THe world of Fallout sites

Much bigger, Welsh. :cry:

So many Fallout sites that I hadn't thought of in a very long time.

But I'm thinking of them now...and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get nostalgic and weepy-eyed for a while.
Hey Lockout- Yes, I thought there were more. I have been looking around the Fallout Universe, but it seems a few have died or otherwise faded away.

By all means, post links to other sites. This is something this board could use.
Just do a google search and you´ll find a large number of weird Fallout3 fansites, from Romania, Russia, Japan, you name it...

I know those sites, almost every single one of them is on my favorites, although a few have died out, and i have several others, either Fallout related, or that somehow spawned from the Fallout community.
Damn, it's been a while since i've seen some of them. Actually its been a while since I last visited V52.

To think I have posted on nearly all of those sites at one point or another.

hehe, Nukacola, must have nearly been a year since i last visited there forums. I thonk i may drop by and say a quick salut...
I remember helping a few years back with the translation/phonetic translation for one Japanese site. :) I don't remember the name offhand because it was a while back shortly after Fo1 was released, I never really saw the site except once, and the title was in kanji. Fuck kanji. I might try to dig around and see if it still exists, along with any other Japanese sites. I'd ask JD, if he's still around, used to/is still in Japan, though he's been out of touch lately.
Dammit,'re going to get me on another Wasteland playing spree again... I also like the HQ for their coverage and good resources.
I checked out some of those links. Dilweed's Fallout Vault is pretty nice. Lotsa 'Coming Soon' screens though, but the pages with the talking heads are great. They even have voice samples.

What's the deal with "Static"? It looks like a very Fallouty game, but the development has been stopped since what... april 2002?

There is a French Fallout site too somewhere. Does anyone know where to find it?
Yes I am - from a town near Antwerp. Well, actually Bobbejaanland ;)

Glad I could help you out.
Frenchvault was created by Gadro, after spending a few months on NMA he decided to make a French Fallout fan site, with the help of XLA, a webdesign wizard and a php genie. Great days, he told me that if Fallout3 goes forward he might get back to the site.
Roshambo said:
I'd ask JD, if he's still around, used to/is still in Japan, though he's been out of touch lately.
Oh, he's been "out of touch". Out of "touch", you know whutahmean? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Nukacola is also a french fallout fan site. I used to post on their forums a good while back. In fact i remember posting there before i even became a member of NMA's old boards. There still going but there's no translation for the page so you may need basic french to get around.

Anyone here ever been to NukaCola?

RoGuE HeX said:
Anyone here ever been to NukaCola?

Nope. This was the first time. The people from NukaCola apparently do know we exist, though:


Great site. Looks a lot like FrenchVault - probably because of the language, eh? :roll: