Thoughts on bill c-16(AKA the "RESPECT MY PRONOUNS!!" Law)

What do you identify as?

  • A rapist

  • A nazi

  • A pedophile

  • A feminist

  • A Apotemnophile

  • A nigger

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Mr muggyman 3000

Lover of coffe cups
[TRIGGER WARNING] the following thread may contain triggering/problematic, language,and or behavior such as..

-1 opinions

-2 men disagreeing with women

-3 white people disagreeing with black peoples

-4 bigoted statements such as "biological sex is a objective truth", " there only two genders," people should have freedom of speech"ETC.

If you or anyone you know are prone to being triggered by any of the examples above. Please turn off your computer now,and Walk Do not run to the nearest available safe space.

Now to the topic on hand

The bill/law

A professor explaining why it's stupid.

I can't believe this shit is actually being considered at all, if this law is passed people could go to jail just because they called a chick a chick,instead of "zer" ,or -zith" or whatever fucking stupid word sjws want to call themselves. I say we nuke Canada so this doesn't spread to the US:revolution::revolution:

If this does spread to the US I would like to officially identify myself as edgy-dank-meme- gendered my pronouns/identities are....

-1 Hugh Mungus
-2 nigger beater
-4 girly groper
-5 Testicus Erectus

If anyone on this site refuses to call me by my pronouns I will sue your cis normative,patriarchy supporting ass.

TL:dR call me THUNDER COCKKKkKK!!!!!!
This is beyond idiotic.

How the hell something like this even made it this far only confuses me.

Fucking SJWs need to just all walk into the middle of the road during high traffic and just start letting the bodies hit the floor road.
As a trigender pyrofox-kin, I am deeply triggered that you did not acomodate my kin in the poll.

I will be suing you for hurting my fee fees, you racist transphobic furrybasher white male.

(And yes, this is sarcasm...)
Triggered! My preferred pronoun of analrapist isn't on here.

(FYI, I consider myself a progressive, but even I believe shit like this goes too far. Even through the whole preferred pronoun thing actually doesn't bother me, it's not something that occupies space in my mind).
Triggered! My preferred pronoun of analrapist isn't on here.

(FYI, I consider myself a progressive, but even I believe shit like this goes too far. Even through the whole preferred pronoun thing actually doesn't bother me, it's not something that occupies space in my mind).

Going to be honest, I need to ask this...

What IS 'progressive'?

Because modern progressives are the most regressive fucks on the planet.

What exactly do you want, I really am curious.
Going to be honest, I need to ask this...

What IS 'progressive'?

Because modern progressives are the most regressive fucks on the planet.

What exactly do you want, I really am curious.

I'm more into equality for all and not secluding people from society via race, sex or sexual orientation.

I also extend it to politics and religion, religion should be practised freely no matter who you are and modern laws should accommodate this (also through sciences as well like weed being legalised).

I also think that people of differing political backgrounds should also be treated equally.
I'm probably one of the few progressives who actually say I'd rather have more Birth of a nations rather than to see racism silenced. It's healthy to debate and discuss why someone is wrong on that matter rather than just say 'nah, banned'.

I may not like and would personally like to see racism end, but I understand it's a part of humanity that would simply never go away.
I'm more into equality for all and not secluding people from society via race, sex or sexual orientation.

I also extend it to politics and religion, religion should be practised freely no matter who you are and modern laws should accommodate this (also through sciences as well like weed being legalised).

I also think that people of differing political backgrounds should also be treated equally.
I'm probably one of the few progressives who actually say I'd rather have more Birth of a nations rather than to see racism silenced. It's healthy to debate and discuss why someone is wrong on that matter rather than just say 'nah, banned'.

I may not like and would personally like to see racism end, but I understand it's a part of humanity that would simply never go away.

Do we really need a label for what should be called 'reasonable human behaviour'?

The only issue I have with what you believe in, is religion.

I have a muslim Auntie, and she has brainwashed her kids into believing pork is bad, and other crap.

Indoctrination is brainwashing, period.

I guess a religious debate is for another forum, but god damn the holy texts are disgusting.
Do we really need a label for what should be called 'reasonable human behaviour'?

The only issue I have with what you believe in, is religion.

I have a muslim Auntie, and she has brainwashed her kids into believing pork is bad, and other crap.

Indoctrination is brainwashing, period.

I guess a religious debate is for another forum, but god damn the holy texts are disgusting.

My stand on religion is practice it freely, but don't force others into it.

A lot of what people call regressives tend to be more authoritarian, it's these that are giving the left a very bad name.
My stand on religion is practice it freely, but don't force others into it.

A lot of what people call regressives tend to be more authoritarian, it's these that are giving the left a very bad name.

Is that a realistic stand though? By all means most religious people are fine, I've met countless okay christians, and muslims.

But by default, they mostly indoctrinate their kids, or in private schools, other people's kids.

For example, 50%+ of muslims want shariah law.

Now, they are probably mostly peaceful, like most people, but that is VERY VERY alarming, 50% of a group who wants such a law system, which promotes hatred and overall shittiness, is not a group I'd like to have.
Is that a realistic stand though? By all means most religious people are fine, I've met countless okay christians, and muslims.

But by default, they mostly indoctrinate their kids, or in private schools, other people's kids.

For example, 50%+ of muslims want shariah law.

Now, they are probably mostly peaceful, like most people, but that is VERY VERY alarming, 50% of a group who wants such a law system, which promotes hatred and overall shittiness, is not a group I'd like to have.

It should be realistic, sadly, certain groups take things too far.
I guess my issues with religion is more of how it's treated by the people in them and everyone else around.
I do agree, Sharia Law is a bad idea. I've said before that religion and politics shouldn't mix.
It should be realistic, sadly, certain groups take things too far.
I guess my issues with religion is more of how it's treated by the people in them and everyone else around.
I do agree, Sharia Law is a bad idea. I've said before that religion and politics shouldn't mix.

By all means, I wish it was a realistic view, I really do.

But us humans are assholes, we ruin everything.

Religion is fine by me, until they start believing and doing evil.
As a trigender pyrofox-kin, I am deeply triggered that you did not acomodate my kin in the poll.

I will be suing you for hurting my fee fees, you racist transphobic furrybasher white male.
As a quadnonbinarypsuedometagaseousliquidgender furrie kin I find your sexually objectified profile pic of my species doubly triggering

I'm more into equality for all and not secluding people from society via race, sex or sexual orientation.

I also extend it to politics and religion, religion should be practised freely no matter who you are and modern laws should accommodate this (also through sciences as well like weed being legalised).
You should just call yourself a egalitarian then. Egalitarianism doesn't have all the cringy baggage progressivism has.