Poe said:
Well in that case you must have volumes held within there.
Strike two. There is volumes of garbage that I have had to debunk when it deters from the conversation, or due to outright ignorant post-padding like yours.
I cannot quote verbatim all 159 articles of the August 12th 1949 Geneva convention, but I have read them before and understand there purpose.
Your previous statements prove you to be a liar. There is no "between the definitions" of combatants in the Geneva Conventions. If I didn't spell it clearly enough for you, EVERYON IS COVERED BY THE GCS. (Well, not 'everyone', but for the purpose of this discussion it means everyone involved.)
While the articles that go to great length to detail how one is to preserve and protect civilian populations in a time of war I thought we were referencing the treatment of the terrorists themselves, but apparently the point of this discourse has shifted.
I was discussing the treatment and classifications of suspected terrorists, and how they ARE still covered by the Geneva Conventions.
Congratulations for being an ignorant twit that didn't bother reading what I had read.
Now, apparently your focus now is not how America and her allies are addressing the terrorists, but how we are actively targeting the civilian populations and violating the GC.
Read again, moron.
Despite little factual reference for most of your points (unsubstantiated, un-documented, un photographed “Claims” by anonymous sources from obviously biased outlets are not factual) they do sound quite convincing and full of venom, definitely well written prose manipulated to provoke the maximum response from those who are, what was the phrase you used? “Ignorant” of the GC?
HELLOOOO! They cite examples of the Geneva Convention that clearly outline what is going wrong, how the terrorists are still covered by the Geneva Conventions, and etc. Yes, that page is harsh against the US presence, but they have cited examples and definitions of the GC that you apparently are too stupid to want to believe that since they are biased, their usage of the GCs is invalid.
Or that the GCs are themselves invalid, which would be irony in itself.
A quick reference for you would be Convention 4. Part 3. Section 1, Article 28, which states “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations." Thou I am sure as a learned scholar of the GC you already knew as much.
Because I had to operate within them, during a time of war, yes I had to know of them. You know, part of my PROFESSION at the time. Kind of a fucking coincidence, huh?
I don’t know that we cut off water, nor would I bother to find out, as I do know denying an entrenched enemy in an urban environment power to greater enhance our technological advantage on them is doctrine, so it is surely not beyond the realm of feasibility that water would be cut as well to help weaken the enemy and drive the civilian population out of the city.
Now you are a confirmed idiot. Cutting off the water to a major city is considered a war crime because it also adversely affects a number of civilians. Here, since you only care to look up the GCs when it suits your garbage, here is the one you should be interested in:
International law specifically forbids the denial of water to civilians during conflict. Under Article 14 of the second protocol of the Geneva Conventions,
'Starvation of civilians as a method of combat is prohibited. It is
therefore prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless for that purpose, objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population such as food-stuffs, agricultural areas for the production of food-stuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works.' (30)
Remember when I mentioned the supplemental protocols?
You might have wanted to pay attention, jarhead.
But as the GC clearly states, when your enemy elects to hide behind civilians and use their presence as a defense, there is no pause. It is a horrible thing to be sure; defiantly something that requires conviction to pursue.
Liar. That protocol, Protocol 1, Article 51, states this:
The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favor or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.
Therefore it is considered a war crime to use civvies as shields, but it doesn't give anybody carte blanche approval to shoot through civvies because of Article 52, protection of civvies and civvy objects by limiting acts of military force to military objectives.
(Article 54 again proves you are full of shit about the starvation, which includes water, of civvies in order to "get at military targets".)
I don’t know what is more ironic. That the founding authors of the GC saw this kind of conflict coming way back then or that the obviously “educated” elements chose to ignore the fact that they did.
I don't know what is more ironic, the US being held as everything wholesome and the GCs are being used feebly to excuse what the military has done, or the fact that you call yourself a soldier and have no clue about the rules of conflict.
Well, no...irony seems to imply "surprise".
I also don’t understand how people can raise such ire against the Americans, despite the medical care we give, re-construction of infrastructure, building of schools and the like, and shout and scream about civilian casualties we cause while turning a blind eye to the terrorists who actively target civilians and are quite proud of there success at doing it.
You are such a self-deluded shit. How about those who now have had no jobs or home since this entire thing started, who have had to move out of Fallujah and other areas not because of terrorists, but because the US has made living conditions hell in the area?
A token school or rebuilding the country into a few war profiteer's pocket is supposed to impress me. On top of the war crimes. Comedy goldmine.
And then there is the big one, that somehow some peoples perspective of reality has become so deluded with propaganda that they throw logic to the wind and believe for one second that the Americans have chose to fight these terrorists in urban centers where we are hindered by regard for the civilian population that our foes use as cover instead of afield where we can utilize our tactical advantage to its fullest.
Logic to the wind? Sorry, kid, but the GCs were made for a reason - to protect the civvies. Harming civvies for a few military targets is the same shit Hitler, Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo's men practiced on a regular basis, and thusly supplemental conventions and protocols were added to the earlier conventions. Again, wake the fuck up and actually learn about the Geneva Conventions, or do yourself and the US a favor and shut the hell up. NOWHERE in the Geneva Conventions are ANY provisions that state it is okay to kill off, starve, or otherwise harm civvies in order to attack military targets. In fact, that flies in the face of pretty much EVERYTHING the GCIV stands for.
And yes, I am also discussing the terrorists, and what their legal state is. So far, you haven't been able to prove shit about their legal state being nothing to the point where the GCs don't cover them, and have been going off on a diverting tangent that is built upon mouth-stuffing.
But please, preach on as to my ignorance of the GC, thou you may want to give credit where it is due and quote some of the authors you are repeating that propaganda from.
I don't have the time to fully educate you on whom wrote and signed the Geneva Conventions, as that is what I am talking about. If you are so ignorant that you don't know of what else I am discussing, or don't care, don't bother replying again. If you feel like you disagree with the GCs, that is your problem, not mine. Your simple, one-track mind is wholly grounded on trying to excuse the US of war crimes with a very absurd interpretation of one rule, that you absolutely miss that the US violates several other GCs and supplemental Protocols in the same stride. GCIV, Part 3, Section I, Article 28 only states that it doesn't render an area in which civvies are present immune to military presence, meaning that the presence of civvies doesn't render the area impassable for troops to both move and operate through. THAT STILL MEANS THAT CIVVIES ARE STILL TO BE PROTECTED, MORON.
Art. 27. Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs. They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.
Too bad you skipped that one over your determination to feebly excuse war crimes.
Now for chucklehead #2:
Max Demian said:
I think I'll have to side with Poe here, even though I'm strongly oposed to US foreign policy, especially the one regarding Iraq. But his arguments hold more ground than do any of yours.
Speaking of clueless...
Not to mention that he’s virtually the only one showing “proper discussion conduct”, i.e. not blatantly insulting other members of the forum.
Amusing that you presume to tell me what to do on my own forum, much less the general guide of netiquette regarding flames. You might want to read up on them if you want to continue your argumentative cluelessness, as I am not going to entertain your ignorant attitude any longer.
Obviously, the man is neither stupid nor uneducated as you’re implying – quite the opposite.
So then he excuses numerous, excessive and repetitive violations of the GCs with a sloppy interperetation of one rule, regardless of the specific wording of protection for civilians from military action, much less war crimes that amount to starving 3/4 of a MILLION people. Yeah, that's "fucking brilliant" in my book, kid.
The problem here is your(plural) biasness and lack of understanding for other peoples views on the same subject.
I only try to understand idiocy to the point where I can crush it as completely as possible. So far, neither of you have been able to prove anything, instead one assclown excuses war crimes against civvies with a sloppy interperetation of an article, and you come along to suck his ass.
Something which really doesn’t befit experienced “debaters”.
And this negates your post as flamebait, how? Oh, yes, easy to be a hypocrite when you don't bother to match what you claim. So far I haven't seen shit for proof by him, only the sad twisting of one article to excuse war crimes. Let me know when this starts to sink in.
Not to mention a methodical lack of factual reference to back any of your claims…
Amusing, since I have been able to quote and effectively demonstrate the scope of the GCs, addressing his points about the legality of the suspected terrorists held in custody (still waiting for that tribunal!), the violations of the GCs in regards to civvy life and welfare and how the US policy has pissed on that (really, just look up "cut off water to Fallujah" and you will see numerous reports of how it is a war crime), and I have debunked his deluded idiocy in regards to ONE article of hundreds in the GCs and supplemental protocols (so Protocol 1, 54 would also prove him to be full of shit)..
Unless you're too stupid to use Google.com to look up past topics, in which case feel free to leave because I don't have the patience to educate some brain-donor as they stumble into the conversation without a clue..
and more importantly lack of any “hands-on” experience, unlike this gentleman who’s witnessed or experienced the actual implementation of GC in real life situations.
You base that assumption how? I already pointed out that I have had to know the GCs, because I was in the military myself. I can also accurately describe the points of the GC, because I know why and how they were written the way they were. It is part of being a leader in combat situations, and therefore it WAS required knowledge for certain ranks. I am not so sure now.
So far I haven't seen Poe do anything remotely resembling a clue in regards to the GCs. Instead, as I have to bring up multiple times for your benefit, he seems to just be dry-humping of one article in a skewed meaning while pissing on the rest.
Just because some jarhead holds a rifle, that doesn't make them knowledgeable about the GCs.
Naturally, everything isn’t and can’t be expected to be perfect – give one example of modern combat where the GC was entirely adhered to anyway?
Sure, everyone else runs the red light, so it's perfectly legal!
No, I don't see that moronic line of "logic" working either. Furthermore, I can only assume your questionable presence in this thread is because I chewed you out for giving a moderator attitude when you kept double-posting without a clue.
Don't bother to troll again or you will fare worse than this time.