Tim Cain feature on Avault..

Very odd indeed. The feature itself ended last Saturday, but I don't see why they would delete it. I just hope they at least kept a log, or that IBNobody, the ToEE UberFAQ guy had time to jot it all down.
Seems they deleted it, strange.. What do you guys think about TOEE ?
This is actually the first time a D&D game has gotten me wet..erm.. hard ? :lol:
ToEE looks like it could be a kickass game. I know next to nothing about D&D, but judging from the little I've read, Greyhawk seems like a more interesting setting than the Forgotten Realms.
Greyhawk was a bit of staple D&D, but the thing about it was that it had a more believable setting than the cookie-cutter world of Faerun (Forgotten Realms). A lot of FR is the same as everything else, except with some exotic and esoteric changes. Most of what BioMorons have done is in the already overused Waterdeep and Sword Coast area, and let's not forget the fanwhoring for Asswind Dale.
By the way, the aforementioned IB Nobody has taken the AVault thread and included its information into the UberFAQ. He has also taken the thread itself and put it here.