We can't have anarchy overnight, can we ?
Haha nice! I really want to give Atom RPG a try soon!
We can't have anarchy overnight, can we ?
That video I made was from ATOM RPG Trudograd when it was about 1/3rd finished. I had bought it early release to support devs.The part at the police station was as far as you could go at the time. The police would say " Call back tomorrow " hence the title I used. So I messed about, placed explosives, this kicked things off lol.Haha nice! I really want to give Atom RPG a try soon!
THANKS!!! Next update is ready sinced a couple of days, I am waiting for my dev team to tell me if everything is good to send it out there. Will be launched any day now!Hey Hugo just wanted to say thank you for your mod and your hard work. This mod is art and is great to play. I look forward to the new update
Oh I just saw that. Thanks a bunch for the reply. As you can see in the post I just made, I adressed all those bug in my upcoming version, I think you'll like it very much! I added various improvements as well, like some functions to advance time in different situations, and an overhaul of the new crafting system, with more expensive recipes and time passing when crafting.Hello Hugo,
Thank you for your great work! It is realy huge.
Im level 15 and I enjoy it very much!
Unfortunately I faced some gamebreaking bugs. I can't at the moment leave Estrie over the green exit are. I have a similar problem with Georges where Im not able to leave the level over the green exit area after the second visit.
I hope you could take a look at it.
I downloaded the full 1.8b Version.
Thank you again!
Ah hi Guzer,While wandering your wasteland i came across a building with a working elevator. I forgot the maps name by now but i think you might know which one it is because i came across something like it only once in your mod so far. It was in a kind of larger city environment with some more npcs inside an occupied building.
I really wonder what triggers were used to make this happen.
Enter zone x / "teleport" anyone in x to zone y? lol please enlighten me!