Aaron Wieland
First time out of the vault

THIS is what you were looking forI have noticed there is a serious lack of love for the Throwing skill. I'm not exactly sure why, though. I mean, it is hardly the worst. I fact, in a rush game, I've found that stockpiling plasma grenades makes it so you have very effective crowd control. It's also the one weapon type where you really don't need much skill to use them. You chuck a grenade, it just needs to hit /near/ a target. Am I wrong for thinking this way?
One Hander/Bloody Mess ST 3, PE 6, EN 10, CH 1, IN 10, AG 4, L 6
Barter, Gambling, Outdoorsman
L3 Quick Pockets, L6 More Criticals, L9 More Criticals, L12 Mutate, L15 Living Anatomy, L18 Tag!
Main Category: Throwing Only
Sub Category: Must Kill Frank One-On-One
Sub Category: Cannot deal damage with Super Stimpacks
Sub Category: Only deal damage with chosen skill (Throwing)
Sub Category: Only attack with chosen skill (Throwing)
Sub category: Survival Playthrough aka Ironman (Death is GAME OVER)
Sub Category: Better Criticals is illegal
Sub Category: Gifted is illegal
Sub Category: LIVE stream playthrough
Sub Category: Record mouse & Keyboard clicks
Sub Category: Perk rollovers are illegal
Sub Category: Sharing is illegal
Sub Category: Hardest settings (Hard/Rough, ALL Highlights off, Set to "Walk", Fog of war set to Darkest)
SPECIAL RULES Reload after crash OK
-Fallout Entertainment Industries
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