Now you're thinking like an American. That's been one of my marge arguments for capitalist dictators in the Mid East and South America rather then Socialist ones.
I hope you are right, and I think you might be, however, I fear that Ziaoping knew what he was doing and that the Chinese population, like Russia's, is too apathetic for large social change.
Ehe. I'm thinking like an American, how interesting.
In any case, due to the increasingly capitalist environment the people of China will have more experience with freedom in the "western" countries, there are, for instance, quite a few Chinese students studying abroad. This could very well leed to a general feeling of discontent among the Chinese, and when your people are feeling discontented, you're fucked.
Good point; however, if it did, Germany would literally control the Continent (making that passe line in Deutchland Uber Alles a reality), and eventually either a UK-America alliance would have to go into the bloodiest war imagineable, or Germany would have conquered the world.
Nope, you're mixing up WW2 and WW1 Germany.
World War 1 Germany was not the evil "we want everything" country you're supposing it is, it was just another country in that war.
Germany joined (or rather started) the war because of Austria-Hungary, not because of territorial struggles and a desire for "Lebensraum". That was Germany in the Second World War.
In other words: Germany would've probably conquered France and Belgiumn, and would've annexed them, they would eventually have signed a peace with the Russians, if the Russians hadn't gone through a civil war, which is quite imagineable. But Germany would not have adopted a stance of "let's conquer the world".
Correct, it cannot be ignored, but I don't think it's either A) Wise to think China as a superpower as a goal B)Has the capacity to contend with the US
I didn't say it was my goal. And I do think that it has the capacity to contend with the US because the USA is acting as the policeman of the globe and isn't doing all too well partially because of that.
In theroy, I'm not opposed to a bipolar world. However, my point is that China, because it's among the most pshyopathic nations in the World next to North Korea and Zimbabwe, believing China can do it and helping is frieghtning.
The point is one of moderation: China couldn't do much, because the USA is still a much greater military power, but what it could do is moderate the USA, at the same time the USA would be moderating China.
Frankly, I'd hope either India, the Euros with Germany at the front (Yes, I still like the French, but they're courting the Islamafundies under Chriac scares the shit out of me) or Brazil make it.
Personally I'm hoping it'll be the EU, a more democratic EU, though, and one with less dominating powers and more co-operating powers. Meh, I doubt that'll happen, though.
Come on. The Socialists in France WANT China to become a superpower, and belive that the fall of the USSR was a bad thing.
I think you're referring to the communists, but I"m neither French nor a real socialist.
Sure, I think alot of people (like yourself) are observers, but most cryptocommies want China to become as powerful as the Chinese do.
Then again, most cryptocommies haven't any influence whatsoever. I'd be more frightened by a group of neo-fascists with a frighteningly xenophobic attitude grabbing one quarter of the votes in Flanders than by a margin grouping of communists who don't do anything.