The voice acting is intentionally bad


Все умрут, а я волномут
Well, another discussion thread. A somewhat plausible but still not great Female Sole Survivor

could be grown from lack of proper direction.
Remember her work on Heather Poe in Vampire: The Masqurade - Bloodlines, for example more understandable.

I never realised Courtenay Taylor voiced Heather. I do think she's a good voice actress, particularly as Jack in Mass Effect, it's a shame her performance is mediocre in Fallout 4.

Definitely better than Brian Delaney's performance though.
The VAs aren't untalented, as the OP shows. They just didn't have any proper direction or enough time/budget to do shit properly.
Quite sad, really. Least AAA AAA game ever. How many hookers did the Toddler pay for instead of putting it into finishing this mess?
The VAs aren't untalented, as the OP shows. They just didn't have any proper direction or enough time/budget to do shit properly.
Quite sad, really. Least AAA AAA game ever. How many hookers did the Toddler pay for instead of putting it into finishing this mess?
Probably blew it on height-correction surgery. Fucking 4ft fucker and his false promises.
It's not intentional, they just can't do it better.
I'm pretty sure a multimillion corporation can do better since voice acting is something that really could add to the presentation. At least.

No, just a lust for lazyness and pure trolling.
What Bethesda probably does with its voice actors is call them into the studio, hand them a thick binder with the thousands of lines they have to record, and point them to the recording booth where they'll be spending the next few hours. No context for their lines, no direction, no time to even think over what it is they'll be saying. At least I suspect that's how they handle their "regular" voice actors. If behind-the-scenes videos are any indication, they work more closely with the high-profile actors, like Christopher Plummer, Max von Sydow, etc.
What Bethesda probably does with its voice actors is call them into the studio, hand them a thick binder with the thousands of lines they have to record, and point them to the recording booth where they'll be spending the next few hours. No context for their lines, no direction, no time to even think over what it is they'll be saying. At least I suspect that's how they handle their "regular" voice actors. If behind-the-scenes videos are any indication, they work more closely with the high-profile actors, like Christopher Plummer, Max von Sydow, etc.
It's even worse for the localisations. In New Vegas they apparently did all the Legion lines first and without listening to the original lines, and when they realized that they had to pronounce "Caesar" differently, they apparently just went "fuck it, nobody will notice, we'll just omit the lines explaining that".
Probably not the fault of Bethesda, though, it's just to show that video game voice acting still tends to be not exactly highly valued.
It's even worse for the localisations. In New Vegas they apparently did all the Legion lines first and without listening to the original lines, and when they realized that they had to pronounce "Caesar" differently, they apparently just went "fuck it, nobody will notice, we'll just omit the lines explaining that".
Probably not the fault of Bethesda, though, it's just to show that video game voice acting still tends to be not exactly highly valued.
Legion guys have the voices of Skyrim guards. That's funny, at least. Thre are way too many repeats
And there were directly cut lines from Mr. New Vegas, and he didn't have many already
At least the Spanish VA dub is Morgan Freeman's voice

In Fo4, i'll say again, the original it's so mediocre that the localisation, at least the Spanish one holds up really well. And less typos
Apparently the Lat Am console version buyers didn't even get to switch it at will.
If behind-the-scenes videos are any indication, they work more closely with the high-profile actors, like Christopher Plummer, Max von Sydow, etc.

Clearly not, considering they so poorly misused their Ron Perlman by degrading him to the roll of the fucking News Man at the beginning that gets like six lines and is never seen again. I'm still mad about that.
Clearly not, considering they so poorly misused their Ron Perlman by degrading him to the roll of the fucking News Man at the beginning that gets like six lines and is never seen again. I'm still mad about that.

First time I played Fallout 4 I didn't even realize it was him. Who's bright idea was it to have Brian and Courtenay do the narration instead? Ron's the heart of Fallout essentially.

Though if I recall correctly it's not the first time Ron hasn't done the narration. Tony Jay did it in Tactics I think?
I'm not sure how Perlman feels about the franchise now that he doesn't have to do ending narration for every single possible detail of the endings, but at one time he was pretty unhappy with the job. Between that, his star (and star fees) having been consistently on the rise since Fallout 2, and his advancing age, I've always just assumed they were looking to diminish his involvement while keeping him attached to the series for nostalgia/fanboy purposes.