Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

Haha nice! I really want to give Atom RPG a try soon!
That video I made was from ATOM RPG Trudograd when it was about 1/3rd finished. I had bought it early release to support devs.The part at the police station was as far as you could go at the time. The police would say " Call back tomorrow " hence the title I used. So I messed about, placed explosives, this kicked things off lol.
Hey Hugo just wanted to say thank you for your mod and your hard work. This mod is art and is great to play. I look forward to the new update
Hey Hugo just wanted to say thank you for your mod and your hard work. This mod is art and is great to play. I look forward to the new update
THANKS!!! Next update is ready sinced a couple of days, I am waiting for my dev team to tell me if everything is good to send it out there. Will be launched any day now! :D
The Sum (Installer)
1. The thread title should be renamed by removing the version number.
2. I see version 1.7a is already available for download... and I wasn't warned :)
here's the installer (Installation time ~10 minutes).
The Sum Installer v1.7 differences from original:
- The game settings have been changed (smart running and maximum blood are installed).
- The "hidden" attribute has been removed from the files (necessity).
- "FT Improver" has been renamed to Improver (for convenience).
- The help files and icons have been moved to the "Readme" folder.
- For files and folders, a single register is used (The Upper Case First Letter in the every word).
- Added HiRes files for the game and tools.
- HiRes files have new stylized icons.
- Empty folders have been removed.
- The --box-- folder and developer shortcuts (lnk) have been removed.
- An installer has been created.
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Oh very sorry for this! I put the new version online minutes before going to holidays so I was a bit on a rush. Happy you found the new link! If there is anything needed to update the thread please tell me.
No problem. Have a nice holiday.

1. It maybe worth removing the number from the title
The Sum (1.7a)
2. and change the version in the description :)
Version: 1.6a - 1.7a
3. and add a link to the first post
  • Link: The Sum (Installer)
Have the original FT fonts been changed for this mod\game?
Hello Hugo,
Thank you for your great work! It is realy huge.
Im level 15 and I enjoy it very much!
Unfortunately I faced some gamebreaking bugs. I can't at the moment leave Estrie over the green exit are. I have a similar problem with Georges where Im not able to leave the level over the green exit area after the second visit.
I hope you could take a look at it.

I downloaded the full 1.8b Version.

Thank you again!
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A quick message to tell you that a new version of The Sum is on the way, the first complete and revised version after the Beta. So, a bit like the 1.0 in some ways. All the bugs that were reported to me are fixed in it, and various improvements are made following comments and suggestions I received. I may step back from adding new versions for a while after this next one to focus more on the game's wiki and side contents, like (hopefully) a magazine talking about the game and some live play sessions on Twitch... To be continued...
Hello Hugo,
Thank you for your great work! It is realy huge.
Im level 15 and I enjoy it very much!
Unfortunately I faced some gamebreaking bugs. I can't at the moment leave Estrie over the green exit are. I have a similar problem with Georges where Im not able to leave the level over the green exit area after the second visit.
I hope you could take a look at it.

I downloaded the full 1.8b Version.

Thank you again!
Oh I just saw that. Thanks a bunch for the reply. As you can see in the post I just made, I adressed all those bug in my upcoming version, I think you'll like it very much! I added various improvements as well, like some functions to advance time in different situations, and an overhaul of the new crafting system, with more expensive recipes and time passing when crafting.
Are there any optional flings (or romance) like in Fallout 2 or Xkcon's Ultimate rip off mod?
While wandering your wasteland i came across a building with a working elevator. I forgot the maps name by now but i think you might know which one it is because i came across something like it only once in your mod so far. It was in a kind of larger city environment with some more npcs inside an occupied building.
I really wonder what triggers were used to make this happen.
Enter zone x / "teleport" anyone in x to zone y? lol please enlighten me!
While wandering your wasteland i came across a building with a working elevator. I forgot the maps name by now but i think you might know which one it is because i came across something like it only once in your mod so far. It was in a kind of larger city environment with some more npcs inside an occupied building.
I really wonder what triggers were used to make this happen.
Enter zone x / "teleport" anyone in x to zone y? lol please enlighten me!
Ah hi Guzer,

Yeah with pleasure! There are in fact two places where an elevator can be found, in the community of Archipel (near ex-Montreal) and also in Eternity (north-west of Chicago). I think you are refering to Eternity.

I remember the triggers being very simple, but kind of incomplete, as they only work for the main character. BUT as long as you have the same tagname for all other companions, you can move them all at once using the move entity trigger. So, from memory, it looks like this :

- One zone for each floor
- A tagname for each door
- A waypoint for each floor

- *Tagname Main character* has more than 0 alive in *Zone 1st_floor*
- *Tagname Companion* has more than 0 alive in anywhere

- Change entity state of door *Tagname door first floor* (to close it)
- Lock door *Tagname door first floor*
- Play wav *elevator .wav file*
- Wait 3 seconds (blocked)
- Move entity *Tagname Main character* to waypoint *Waypoint second floor*
- Move entity *Tagname Companion* to waypoint *Waypoint second floor*
- Unlock door *Tagname door second floor*
- Change entity state of door *Tagname door second floor* (to open it)

This will take care of the change of floors if you have one or more companion somewhere. As moving an entity that doesn't exist will crash the game, you need to add a new trigger with those conditions and actions :
- *Tagname Main character* has more than 0 alive in *Zone 1st_floor*
- *Tagname Companion* has less than 1 alive in anywhere

- Change entity state of door *Tagname door first floor* (to close it)
- Lock door *Tagname door first floor*
- Play wav *elevator .wav file*
- Wait 3 seconds (blocked)
- Move entity *Tagname Main character* to waypoint *Waypoint second floor*
- Unlock door *Tagname door second floor*
- Change entity state of door *Tagname door second floor* (to open it)

Voilà! I think it covers it all. But you are of course welcomed to go check the mission files "core/missions/ville5.mis" for the triggers. There are a lot, but I could pin point the exact ones...
Thank you Hugo for the quick answer! Thought about it awhile this morning with my coffee and i think it wont work for me.
This would only work for premade characters (that got their tagname via the editor) because the custom ones you need to make to play my mod got no tagname selected. i dont think there is a way to make custom chars having a tagname(without editing them in fttools). Or is there an ingame one?
Haha anyways thanks again. I'm really impressed what you squeezed out of the code and the size of your project is just amazing.