The Virtues of Monopolies and the SUCKAGE of Netscape.

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>I have tried Mozilla 0.9.3 and
>it took a few MINUTES
>to load up on the
>machine I was using it
>on. I thought it
>crashed X or something.

Oddly enough, the people on slashdot seem to have a radically different opinion on how well Mozilla 0.9.3 works under linux/X-Window.

>Using the default theme it takes
>30 MEGS of memory.
>IE only takes 20.

Okay, which part of "IE takes up a lot of memory when the OS loads" did you not understand?

>Nutscrape uses even MORE. How
>does over 50 MB with
>a single BLANK PAGE
>sound? How about over
>30 MB of memory unreleased
>on closedown?

Note they're refering to Netscape 6.1 PR2. That "PR2" means it is a beta release.

Okay, I just tested it. I loaded Netscape 6.1 with 105MB free. I did the default load, which goes straight to the Netcenter start page. After loading, it dropped to 83MB. I'm using Sky Pilot, which is well known for having a large footprint over the Modern theme, and I have a 5MB memory cache set.

That ends up being 22MB using a large theme and a non-blank start page, which is a far cry from 30MB or even 50MB as that article contends.

Funny thing about that article, read the note on the right hand side of it. The Netscape PR lady said what they're claiming is "pure speculation", then they bash her for it, then then admit what they're saying is hypothetical. Yeah, they're a real good source of information.

>The truth is that IE rarely
>crashes on my system at
>all. NS 4.6 used
>to have a bug on
>my system where it would
>eat up all physical memory
>almost instantly and I had
>to kill it off manually.

Netscape 4.6? I'm talking about Netscape 6.1, an entirely DIFFERENT browser altogether. I'm talking about a browser that was released two days ago, and you're talking about one that's several years old.

Maybe I should start comparing Netscape 6.1 to IE 3.0.

>I did always like Netscape's download
>dialogue though... although now they
>have that Smart Download... bleh.

Smart Download is a 4.x thing. Netscape 6.x uses the Mozilla download system.