I know I haven't posted any art recently, mostly because I haven't really gotten comfortable with coloring yet, but that guy who did the B&W fanart has inspired me to do some more stuff with the tablet, here is the first in what I hope to be a series of new arts from me. So, thanks to that guy (whose name I can't be bothered to look at...), and here we go.
Initially, the gun was an M4, but I realized that was too boring for Fallout, so I made it a bit more like the laser rifle in the NMA gallery. If any of the gun nuts on here (SuA) see this, I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I might appropriate as far as design goes, that'd be great.
I want to keep this up in comic form, so feel free to kick my ass if I don't update...

Initially, the gun was an M4, but I realized that was too boring for Fallout, so I made it a bit more like the laser rifle in the NMA gallery. If any of the gun nuts on here (SuA) see this, I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I might appropriate as far as design goes, that'd be great.
I want to keep this up in comic form, so feel free to kick my ass if I don't update...