The stupidest moose on earth


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Not that there are any smart ones really.


FAIRBANKS (October 17, 3:12 pm ADT) - A bull moose was suspended 50 feet in the air after its antlers became tangled in a power line under construction southeast of Fairbanks.

The incident happened on October 5 on the Pogo Mine Road. The moose apparently became tangled in electrical wires while the line, under construction to the Teck Pogo gold mine about 80 miles southeast of Fairbanks, was close to the ground.

Workers noticed something wrong after tightening the line, and backtracked to find the moose hanging by its antlers.
Thats cant, well...

It doesnt look fake...did he moose try to climb with its legs on those iron toe-holds? Why?! Must be just another mystery of the universe like the Stonehenge and Atlantis...

The Vault Dweller
What I gathered from the article was that the moose was messing about with the lines while they were hanging close to the ground. The workers who were running the lines pulled them taught (as they are not fixed fast at each pole but rather able to move) and the moose was winched up. Power lines can indeed hold moose, although I wouldn't recommend it as a method of moose-lifting; but they have to hold their own weight which is considerable (take a look at the stuff the next time you see a spool on the ground for whatever reason, it's *thick*.) Plausible, and hilarious to boot.
Damn, remind me of a moose that ran off the Soldotna cliffs one year. As for this one, young? It looks like it has a double shovel on it, though it is hard to tell from this angle and certainly moose were never designed to be suspended like that. 80 miles SE of Fairbanks would make it in pretty much complete wilderness, and those poles are MUCH larger than they look judging by the ones they used elsewhere. :D

Hilarious. Yes, you find several funny stories like this. Including the raven that tried to chew through a power line in Tok.
I say they keep it as a monument to why we're smarter than animals, especially moose.

After all...we need to take what we can get, given the number of idiots running about....
Damn, I had almost forgotten about that place. Are the huggy-feelys and the Creationists still clogging up the forums? I tried to explain to a few of them how letting little Johnny go out and play in a lake without parent supervision was A Bad Thing, speaking from my experience as a Boy Scout in searching for missing people in Alaska and sometimes helping to fish them out. Apparently, the suburbanite trash didn't feel it was important enough to have to care about kids who have little experience in swimming and let them wander around the wilderness and try to go swimming after being told not to. I have been to that area for a brief while when visiting a friend, and the lake isn't a good one to swim in unless you have a bit of simple experience. Any parent of a teen or younger would be able to tell you that if the kid asks for something and is declined, then takes off, chances are he's doing it anyways.

I pity those morons, and forced myself to leave before I violated the rules, as I would have never in a million years have gotten it through to people that stupid. It was good to see that a number agreed my critique towards education in the US. Namely the point of students acting like they have had no education whatsoever nor common sense.

It's the problem we have here; it's not really stupidity per se, that comes after their denial of their laziness.
Exitium said:
Here's a monument to why a lot of us are dumber than animals:
That's a great site! I've been visiting it for years now and it always pleasantly surprises me with new content. Kind of disturbing - it seems them whenever an idiot removes himself generously from the gene pool, three new ones are bred to replace him. Darwin's theory of evolution seems to be correct for all living beings but humans, since the latter appear to get dumber with each generation.

If this keeps up, people will no longer have the mental capacity to breathe.
It is saddening that technology has allowed people to survive long past the point their stupidity should have removed them from the gene pool.
My sister was bitten by a Moose. No, really!

This is among the funnier things I've seen in a while, Bravo Guy Fawkes.
Exitium said:
Here's a monument to why a lot of us are dumber than animals:

I actually had a married-in uncle who decided to test the piss on an electric fence thing...
my aunt kept saying "I guess the lord thought it was his time."

I had to quickly duck out of the funeral before proclaiming that it was blatant stupidity that took his life.. not the lord...
Roshambo said:
It is saddening that technology has allowed people to survive long past the point their stupidity should have removed them from the gene pool.

That didn't seem to apply to the fella who was paying too much attention to his cell phone instead of the oncoming freight train.
If this keeps up, people will no longer have the mental capacity to breathe.[/quote]

TV already took their capacity to think...the heart will come next.

Reminds me of the experiment where animals could pleasure themselves by pressing a button attached to an electrode to their brain that stimulated the pleasure center. Some died from not eating, drinking, and sleeping...they simply kept pressing the button.

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Reminds me of the experiment where animals could pleasure themselves by pressing a button attached to an electrode to their brain that stimulated the pleasure center. Some died from not eating, drinking, and sleeping...they simply kept pressing the button.

The Vault Dweller
At least they died happy.