The thread with the Amaaaazing Intelligence!

Sander said:
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.
Sorry to be a pedant Sander, but he did get impeached. The impeachment is the accusation/trial, not being found guilty and/or being made to stand down.
Pronunciation Key (m-pch)
tr.v. im·peached, im·peach·ing, im·peach·es
1. To make an accusation against.
2. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.
2. To challenge the validity of; try to discredit: impeach a witness's credibility.
I don't generally like to go into semantics, but it is an argument that Sander uses often, so I thought he would appreciate it! :D

EDIT - Just re-read Executioner's post and it seems that I'm just repeating what he said.
Big_T_UK said:
Sander said:
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.
Sorry to be a pedant Sander, but he did get impeached. The impeachment is the accusation/trial, not being found guilty and/or being made to stand down.
Pronunciation Key (m-pch)
tr.v. im·peached, im·peach·ing, im·peach·es
1. To make an accusation against.
2. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.
2. To challenge the validity of; try to discredit: impeach a witness's credibility.
I don't generally like to go into semantics, but it is an argument that Sander uses often, so I thought he would appreciate it! :D

EDIT - Just re-read Executioner's post and it seems that I'm just repeating what he said.

Oww man, Sander got owned! i love it :D
Let's have some Questions here! I think that's why this thread is around!

First, a quick question for the author: Are mindless trivia questions OK, or do they have to be meaningful questions about world issues or some such, like the question I have here:

Q: Name all of the old Soviet Republics (except Russia itself).
There is no way I'll get them all, but here goes

Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, the Kirghiz SSR the Tadzhik SSR and Uzbekistan.

I'm pretty sure I missed 2 or 3 though.

However, if I AM right, which Soviet Socialist Republic was the only one disbanded? and for Extra points, in what year?

EDIT: Upon counting the number of republics I listed (and counting Russia) I've found I've missed one. (There were 15, not counting the disbanded republic) I can't for the life of me remember which one it was though.
Commissar Lauren said:
There is no way I'll get them all, but here goes

Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, the Kirghiz SSR the Tadzhik SSR and Uzbekistan.

I'm pretty sure I missed 2 or 3 though.

However, if I AM right, which Soviet Socialist Republic was the only one disbanded? and for Extra points, in what year?

EDIT: Upon counting the number of republics I listed (and counting Russia) I've found I've missed one. (There were 15, not counting the disbanded republic) I can't for the life of me remember which one it was though.

Everybody say GOOGLE!
Why use google when you have books? And surely there is someone here who knows the one I missed because its really bugging me, I'm going to go look it up now.
Commissar Lauren, you missed just two.
Azerbaijan (or however it's spelled [hey, spellcheck knows that one!]) and the Uzbek SSR. A friend of mine and I were discussing this earlier today. So hence this question. I doubt you Googled it since you've got a mix of the names as free states and as Soviet Republics. (Personally, I can't help but think of it as anything but "THE Ukraine", since I grew up hearing it that way; when they just say "Ukraine" now, it sounds so awkward to me.

So let's get more questions!
Arrgh I never remember Azerbaijan, in 30 seconds I'll have forgotten it again. I did have Uzbekistan/Uzbek SSR though. And yeah, I'm used to The Ukraine too. I've been training myself though.

Whats the free state name for the Tadzhik SSR though? Tagikstan?
Big_T_UK said:
Sander said:
And this is why threads like this. Bill Clinton never got impeached. People tend to give answers, but they also tend to be wrong, ruining the whole thread.
Sorry to be a pedant Sander, but he did get impeached. The impeachment is the accusation/trial, not being found guilty and/or being made to stand down.
Pronunciation Key (m-pch)
tr.v. im·peached, im·peach·ing, im·peach·es
1. To make an accusation against.
2. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.
2. To challenge the validity of; try to discredit: impeach a witness's credibility.
I don't generally like to go into semantics, but it is an argument that Sander uses often, so I thought he would appreciate it! :D

EDIT - Just re-read Executioner's post and it seems that I'm just repeating what he said.
Crap, didn't know that. Ah well...

PS: This thread is a about giving the right answers, because if you don't, you fuck it up for everyone else by posting a new question when you shouldn't've. And then there are people who just don't post questions.
I still want someone to name for me the single disbanded Soviet Socialist Republic. But I missed ONE measly SSR on the list. Like any of you guys could have named even 10.
No, but thats one hell of a guess. Actually the story of the Tuvians is pretty interesting. CCR probably knows more about them then I do though.
Q:What country is Quezon City located in?

My Guessed answer: Sounds like Mexico

The real/google answer: The Philippines

Q: In what year was Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain born?

My Guessed answer: 1485

The real/google answer: 1500

Where was the first battery made, and what two metals were used to make it?

My Guessed answer: Luigi Galvanni's frog leg with zinc and steal, creating 'animal' electricity in Italy. Alessandro Volta believed that the electricity came from the metals and proved it by stacking copper and zinc discs on top of each other.

The google answer:
[url= said:
thefreedictionary[/url] and]
The Baghdad Battery is an artifact from about 250 BC with a structure similar to that of a modern battery.

The jars are believed to be about 2,000 years old and consist of an earthenware shell, with a stopper composed of asphalt. Sticking through the top of the stopper is an iron rod. Inside the jar the rod is surrounded by a cylinder of copper.

Although that is debatable. What was your answer for that?

Q: Which republic?

My Guessed answer: The Commonwealth Republic (excuse the Aussie humor)

The real/google answer:
thenationmaster said:
One republic, Karelo-Finnish SSR, was disbanded in 1956. The remaining 15 Republics existed until the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991 and became independent countries, with some still loosely organized under the heading Commonwealth of Independent States.

It is unfair to ask something so obscure and local, it's like saying what is the SCG, WAKKA, MCG and the Gabba and where?

Any non-Aussies know?
Thats not obscure or local, its a very important part of international history. Finland fought off the Soviet Union in direct armed conflict. Twice. Thats no small feat

As for your questions. Since its in Australia, the SGC must be the Sydney Cricket Grounds of course! I only know that because one of my favorite movies did extensive filming there. The only Gabba I know of are those wierd techno skinheads in Dutchland. I got nothing on the rest.
Yes, they are the grounds for Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane. The Adelaide oval is very nice as well.

The Fins really did show everyone how guerilla tactics and mobility should be used. I didn't know that the Soviets still had any territory in Finland at that time. What does Karelo mean anyway?

The Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic, which was set up on March 31, 1940, was to serve as a reminder for the Finns that the Soviet Union had not renounced their claims. In the ensuing Continuation War, the territory was occupied by Finland more or less from July 1941 until July 1944, and in the following peace Finland was able to defend its independence. On July 16, 1956, the republic was incorporated into the Russian SFSR as the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It became the Republic of Karelia, a subdivision of the Russian Federation, on November 13, 1991.

Common knowledge eh.