This made me cry.

Mormons, though I'm not sure that they are anything different.

I think quite a few of you are under-estimating the affect that such re-education camps can have on people. Through physical torture, they can break down your very personality. Image being trapped in such a place, no hope of escape, being oppressed at every turn. The only way to get out is to become the very thing which is oppressing you.

Jebus, I believe many American Middle-Class families could cough up the money if they wanted it bad enough. Not every kid experiments with drugs, I never did, have no plans to start; neither have any of my friends (though I don't disagree with you on the other two counts).
Tranquility Bay is the oldest of Wwasps' surviving overseas operations. Wwasps affiliates in Mexico and the Czech Republic have shut down under government pressure; its Costa Rica program closed after a revolt by students last month. In the United States, the organization has affiliated programs, some of which are brand-new, in Utah, Montana, New York, California, Iowa and South Carolina, according to public records.

GO rebellions!

This program is unbelievable.
How can people even afford this sort of thing anyway? The money would be much better spent on a good education and proper parenting. Children would not be grateful for such treatment.

I would resist such a program, although I would not have any reason to be 'punished' in the first place. I do not know what will stop half the kids taking legal action when they're older and the US is (slightly) saner. In Australia a 35 year old man successfully gained compensation for psychological damages after being maltreated at a Catholic boarding school as a child.

A middle class family shouldn't have to resort to this thing if they warn their children about the dangers of drugs in the first place. A major reason I would not even consider experimenting with such behaviours is because I have a stable family background, good genes and a love of life.

Truly, this sort of practice is the way to create future Western terrorists.

Is this sort of thing what inspired the South Park "PC camps" episode I wonder?
I think that the kids that don't get their willpower completely destroyed are going to have a very high chance of killing their parents in their sleep, at the very least.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if some psychology student ended up working in such a place and writing a thesis (to be book) about the dangers and mechanisms of indoctrination and conditioning. The book release would of course coincide with the retirement of the management or the closing of the programs, just like trading torture experiments with fascist scientists for their freedom from prosecution.

Such a study would be very interesting though. Especially if the book was written as 'popular' science....... :twisted:
Wwasps affiliates in Mexico and the Czech Republic have shut down under government pressure.
What, they actually had one of those things here?! :puke:

Ah well, at least it got shut down.

I'm making a sweeping and quite possibly erroneous generalization here (please correct if necessary), but I think the funny thing is that those parents themselves were likely little shits in puberty...
Hmm, this reminds me of an article in a magazine in Deus ex, where it said that a teenager had been sent to an "FBI correction camp" for bad behavior. I only thought these kind of things belonged to futuristic fascist governments when I read it. I was wrong. Or maybe I was right...
FBI correction camp? What do you do in an FBI correction camp? Play with Mulder and Scully?
Man, 2 days after I read this I'm still pissed that this thing even exists.
Don't want to sound too anti patriotic, but this sure is a typical american thing...
I mean it's just a darn small step from a private military academy for hard to educating kids to a wwasp facillity...
(don't you think?)
It's a fucking small step from a concentration camp, that's what it is, goddamit.
The people responsible for that kind of things make me think twice about legalizing the capital penalty.

If I could get an M60 and a damn boat off the Mexican coast...
I looked a little in the UN human rights charta for this one; the US have signed it ( )

Just by fast reading throught I see quite a few breakings of it... (how could a us trial have legalized parents to do this?)

Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Well it is sometimes hard to clearly say that the Wwasp centers break these laws, but in my opinion they do
OMG! :eek:
That is 1984 straight up! Big Brother is watching and punishing those children, brainwashing them, humiliating them, making them turn on each other thus managing to totaly isolate the individual and crush his spirit, his will, not to mention his bones! I say we hold another Nuremberg and then send the SOBs that founded and maintain these facilities to the gas chamber, just make sure you use a gas that kills REALLY SLOW!
Wooz69 said:
Man, 2 days after I read this I'm still pissed that this thing even exists.
Ratty said:
Have you considered therapy? :wink:

He's rejuvenating himself regularily on the bench in the park; in charge of the therapy is Dr C. H. Eapwine ;)
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
I say we hold another Nuremberg and then send the SOBs that founded and maintain these facilities to the gas chamber, just make sure you use a gas that kills REALLY SLOW!
Glad to see you won't let us stoop so low as to use methods of punishment equally or even more cruel than their own against them.
Well, the Chinese had the whole re-education thing well done. Brainwashing is nothing new. The Nazis and Red China have that down to a science. America is no different... Just doesn't want to look like the bad guy about it.
Don't forget how much propaganda and control we have in our normal schools.

For example...
With the invasion of the post-modernist English teachers in Australia, all our studies have to be related back to a series of topics such as changing perspectivess, imaginative journeys, speculative text etc. If we do not link everything we do to the central idea we are not awarded marks. Further more we are discouraged from using the words poet, writer or reader, but instead the generic and retarded terms of 'composer' and 'responder'. If we are not politically correct we get hammered (although one guy took the Board of Education to court and got his 99%) and if you try to get anything done, local government merely ignores you, or if you are persistent enough, intimidates you. It is amazing that people who are so idle and stupid can be such good politicians.