So, I've been playing a little bit of Europa Universalis Rome, and it's sort of like scratching part of an itch but the itch keeps coming back and it makes you ANGRY WITH WRHARHHG. The game is deep and all, but it, I dunno, it feels kind of limiting. I've been playing a lot of Sid Meier's Pirates!, too, and I'm a big fan of that. Oh, also Oregon Trail. I like that game.
So, anyway, like, I need game suggestions. Ones similar to the ones previously mentioned, like. I'm looking for a sim/strategy game/rpg. Something like that.
I'm really tired and I'm sorry that this post makes no sense, guys.
Anyway, so I need more suggestions; this time for a different type of thing. Anyway, so I have a netbook. On this netbook, I have Ubuntus Decimus Meridius installed, and, lo and behold, linux and DOS-Box play nicely together. Go figure. Anyway, I've been playing all the games I remember from my youthhood, like Carmen Sandiego and Oregon Trail Delooxe, shit like that. What are some classics of DOS? X-Com, Wing Commander, Star Wars, and Monkey Island are givens.
So, anyway, like, I need game suggestions. Ones similar to the ones previously mentioned, like. I'm looking for a sim/strategy game/rpg. Something like that.
I'm really tired and I'm sorry that this post makes no sense, guys.
Anyway, so I need more suggestions; this time for a different type of thing. Anyway, so I have a netbook. On this netbook, I have Ubuntus Decimus Meridius installed, and, lo and behold, linux and DOS-Box play nicely together. Go figure. Anyway, I've been playing all the games I remember from my youthhood, like Carmen Sandiego and Oregon Trail Delooxe, shit like that. What are some classics of DOS? X-Com, Wing Commander, Star Wars, and Monkey Island are givens.