Throwing Weapon Hommage + Request/information.


First time out of the vault
Throwing weapons are a 'little' broken the way they are right now & while there are numerous throwing weapons in the game they dont serve a real purpose in battle wich is a shame.

Way back I never bothered with them & just used them as barter material, though I have to admit when I felt a little 'funny' I used hookers/children or whatever poor bastard was at that wrong place and time for target practise.
Throwing a knife or burning flare into someones eye & making a lucky critical felt like winning the jackpot or lobbing a grenade in a group of homeless guys near a fire watching them explode & float halfway across the screen was priceless.

It was only untill I used one of the weapon/armor/damage mods available (I think it was magnus's) that I discovered some throwingweapons like the grenades could really change the whole feel of combat.
Spending a little more AP on closing in using cover if available & spending a little less on firing off shots just to get to that sweet spot that enabled me to get the best 'BANG!' for my buck (grenade).

Or when I had to clear out a whole room I just threw in a grenade & locked the door using lockpicks. (mayby throwing them in the window but im not sure...its been a while)

When I got addicted to playing fallout 'Ironman style' using only melee or unarmed skills I found out at certain times a good dosis of luck (the real life one not the S.P.E.C.I.A.L one hehe) was the difference in life or death.
However using melee or unarmed with grenades was the perfect blend & it simply just looked total badass..

Imagine a guy just running fullspeed & the only thing he's holding is a big hammer.
They enemy does not know about his heroic endurance & agility, they way he got blessed by a monk wich gave him excelent luck.
The enemy is just laughing and taking mindless shots, most of the shots just miss the ones that do hit get stopped by a layer of brotherhood armor, a layer of tough skin like only a prizefighter can have & last but not least multiple layers of dermal combat implants.
They did not see the grenades he was holding in his other hand, they did not see it when he threw them.. some of them diddnt even hear the explosion but ALL of them felt the shrapnel.

The ones still alive felt the hammer flaying judgement.

As you can propably see I have a rather large imagination, I guess thats why I love fallout & the art style wich leaves so much room for yourself to fill in the details.

Anyway, does someone know how to make all the throwing weapons get the respect they earn ?
Mayby a high level perk wich gives throwing weapons the same benefits of a slayer/sniper.
Also, if I remember correctly the slayer perk has no influence on a spear, the spear & the sharpened spear should be able to get benefits of the slayer perk.

Does someone know how to 'fix' any of these things ?

any other input related to throwing weapons, or unarmed/melee weapons is appriciated.

Bye !!

(enjoying a playthrough with the bald man !)
Riel88 said:
Mayby a high level perk wich gives throwing weapons the same benefits of a slayer/sniper.

That sounds interesting, i'm all for thrown weapons improvements/rebalancing, last time i played i too used Magnus's mod and i particularly enjoyed the increased usefulness of thrown weapons.
Hey X'il !

Yeah man, when I discovered how fun & effective throwing a grenade could be while playing as a firearm or more important a melee/unarmed specialist, I couldnt resist putting points in the skill.

The touch of those grenades & an occasional molotov really gave combat a new feeling.
I mean your not just blindly spamming them, but sometimes theres just this perfect combination of circumstances where a grenade just fits in like a last piece of a puzzle.

Blowing up 3 guys to little pieces, 2 others just slide across screen right into suliks powerhammer range, and hurting 1 other badly.

The grenade then has served its purpose & you can go on with normal combat.
It was indeed playing with magnus his mod.

I just always felt strange to me that melee/unarmed & rangeweapons got that high end perk while leaving throwing out of the picture.
Like they just forgot to make the last high end perk for throwing skill.

However !! Nirran is being so kind to actually make the perk !!
Wich is super cool.

Anyway I really have to go to work now.
Bye !
Riel88 said:
I just always felt strange to me that melee/unarmed & rangeweapons got that high end perk while leaving throwing out of the picture.
Like they just forgot to make the last high end perk for throwing skill.

Well, it doesn't seem that strange for me considering how the throwing skill was something completely neglected overall. I've had my fun with grenades too but I wouldn't go so far as to make it my primary combat skill.

It does seem a little overkill having a sniper/slayer perk (I hate those high-end perks, btw. Too cheap) for grenades, though. Think of plasma grenades. However I see it can be a lot of fun for weapons like spears and knives (and rocks).
Yeah Pelicano I feel you, combat can lose some of its charm when you know almost every hit is gonna blind someone or cripple him.
Sorta like bloody mess takes away the Oeh Aah factor from the awesome death animations.

But for throwing weapons it could actually make em more usefull, also for more difficult enemies.
I like using grenades together with melee or unarmed.

& nothing is more bad ass than blinding and ultimately killing someone with a golden nugget, piece of uranium ore or a plantspike !