I could write a book on this... hopefully I won't...
I personally think the UN and several post-WW2/cold war IGO's (most importantly NATO) are on their way out.
The scar that Bush's inept diplomacy has put on these already crippled organizations is going to set a trend through out the world, 'if you can get away with it, who needs the UN"
The UN is sitting on 3 legged chair. It has a strong economic policy coordination, the development programs have been successful, and a strong sense of international law has been established.
The missing leg is enforcement of law.
UN peacekeeping forces are usually sent in too late (if at all) and when they are sent in they have to full respect a violating states sovreignty.
If the leadership of a nation has done something so hideous that it warrants a security council resolution asking for peacekeeping forces, there is a serious probelm.
Before WW2, the league of nations suffered the same fate. Hitler said to Neville Chamberlin "everything is cool I'll stop invading countries" (in so many words

)... Hitler lied and invaded Poland shortly after, and because there was no allied military existence, ran right through into France. The League of Nations had no enforcement procedure.
At any rate, the point is without enforcement of international law, what good is having the law?
Another thing the next incarnation of the UN or Un itself needs is the ability to control permenent veto-power members. I feel if the Security Council simply stated that a veto could be overriden by 100% of the remaining members saying the veto is invalid, and not in the best interest of the international community. One of the biggest changes in the international community is the fact the US is a sole superpower, and with veto power, it can stand firm against anything that comes through the UN Securtiy Council and still act completely unilaterally. It is an incredible amount of power & responibily for somebody to wield... and puts even more importance on American's to vote...
The UN was a system that was great for two superpowers, but the world has change and the UN needs to adapt to the current world order if it is going to ever become a effective organization...
Opinions are like pancakes at Denny's for me...there is a shiteload of them and they can be hard to swallow....