The Rhythm of the Quest in Fallout 3 and New Vegas

donperkan said:
What im trying to say is F3 was beter at rewarding the player for exploration.

Was it? Fallout 3 had plenty to explore and I personally love the atmosphere of the wastes there (ignoring the problems with the setting). However, I don't recall there being worthwhile rewards in any of the locations off the beaten path. The occassional side story on a conspicuous terminal with magically available electricity or utterly generic loot isn't really comparable with the attention New Vegas gives to exploration. Sure, there are less places, but they are worthwhile: rare pieces of armour (eg. Remnants' power armor) or stat boosts (books) or even uniquely looking and functioning weapons (eg. Tesla-Beaton prototype).
donperkan said:
fedaykin said:
The boring quest structure and dialogue was hardly an adequate reward for trekking through a bland wasteland.

This is not about the quality.
You made it about quality by claiming that F3 was better at rewarding for exploration. Like it or not, it's relevant.
To be honest, I think that it's kind of a misguided debate, because one of the reasons Fallout 3 rewarded exploration wasn't through questing, but through environmental storytelling and unique loot, and that's generally stuff you can do while maintaining New Vegas' structure. The other reason is that it had a tad less invisible walls, and it makes sense that Bethesda, having more than a decade of experience with the tools, would be better at building maps with it than Obsidian.
WorstUsernameEver said:
To be honest, I think that it's kind of a misguided debate, because one of the reasons Fallout 3 rewarded exploration wasn't through questing, but through environmental storytelling...

Are you kidding me? The moment I decided to glance out of Washington Monument with my sniper rifle, I was so disappointed I almost wanted to cry. Apparently all the buildings were copy-pastes in 2D. Ever since then the game went so fast downhill I couldn't wait to finish it.
donperkan said:
Sure you can if you decide to ignore the quests that lead you there.

There are only two locations that are not tied with quests and therefore have to be found while exploring: Vault 19 and Techatticup mine. I'm not sure about Camp Forlorn Hope i'll have to try it out.

While technically almost all the locations can appear on the map by talking with someone or accepting certain quests to achieve that you'd have to not explore on your own...basically for the whole game.

And if you care about exploring than you WILL find quest hubs before anyone mentioned it. Where's the problem exactly?
Joystiq has been shit for a very, very long time. Actually, i don't think it was ever good, but oh well.