The Story of Ralph 2:Nomadic Deathclaw Hunter


First time out of the vault
Ralph II: Nomadic Deathclaw Hunter

The story of Ralph 2 began when he was very young*, wandering the city ruins surrounding the small settlement in which he resided, the name of which has long eluded his memory. If asked Ralph 2 probably wouldn’t really remember too much of that day, but Ralph 2 was the kind of person who had trouble remembering his own name. One detail he may be able to recall was the fact that he was carrying around his father’s rifle which he had found lying carelessly in a locked chest, locks never being something to slow Ralph 2 down, not because he could pick them, more so because walls and moving cars weren’t really things that slowed Ralph 2 down either.

It was early evening and Ralph was bored, he had already foraged a ancient T.V dinner from the remnants of an ancient suburban dwelling, not quite managing to grasp the concept that even if one were to risk ingesting such and ancient ‘delicacy’ one should probably remove the contents from the box before cooking.

He had managed to entertain himself throwing rocks at walls for almost and hour after his meal, and then had found amusement in crushing small rocks under bigger rocks, but, as his rock supply was dwindling, Ralph realised he must soon find some other sort of stimulation.

And so, just as he was debating whether he should slam his head against the building for the remainder of his evening, or try to dig a whole to the centre of the earth, he heard a scream a few hundred metres to his left. It was a loud, tooth shattering ear drum bursting scream, and luckily Ralph 2 was smart enough to recognise a scream, and the connotations that went with such a scream, it was the way his mother screamed whenever he presented her with one of his ‘gifts’.

Ralph 2 broke into a run, sure in his mind, that his mother had come looking for him and had somehow stumbled upon his stash of ‘gifts’. Ralph 2’s reasoning for the stash was that it saved him having to kill a gift on every occasion which he believed his mother expected one, which, in Ralph 2’s mind, was every Tuesday. His mother said she no longer wished to receive such gifts, as she was undeserving of such things, Ralph 2 thought she was just being modest.

Ralph 2 quickly came across the source of the scream and, relieved, discovered his mother had not come across his stash. Instead he found a somewhat intense battle raging, several men, wielding guns much like Ralph 2’s, and wearing plated metal on some of the more vital areas of their bodies, were attempting to subdue a large an mildly angry Deathclaw* which did not seem to be complying to their wishes.

Quickly Ralph 2 processed the situation, remembering that what may have been quickly from Ralph 2’s perspective, may be seen as ludicrously sluggish if viewed from the perspective of a 366mhz IBM attempting run Dues Ex.

Ralph 2 decided it all looked like a bit of a game, and it also seemed like a good excuse to fire his father’s gun, unfortunately the trigger mechanism was a little to complex for Ralph 2 to figure out, and so he reverted to using the rifle as a club charging towards the Deathclaw, wildly swinging his rifle by the barrel.
The Deathclaw never really had a chance, at first it was bamboozled by the charging youth. ‘That’s not the way humies traditionally use their guns’ was its first and second last thought, the next was ‘is that humie smiling?’

Ralph 2 didn’t stop pounding on the Deathclaws skull for several minutes, the observing men let their guns hang as limp as their jaws, wondering just how this kid had brutally slaughtered the beast that had just shredded three of their own men without breaking a sweat. And why exactly, this kid apparently found the whole situation incredibly hilarious.

After a while Ralph 2 stopped, bounded puppy like over too the men, chortled happily, and bounded off into the ruins. Unfortunately the whole event had short circuited Ralph 2’s already unstable mind. All thoughts of his past life were erased, but they were inconsequential too him now, he had just discovered what could very well be the most enjoyable thing he could do with his life, and all that remained in his mind was a very simple equation…

Pounding Deathclaws = Unimaginable enjoyment

* Just how young Ralph could never be sure, numbers higher then six were generally incomprehensible to him

* A REALLY angry Deathclaw would have already killed them by now
Now one may be inclined to think such a simple minded youngster such as Ralph 2 would not survive long in the harsh, unforgiving wilderness of the wastes, but, on the contrary, Ralph 2 was a creature of instinct, and like most predatory creatures of instinct, his stomach was above all else on his list of priorities*3.

For several weeks Ralph 2 simply wandered, finding daily contentment in destroying unsuspecting Deathclaws with his fathers rifle, now so horrendously damaged it resembled nothing more then a twisted metal bar wrapped around a block of wood, which had apparently been cut with a hammer.

Alas, life for Ralph 2 could have been full of this simplistic contentment, but the waste has a funny way of turning up surprises when they are least expected.

For Ralph 2 the surprise came in the form of a group of slavers. It was early twilight and Ralph 2 was happily combing the wastes for entertainment, makeshift club waving above his head as he screamed his warning cries*4. After nearly an hour without success he resigned to failure and prepared to dig a whole to alleviate his boredom, when in the distance he spotted the warm inviting glow of a campfire. Maybe he shouldn’t of gone, most living organisms still surviving in the wastes have enough brain function to realise the only reason anyone would risk a beacon like that in the wastes were people with a really big gun, or multiple medium sized guns, but before you judge poor ignorant young Ralph 2 just remember, his brain function was in a totally different dimension to most organisms.

For Ralph 2 the warm glow of the fire sparked residual memories of the things he left behind, warm, delicious charcoal, a soft, jagged stone sleeping slab, his mothers face the time he decided he was hungry enough to cook his own arm. And so, without knowledge of wasteland etiquette he wandered forward, eyes glazed in the ravenous expectation of free charcoal. He was, in fact, so consumed by his desire that on his approach he failed to notice half dozen badly scarred, shaven headed, branded men scattered around the campfire, who were at the time scowling and muttering complaints about the lousy slave runs lately. He in fact, seemed to completely deny their the existence of them as they dropped to the ground the iguana on a stick they had been roasting, dark grins slowly forming on their mildly deformed faces. He was then, so obsessed with the piece of fresh charcoal he had just managed to retrieve from the fire with only minor burns, he didn’t even react as the circled about him, each whipping out a baton and clubbing him over the head in a single fluid motion. It still took him a few moments to react, his reaction being a long, low groan, and it was almost a full minute before his brain computed that it was supposed to temporally stop working about now, and so, like all good brains, it did what was expected.

Ralph 2 woke up in a small cage, quite unsure as to exactly what had occurred, and beginning to wonder where exactly that piece of charcoal had gotten to. After an hour of searching, Ralph 2 realised that the charcoal was not in the cage with him, and began pondering why exactly he was in a cage. Not a hundred percent sure of the answer, but believing it was somehow connected to radiation causing aliens, Ralph 2 began the arduous task of deciding whether he want to be in the cage. He didn’t get the chance to decide, after a few minutes a large, hairy, hideous man appeared before him, the stench that came with the man was so noxious it was almost corporeal.

“Enjoying your private little room slave?” the question slithered from the mans mouth like a snake.

“Sl-a-v-ee?” grunted Ralph 2.

“You certainly ain’t a bright one are you? No matter, you’ll make a fine worker” the man chortled and left Ralph 2 alone to his internment

“Sl-aaa-vy”” grunted Ralph 2, unable to grasp the word, much less the concept.

*3 not that Ralph 2 actually had a list of priorities, that would require and organised thought process and the ability to write

*4 Ralph 2 felt it was only fair to give the Deathclaws SOME warning, not that it often helped them
Entertaining. I have very little clue exactally what is going on, but that's part of the fun! MORE RANDOM HAPPENINGS OF VIOLENCE AND ILLOGIC!!!

..okay, time for me to explode now. Bye byBOOM!

-Draconias Galactica
Damn this is some of the funniest stuff i've read in a while.
You gotta keep on posting this stuff. Ralph 2 amuses the heel outa me.
I know it has indeed been a while since my last post, but the real world has distracted me, so , without further adue, a present the third installment of Ralph 2 Nomadic Deathclaw Hunter

The weeks dragged on, Ralph 2 spent his days as a slave working in a gold mine, he could, of course, have easily overpowered the guards and escaped at any time he so wished, but he found the work rather stimulating, and enjoyed spending his spare time playing with the shiny gold rocks that the slavers seemed to value so highly.

Ralph 2 was an exceedingly good worker, and this soon earned him a certain amount of favour with the overseers, one in particular took a considerable liking to him. The overseer, or rather, HEAD overseer, named Peter Allen Jacob Graham. Now Peter Allen Jacob Graham allowed Ralph 2 a fair bit of freedom* 6, letting him to roam the wastes at night, safe in the knowledge he would return before dawn, why exactly he returned Peter Allen Jacob Graham wasn’t sure of, but the fact that he did was enough to keep Peter Allen Jacob Graham in the job and out of the mines.

For almost a full three years Ralph 2 seemed to have found his own private niche in the world, searching for the shiny golden stones by day, lining up racing the other slaves for kicks with the slavers by afternoon, and hunting Deathclaws by night. Unfortunately, the waste has a funny way of turning up unwanted surprises when they’re least expected, for Ralph 2, this time, it came in the form of a cave in.

You see, after constant years of mining, the gold mines were nearing exhaustion, and the slavers pushed their charges deeper and deeper into the murky subterranean maze in search of the shiny golden stones. Many slaves soon died of hypothermia and laziness*7, but Ralph 2 was kept alive by inhuman stamina and a thick Deathclaw pelt, sometimes the slaves were forced to work for days on end, other times, they were not.

Many people may blame Ralph 2 for the inevitable cave in which claimed the life of 200 slaves, they would say it was his fault because he was the on that pulled down the support, but in Ralph 2’s defence, the support did indeed look at him in a funny way.

Obviously Ralph 2 did not die on that fateful day. At this stage, Ralph 2 had indeed become a hunter of Deathclaws, he was yet to become particularly nomadic, maybe mildly nomadic, but this story is not one of “Ralph 2, The Mildly Nomadic Deathclaw Hunter” because that would be stupid. He was simply injured by the cave in (as opposed to killed), mildly at that, a large heavy*8 rock tumbled down from the hands of an angry slave who had somehow survived the cave-in, and was holding Ralph 2 fully responsible, right onto poor Ralph 2’s head.

The slavers were not a particularly medically knowledgeable bunch, and after checking Ralph 2’s left knee cap for a pulse, they proclaimed he was, sadly, deceased, and carted him away to the slave food manufacturing facility.

Ralph 2 was roused from his unconscious state only to face the churning blades of the slave food processor, now Ralph 2 was a strong healthy lad, the kind of lad who could shrug of a blow from a bull Deathclaw with only a mild and inconsequential*9 concussion, but even Ralph 2 knew he would have trouble shrugging of being minced, it was the kind of thing that he was sure would affect his future plans in a rather dramatic way, and so Ralph 2 freaked. Ralph 2 freaking was not a pretty thing, Ralph 2 decimated Deathclaws, without freaking, Ralph 2 caused and survived major cave-ins, without even realising exactly what was going on, when Ralph 2 freaked, things exploded violently, firstly, the food processor exploded violently, then the slaver running the food processor exploded violently, next, the milk truck parked outside, exploded, angrily. By the time Ralph 2 managed to stop freaking he was lost somewhere in the wastes, many exploded objects lying in his wake

Ahead of him, a small settlement shimmered in the searing desert heat, without any other destination, Ralph 2 wandered forward, eager to find new forms of entertainment to distract him in-between Deathclaw hunting and digging for shiny gold rocks

*6 Peter Allen Jacob Graham realised that Ralph 2 could of quite easily gained any freedom he desired without so much as breaking a sweat, reasoning if he allowed it, it still seemed like he held power.

*7 The direct cause of death wasn’t really laziness, it was actually the side-affects of laziness, for example, angry slavers with shotguns

*8 as opposed to large and light rocks
Where is asterick number 9? What does inconsequential mean? The dictionary's been wrong on all your other definitions, so I can't turn to it. TELL ME! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP NOW?! Oh, and I laughed.

-Draconias Galactica
Isolated settlement in the wasteland are usually home to small groups of badly armed yet angry settlers, settlers who have survived the rigours and trials of a retro-style post nuclear world, and have become rather bitter because of it.
The settlement that Ralph 2 stumbled across was in fact an exception in that, the settlers, though angry and bitter, were rather well armed, and when they noticed young Ralph 2 stumbling across them, they angrily and bitterly opened fire with large guns.
It wasn't that they particularly disliked Ralph 2 mind you, it was just that a small child wandering alone in the wasteland gave rise to a certain amount of suspicion, suspicion which gave reason for a hasty trial which proclaimed him guilty and sentenced him death by firing line.
At first Ralph 2 thought it was a huge game*10, and was quite enjoying batting randomly at the strange, fast moving insects until one took off his left pinkie. Ralph was quite fond of his left pinkie, it was his favorite left pinkie, never in his life had he had a left pinkie which quite measured up to the one now lying on the ground, and so, gathering it up, he plopped himself behind a rock and decided to sulk.
His fondness for that particular pinkie in fact saved young Ralph 2's life, spending the next two hours of his life despondently attempting to beat his left pinkie back into place, until he forgot exactly what he was doing. In the course of these two hours, the villagers had exhausted their supply of ammunition and resorted to throwing angry and bitter taunts in Ralph 2's general direction.
The taunts caught Ralph 2's elusive and short lived attention, stepping out from behind the rock he was surprised to see a village in front of him, shrugging his shoulders, he began to stumble towards it.
Ralph 2 was never particularly welcome at the village, but being far stronger than any of its other inhabitants, and far to stupid to notice the subtle underlying tension*11, he was quite happy to stay, feeding on rocks
Destiny though, gave Ralph 2 a chance to prove himself.
One barmy summer evening, a Deathclaw was spotted stumbling towards the village much in the manner that Ralph 2 once had, though Deathclaws wandering the waste aren't met with the same suspicion a young boy may be, they are rarely welcome in settlements. The settlers though had wasted their ammunition on the attempted homicide of Ralph 2, and throwing the actual guns at the Deathclaw only served to make him angry.
The Deathclaw sparked residual memories in Ralph, memories of well, Deathclaw hunting.
A great battle ensued, the Deathclaw charging expectantly into the settlement*, ready for a meal, Ralph 2 Charging into the Deathclaw, ready for a meal.
The battle resulted in the Deathclaw exploding violently, taking a good chunk of the village with it*13.
The villages weren't particularly pleased with the large, bloody hole which was once their village and decided that Ralph 2 had to go, devising a complex and devious plan for his demise.
The next day the settlers realised they did not in fact have the materials or know-how to build a large laser, and so they drove Ralph 2 into the wasteland, threw a stick, yelled 'Fetch' and watched him run into the sunset.

10. As you do

11.This subtle underlying tension resulted in three murder attempts and one resistance movement.

12. The same kind of expectancy a ten year old may have of gooey centred chocolate

13. The Deathclaw had really bad gas.
eh heh. not bad at all! Especially liked the end part by which the villagers got rid of Ralph 2.

Well, like i said before. You keep posting, i'll keep reading...
It's like I always doesn't matter if it takes 3+ months to write something (and boy oh boy, do I say that a lot). All that matters is...well...hell, I just usually make up an exscuse about "INSPIRATION!! DIVINE INSPIRATION!! I MUST COMMUNE WITH THE QUEEN!!" and run away as I strip myself of worldy clothing, for all it does is hold me back from my true, naked potential.


What any of what the hell I just said up there has anything to do with what you just wrote, I do not know. But your fic is still the good type of stupid, and entertaining in a deranged sort of way. Which, henceforth, shall be the ONLY WAY!! All other ways will be stretched out upon the wheel and dEsTrOyEd.




Okay, so I'm in love with the sound of my own voice, and, more importantly, the sound of my fingers abusing my keyboard. So I will shut up now, and you will write more now. That's right Inskeme, if you ever want this abomination of a reply to end, you will write more of your story. Crap, my left hand just fell off. Preformance...decreasing. Becoming docile...learning to wait for installments without theats...obtaining peace...zzz...

dralactica passes out, and the rest of the world rejoices for it