The Referendum on EU Membership in United Kingdom

Yeah, we were also promised more powers. Funny how that worked out.

I said I'd like us to leave, true, but I also said that it'd be a terrible idea and that, as it stands, we should not. For clarification, I did vote "No" on the referendum, but that doesn't mean I enjoy our current political situation.

I also said that the ideal form of government for the UK, in my opinion, would be a federal one, though how we'd go about it is something that is entirely outside of my limited knowledge.
I also said that the ideal form of government for the UK, in my opinion, would be a federal one, though how we'd go about it is something that is entirely outside of my limited knowledge.
I disagree, when a monarch is politically neutral and does his/her job correctly he/she is a huge boon to the tourism economy, and Britain's standing in the world.
Digressing onto a side note, the idea of President Blair, or President Osborne is sickening.