The True Purpose of the Unity


First time out of the vault
Hi there! I got something in my mind that I haven't been able to solve by myself. It's about Richard Grey and his "Unity". Basically, the Master (and everybody else, by the way) tells us that the Unity consists in using the FEV to make everybody into a Super Mutant, and sterilize and kill the dissidents (this last as a last resort).

However, if we download his diary logs in Mariposa, it will tell us that the Master wanted to basically absorb every single mind after they have become Super Mutants into himself.

The problem with all of this is that it isn't conflicting information within the same game (in fact, that happens pretty often). The problem is that it all comes from the same man.

What do you think about this? (P.D: First post, by the way).
I think The Master's plan evolved as he did. He had a lot of time to himself to think after he emerged from the vats at Mariposa, and as he absorbed more minds his own form and thought processes became less and less tethered to his former humanity. Once the stated goal of the Unity (the conversion of mankind into mutantkind and the end of all conflict) had been reached, I can see The Master eventually deciding that there would be no real purpose to the continued existence of individual minds.

I personally come down on the other side of things, though. If The Master had no stake in the continued survival of mutants as a race, why would he decide his plan was a failure and end it all when the Vault Dweller demonstrated to him that the mutants weren't true-breeding? If his eventual goal was just to convert and absorb humanity, his victories would be more than enough to fuel his armies for a one-time conquest, especially when you consider that for this question to even be an issue the Dweller would have to have failed, and so Vault 13 and its (possibly upwards of 1,000) pure-strain humans would have gone to the Vats.
I personally come down on the other side of things, though. If The Master had no stake in the continued survival of mutants as a race, why would he decide his plan was a failure and end it all when the Vault Dweller demonstrated to him that the mutants weren't true-breeding? If his eventual goal was just to convert and absorb humanity, his victories would be more than enough to fuel his armies for a one-time conquest, especially when you consider that for this question to even be an issue the Dweller would have to have failed, and so Vault 13 and its (possibly upwards of 1,000) pure-strain humans would have gone to the Vats.

And yet another hole in that log. Why did they give us those logs then??? Their mention of Unity doesn't serve any purpose at all other than the Master's plan evolution. Maybe all the minds he absorbed until that moment were creating a distorted and conflicting idea?? Was he still having a poor grasp on reality due to FEV overdose?
Maybe all the minds he absorbed until that moment were creating a distorted and conflicting idea??

My guess is that either is this, or when he talks about absorbing every mind it's not literally, as in not absorbing the bodies, but having all of the mutants to be "linked" with him. He seems to be a telepat, able to communicate with at least his smart mutants, probably with all of them, maybe he's able to actually go full on borg with them.
I always thought he wanted to unite everybody into a single organism from the start - thus the Unity.
Good topic for a thread and a discussion.

Not so long ago I was also thinking about this again when thinking about Fallout 1.
I also recall that the Gray/the Master after his initial mutation got the idea of absorbing all other life into itself to achieve 'Unity' from what I remember from his log.

His initial creation of the Super Mutant seemed to be to create an army of followers which purpose was to basically round up everyone for this goal.
Later on the plan changed of turning everyone that is capable into Super Mutants which would then be led by the Master, no reference at all any more on him wanting to merge all that remained of humanity together with him into a single being.

Of course it could be that he left that part of his plan out when he formed the Unity and formed the Children of the Cathedral into a cult that served as his eyes and ears.
It never occured to me that the master would want to absorb anyone.

It knew that the master had absorbed a lot of being in his early phases, but i never doubted that his endgoal would be to have super-mutants all over the world, and spread his own "peace" and way of life.

But now that you adressed the fact that he may still want to absorb some being, i would see the human experiments from the Master's vault, on a new angle...
I didn't think he wanted to absorb everyone. I thought he wanted to covert people into Super Mutants with those that aren't converted not breeding and eventually dying out. Then they would all be the same race and as far as he is concerned be united under one banner and no longer fight amongst themselves.

I would argue that even if Super Mutants were fertile and The Master managed to turn everyone into Super Mutants, it wouldn't put an end to conflict. Somebody is always going to want somebody else dead for some reason, even if they are all green giants. War never changes after all.