Ghost Machine
First time out of the vault

mobucks said:I remember reading in this months PC GAMER mag something about CA having the rights to make a WH game with the orcs that use medieval fighting but not being able to touch anything with space marines.
I hope this makes sense. I do not know anything about WH.
By medieval fighting they are referring to Warhammer Fantasy. It's set in the opposite time link of what 40k is, the far future. But some of the races are shared in both series i.e. the Orcs/Orks. While not every race is shared, some are similar to others from both series i.e the High Elves/ the Eldar. In truth, I can see CA making a Fantasy game, and it'd work... well, sort of. Diplomacy between races would probably not exist. And if it was to be a present function, then chances of scoring alliances or even trade rights would be almost hopelessly impossible that it'd be pointless. Sad but true.

As for CA not getting to touch anything concerning Space Marines, it would maybe be for the best if they weren't a faction to be exactly played as in any Total War game they could pitch. However, the idea of them being able to be used in a similar manner as mercenaries could be utilized like in Medieval is still a possible outlet to incorporate them in gameplay terms. Basically instead of hiring them, you could, oh say, request them by a special order after a certain amount of turns or during an important part of the players military campaign. The same could apply to Grey Knights, the more zealous and religion-based *and powerful, very. fucking. powerful.* version of Space Marines. Considering they're controlled by the Inquisition, a powerful group located within the Imperium, they are dedicated to hunting and eradicating daemons. They could act as both a unit-by-request type of force, or they could be their own unique NPC 'army' that comes into play when the play begins to become suspected of heresy.
I apologize if you didn't understand some of what I just stated. I just get that geek sense that everyone knows what I'm talking about when I converse about Warhammer 40k. And with the whole Relic under Sega agenda on my mind, I find it quite hard to retain myself from stating everything deriving from my thoughts on these amazing possibilities that I PRAY WILL COME ALIVE. Excuse my fanboyism for such blasphemy.