The Reversal


First time out of the vault
I've noticed that a lot of people have tried, and ultimately failed, to recreate Fallout and Fallout 2 in the Gamebryo engine. They usually end up unfinished or just forgotten. BUT! I'm wondering if anyone has tried or at least thought of the idea of making New Vegas into a cRPG? The game "feels" like one, loosely, and could most likely translate well into that sort of style of game. The map would be incredibly small compared to the first two, but each major and minor location could be set up as a mark on the map.
I'm just throwing ideas here, nothing well thought out.
It was thought of at least once, but I don't think anyone made anything like that.
It's a fun idea, though, since one of the biggest criticisms of NV (at least for me) was that it had to use the mechanics and perspective from Fallout 3, and while it did a rather good job of tweaking the mechanics to make the most of the mechanics, it's still a first person shooter.
I think NV would translate splendidly into an isometric cRPG or even a PnP game, but I guess it's not the kind of work anyone's willing to spend on it these days.
It was thought of at least once, but I don't think anyone made anything like that.
It's a fun idea, though, since one of the biggest criticisms of NV (at least for me) was that it had to use the mechanics and perspective from Fallout 3, and while it did a rather good job of tweaking the mechanics to make the most of the mechanics, it's still a first person shooter.
I think NV would translate splendidly into an isometric cRPG or even a PnP game, but I guess it's not the kind of work anyone's willing to spend on it these days.

Such a shame, too. People make complete overhauls for Fallout 2 even today and they play fantastically. The "primitiveness" of the original engine would make adding more content that was cut, such as the planned east of the Colorado much more easier to implement as well.
Such a shame, too. People make complete overhauls for Fallout 2 even today and they play fantastically. The "primitiveness" of the original engine would make adding more content that was cut, such as the planned east of the Colorado much more easier to implement as well.
Indeed. I mean, people made STALKER in Fallout 2, if I remember correctly, so it's kinda odd that nobody thought of recreating New Vegas in that engine. It would be lovely with all the correct map scales and so on.
Dunno if the pacing that NV kind enforced with the map design would work well in the isometric engine, though.
Still, definitely a nice idea that really should have been done by now, thinking about it.
Indeed. I mean, people made STALKER in Fallout 2, if I remember correctly, so it's kinda odd that nobody thought of recreating New Vegas in that engine. It would be lovely with all the correct map scales and so on.
Dunno if the pacing that NV kind enforced with the map design would work well in the isometric engine, though.
Still, definitely a nice idea that really should have been done by now, thinking about it.

Also noting that New Vegas has no set time frame. You could theoretically not fight for the dam for well over a few hundred years if you waited/slept enough. I don't know if the original engine hinges on that concept of a "time limit" for quests, but that's another thing to consider.
I thought about it ages ago. But the work would be immense. Just getting someone to make all the Legion and NCR armors and models would take a while. Then we would have to get new casino models, we would have to get a new giant dam map tiles, we would have to get a lot of new custom talking heads for all the important NPCs, rockets for the REPCONN, a giant dinosaur map tiles, Helios 1 tower and solar panels map tiles and so on and on and on.
Most big overhauls for the classic games already take 10 or more years to be made and use mostly assets from the base game, most also don't even have many or any custom map tiles. Making all of the custom stuff and implement it would take way more time than the overhauls we have now unless a team of 100 would actively work on it until it was done.
I thought about it ages ago. But the work would be immense. Just getting someone to make all the Legion and NCR armors and models would take a while. Then we would have to get new casino models, we would have to get a new giant dam map tiles, we would have to get a lot of new custom talking heads for all the important NPCs, rockets for the REPCONN, a giant dinosaur map tiles, Helios 1 tower and solar panels map tiles and so on and on and on.
Most big overhauls for the classic games already take 10 or more years to be made and use mostly assets from the base game, most also don't even have many or any custom map tiles. Making all of the custom stuff and implement it would take way more time than the overhauls we have now unless a team of 100 would actively work on it until it was done.

Hmm. You make some really good points. I still think it would be a very fun thing to play as I always wanted to see the Mojave in the art style of Fallout 2. I'm just imagining the hell you would have to go through to make the Battle for Hoover Dam not a cluster fuck of melee A.I. blitzkrieging terrible ranged A.I.
I thought about it ages ago. But the work would be immense. Just getting someone to make all the Legion and NCR armors and models would take a while. Then we would have to get new casino models, we would have to get a new giant dam map tiles, we would have to get a lot of new custom talking heads for all the important NPCs, rockets for the REPCONN, a giant dinosaur map tiles, Helios 1 tower and solar panels map tiles and so on and on and on.
Most big overhauls for the classic games already take 10 or more years to be made and use mostly assets from the base game, most also don't even have many or any custom map tiles. Making all of the custom stuff and implement it would take way more time than the overhauls we have now unless a team of 100 would actively work on it until it was done.
I think the map tiles wouldn't be that much trouble. I mean, it's just 3D models from a trimetric perspective. You could possibly use the models from NV and save the view from the proper perspectives in the correct format (although that would run into copyright issues most likely).
The armor sprites and animations will be more annoying, but people have been doing armor work and models for Fallout 2 for years, so there's definitely some routine in there. Since the trimetric perspective is more lenient when it comes to details, you don't really need much more than maybe two or three armor variants per faction, and then it's just using scripts to port these armors to different head and body models.
And for starters one could just keep using the combat armor for the NCR soldiers (like in Fallout 2) and leather armor (possibly stat-boosted a bit) for the Legion, since these are reasonable approximations already.

Hmm. You make some really good points. I still think it would be a very fun thing to play as I always wanted to see the Mojave in the art style of Fallout 2. I'm just imagining the hell you would have to go through to make the Battle for Hoover Dam not a cluster fuck of melee A.I. blitzkrieging terrible ranged A.I.
Not to mention the various other possible events at Hoover Dam like the bomber and stuff. Might be possible with a lot of scripting though.

/edit: It might be easier to use the FOnline engine since it's a 3D engine by nature. It can take all the original assets, but also use 3D models directly, as far as I know. Maybe this topic should be in the Modding subforum...
There are ongoing projects to resurrect Van Buren in the F2/FOnline engine, btw., which would involve a bit of New Vegas' story.
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