First time out of the vault

Silly man 
Doom, Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem 3D were actually 2.5D games. I don't know the technicalities, but basically you could not have one room on top of the other (unless the engine cheated). Height was suggested with l33t programing tricks. It wasn't true 3D. The first engine capable of true 3D was Looking Glass's (Ultima Underworld & System Shock), then Bethesda's Xngine (Terminator Future Shock & Daggerfall) and then iD (Quake).
That's what I wanted to say.
Anyhow, get on with it.

Doom, Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem 3D were actually 2.5D games. I don't know the technicalities, but basically you could not have one room on top of the other (unless the engine cheated). Height was suggested with l33t programing tricks. It wasn't true 3D. The first engine capable of true 3D was Looking Glass's (Ultima Underworld & System Shock), then Bethesda's Xngine (Terminator Future Shock & Daggerfall) and then iD (Quake).
That's what I wanted to say.
Anyhow, get on with it.