it starts to affect their views, you will stop talking.

2.Convincing your friends to do things they shouldn't would no longer work.

Hmmmm.... Never mind, it's imposable to do anything without affecting the free will of others.

I guess if we could make an implantable chip that governs a small personal space around ourselves then it would work. It would act like the Justice Zone from Red Dwarf.. You try to hit someone, you end up hitting yourself. You try to shoot someone, you end up shooting yourself.. I really like that idea. That would be really, really good for bastard rapists... They could only rape themselves.

I wouldn't mind an implantable chip as long as it was used for truth and justice and ............other things that don't exist in the world today.
Technically speaking whats to stop them from breaking the constitution or doing stuff like that now.

Im talking arrest without warrants,searching without a warrant,holding you for eternity with no reason and no charges filed,etc,etc.

Lets see this scenario :

*a bunch of guys burst into your house,lock you into handcuffs,throw you into a van and drive you to a prison*

In the interrogation room :

MIB : What is your name?
You : Hey you cant do this!The constitution forbids this!This is highly illegal!

Now the following scenarios could occur,pick one which you think is most likely :

MIB : Oh thats right im sorry sir,you are free to go,we are also giving you 100,000 US dollars to keep silent about this

Or :

MIB : *punches you in the face* We can do anything we want.Whos going to stop us?A piece of paper?Is it going to come here guns blazing and shut us down?

Im not paranoid.No i really dont think the US government does this frequently(i dont even live in the US).Im saying that,if a section of the government decides,hey,to hell with the rules,we will start grabbing people in the dead of night,ordering police not to get involved,beat them up in interment camps,break rule....well...whos going to stop them?Whos going to know?

The people who would do this arent highly likely to confess.Neither is it highly likeley that,suddenly,they get "discovered" by,say,the president(assuming he isnt in on it in the beginning) and shut down.Anyone who tries to go public will be silenced quickly,by destroying credibility(deaths and dissapearance are too obvious).

Let us see this scenario :

You : My brother went missing in the dead of night.A group of men barged into our house,grabbed him,haueld him into a unmarked van and drove off.Police called off investigation after less than a day and refused to give any reason.There have been strange phone calls made,the same unmarked cars outside my house and i keep getting followed by men in dark suits.

Well at this point the most common tatic would be to rationalize.Make up some bullshit reason.Something like "police called off investigation because we believed that they staged the kidnapping to raise publicity".Constantly pick apart his story,claiming hes lying,making up facts to prove that hes lying.That and the public perception of "OMG MIB TEAMS ROFLOLOL PARANOID" would result in you being shut off pretty quick.

So realistically speaking,are current governments unaware of this?Highly improbable.

Whether you believe they are already doing highly illegal stuff secretly is up to you.
well, im friends with quite a few people on my local police force because of my job... only a few of them had even heard of the bill, but none knew what it was all about . once i explained it to them they saw what a horrable tool it is and jumped onto the "the shit's going to hit the fan" bandwagon.

im sure the majority of local law enforcement officers would be on our side if they knew what was going on.