White Knight
Water Chip? Been There, Done That

512. All of the pitts steel comes from ingots lying on the floor of an area of the steel works.
camil2003 said:All they wanted was for some hero to stick his neck out to save them. Sure some would have died but that's how it is when you fight for your own freedom but they didn't even try and because of that I figure they deserve to be slaves because of their own fear and weakness(guess that makes me evil eh beth).
In the end I had more respect for Werner until the end(least he actually tried to accomplish something).
As for the others man I think Paul Denton from deus ex hit the mark the best.
"Do what you think is right."
Truly someone willing to die for his causeLinkPain said:When I met him in the end and talked him out of attacking he was like "fuck you all I'm leaving". Disappointment.
LinkPain said:Totally agree with that. Except Werner, he looked like he could do anything but he did not care the least. Revolutionary leaders are not like that as I recall.
Werner looked like Snake Plissken anyway. I knew he was a guy you could only kill with a nuke. When I met him in the end and talked him out of attacking he was like "fuck you all I'm leaving". Disappointment.
though, an IFF system usually involves some kind of tag that identifies you as a friend, not just dropping the MOTION MINE and it knowing off the bat that you're the one who put it there.Wintermind said:In the future, mines have a IFF system is not unheard of.
He's never afraid. He just has more important errands to kill.drgong said:522 - Maryland, while being awesome, shows that inbreeding leads to tough as nails critters. Thus Chuck Norris is afraid to go in the West Virginia Wasteland.
Heh. Which ones? The majority of the ones i've read are good points, roughly half of them have me laughing out loud due to my brain saying "I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I NOTICED THAT PLAYING TOO AND IT'S CRAZY!"Threepwood said:Most of these criticism's are just wrong.
Sduibek said:Heh. Which ones? The majority of the ones i've read are good points, roughly half of them have me laughing out loud due to my brain saying "I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I NOTICED THAT PLAYING TOO AND IT'S CRAZY!"Threepwood said:Most of these criticism's are just wrong.
For what it's worth, regardless of what you read, lots of people really do love Fallout 3. I'm a hardcore supporter of Black Isle and Interplay, and I very much dislike Bethesda as a company, but I also play Fallout 3 and it's a really good game. Even though they dropped the ball on some things and pulled a lot of bullshit on other things, it's still a very fun game to play. I would say Fallout 3 is "very good" whereas the reviews tend to call it "Great", some even say "best game ever" which is fucking stupid. So yeah, people are dumb for deifying and/or fan-hating Fallout 3, but objectively it's still a good game.
Ghoulification is the only side affect of being exposed to radiation. And even then, it's rare.
Dad doesn't really care if you detonated a nuclear bomb in the centre of a small town killing all of the townsfolk
Fire doesn't hurt you.
Minigun bullets cannot penetrate shallow water.
It was a bug then, because bullets don't penetrate water in the games.Threepwood said:I got killed underwater by a Super Mutant with a minigun on my recent playthrough, a couple of weeks ago.
They do, however, penetrate your mom. OHHHHHHHhhh!Faceless Stranger said:It was a bug then, because bullets don't penetrate water in the games.Threepwood said:I got killed underwater by a Super Mutant with a minigun on my recent playthrough, a couple of weeks ago.